
Vief Cakes (IG: @vief)

Ask @viefcakes

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If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Oh my glob, I would die. Like, seriously. That would be horrible for me. It would need to be a song that lasts 3 days so I can't tell which part I've already heard 3958937920 times. o_O
Liked by: Oh Tralala

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How many slices of pizza do you usually eat?

I was having a poopy time and ordered two small pizzas (:/ minimum order amount. Yay for the loner life.) but I can say I did not eat it all. Usually I try not to waste. It depends on the size of the pizza too, of course. Anyway. Pizza for breakfast!! Never waste.
How many slices of pizza do you usually eat
Liked by: Oh Tralala

What's the most unusual thing in your refrigerator, right now?

some polaroid film that moves with me from place to place and never gets used because GUYS POLAROID HAS STOPPED MANUFACTURING ages ago... so I can't bring myself to use it
so it just sits in the fridge
Liked by: Oh Tralala

The picture set You've rebbloged from my page was without link to original poster. I don't want to take credit for the work that is not mine, so when You can, please pay a tribute to THEIR post. Thank You and sorrry

Awwwwww that is really shitty! I try not to do that, I never leave out sources or anything! Which post is it, so I can fix it?

Do you treat your body like a Temple or more like an Amusement Park?

Like a really cool well taken care of Temple of Amusement. ^_~

What's a warning sign that you're in the presence of bad company?

When a person has a knife to your throat and describes how they're going to cut you open with it, maybe you should reassess your circle of acquaintances.
Liked by: Oh Tralala

What does it mean when a girl smiles at a boy?

Who is this girl? Who is this boy? How old is the girl? How old is the boy? Semiotics man, you can't just give two communicators and a sign without a context. TOO MANY VARIABLES. [Pragmatics 101: it is about *context*! Without context, you can't decipher a sign. All you are left with is semantics, which, without a context, is pretty meaningless.]
If the girl is a newborn baby and the boy is her father then it's probably that the girl hasn't developed speech yet, and babies use smiling as a means of communication, because if you look directly at a baby they will signal that you have their attention and they have yours, by smiling at you.
If the girl is a little bit older then maybe the boy said 'hello' and the girl smiled at him to acknowledge that they are greeting each other. Maybe they are starting a conversation. Maybe they know each other, maybe they don't.
Or perhaps the boy is doing something funny and it makes the girl smile. The smile is to say that it was indeed very funny what he was doing just now.
Or maybe nothing funny, but maybe she's been having a rough time and the boy was being supportive and listening to her and telling her encouraging things. Maybe that made her smile, because she felt like someone cared about her enough to make her smile. That smile might mean a thank you.
Maybe the girl and the boy are adults and maybe they want to kiss each other and they discuss whether it's okay to kiss each other and then they kiss and they look into each other's eyes for a minute and then the girl smiles at the boy because it was a good kiss.
After they're kissing and they might be thinking of doing more than kissing and the boy might ask the girl if she wants to, and she might smile and say she does...This smile might be like the above one where it's an assessment that things are going well and this girl really likes this boy and she is enjoying what they are doing and wants to keep going. Maybe she doesn't want to keep going, but maybe she wants to just enjoy the moment and then she might smile because it's a good moment.
Or maybe the boy comes from a long family line of rapists who have raped the women in the long line of oppressed women in the girl's family and tonight is the night she gets her revenge, maybe the girl smashed his head in with an axe and drained his blood and is now offering the blood of the rapist boy to Satan and she's smiling at his head that she ripped from his body and this smile represents that she is breaking the circle of rape and oppression and misery for good.

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Liked by: Fluffylolita

What's the best concert you've ever been to?

This is a tough question. I love concerts, most of them are really great for a number of reasons!
The more intimate Anti-Flag, Cancer Bats, Alexisonfire shows are pretty high on my list, I have to say.

How do you see yourself spending your time in your old age?

I don't really see myself having an old age? If it happens, I am probably surrounded by cats in the Irish countryside or something, in the middle of nowhere, writing memoirs and putting sparkles on everything and the kids who run around in the fields will say "don't go near that house, it's the crazy sparkle lady"~*~* and then I will come out wearing some crazy gothic outfit and they will be scared and run away.
Liked by: Clara B.

Where were you born?

On the couch in a tiny little flat in Rotterdam, and then I was pronounced dead, and then I *really* wasn't dead, and then I was put in an incubator and separated from my family because I was so tiny because I was like 9 weeks early. My dad tells this story the best, I'm sorry, you'll have to ask him when it's my birthday again.
"... I REMEMBER REALLY WELL!! It was the middle of the night, and you weren't supposed to come out yet, but there you were, and you were all blue, and the doctor didn't speak any French, but he said... elle est morte... but you started crying, and we all looked at each other: 'She is nowhere near dead!' and then we had to rush to the hospital..." etc etc

What do you think people think of you?

First of all: I really do not give very many fucks about what people think of me, let that be clear.
When people don't know me, I think they think "She has blue hair" and that I have metal in my face and that I dress funny/stupid/nice/*insert feeling*. This can be positive or negative, but first judgment will always be based on appearance.
When people sort of know me, I think they think "She has blue hair and she's quite sociable" and they might think that I'm nice at least, maybe another positive would be interesting/quirky/cute and probably also 'different' in the sense of not being the norm but also in the sense of not being from *insert wherever the place I live in*, but also not really fitting in with the place I'm from. Does that make sense? So people in the UK are like "Ha! you're not from here!" and people in NL do the same thing because I haven't lived there in ages and because uh, I do things differently I guess? This can also be negative!
When people know me more than surface level I think they'll see mostly a bunch of good things and maybe some of the bad things. Generally speaking happy/bouncy/cute/creative but also moodswingy/always late/insecure/easily distracted/horrible with money/hoarder. All true things, hahaha.
When people really know me, they'll either think that I'm an alright human being, or they will dislike me, which is fine, I just hope people will mostly think that I'm trying the best that I can and that I mean well.

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Liked by: Saltje Art

What do you think about marriage?

Marriage is an institution; I don't 'believe' in marriage in the way that
- I don't think it's necessary
- I don't think it does a lot of good
- I believe everybody should be able to either get married or not get married, depending on their choice [not the case right now, so I will see it as an unnecessary privileged option and until it's equal I don't want to take part in it]
- I think proposals can be a lot of fun, declaration of love, etc. Weddings can be fun but also way over the top for my liking, and marriage in itself is not something that holds a lot of intrinsic value to me.
I think relationships are always going to be a lot of work, whether you are in a marriage or not. Simply being 'married' will not help you or save you from growing apart. I think marriage can be great for some people and relationships are nice and weddings can be lovely... however, a lot of that ends in separation and divorce and I don't think that 'marriage' as it is seen traditionally is something that a person should strive for. Partnership, commitment, love, yes. Marriage? It's not a prerequisite. I know plenty of couples who have been together for decades, with or without children, and they are not married and they are fine. I have also seen divorce... And plenty of people I know come from families that had to deal with divorce.
So, I think, marriage in this day has changed and it's not a bad thing, people think differently about it and so do I. I do not want to get married because I do not think marriage is a necessity that one needs to achieve in order to reach happiness.

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Liked by: Fluffylolita

Have you ever thrown up after eating?

Yes, I got food poisoning ;___;
Hasn't everyone at some point in their life? What a random question. It's like your body's automatic response, quite clever if you ask me.

What can you do that others can't do?

Read my thoughts. Live my life. Feel my emotions. Otherwise I think there's a lot of things that many people can do. But one thing's for certain: there's only one me.
Liked by: Elodie De Frise


Language: English