
Vief Cakes (IG: @vief)

Ask @viefcakes

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If you could live forever, would you want to?

If there's anything that Captain Jack Harkness taught me, then, no. (✖╭╮✖)

i saw you once 3 years ago and i wasn't really into lolita yet and i didnt say anything to you and i regret that

Awwwwwww if this is who I think it is, that's okay don't worry! ♡ You're talking to me now, aren't you? We'll get to talk in person someday, I'll come back to Belgium or you can come to the UK ^_^! [And in the meantime you can ask me questions cause I enjoy them, or talk on facebook or whatever!]
I know the feeling though. I used to be a bit insecure about going to talk to people, but in the end saying something and maybe looking a bit weird for doing that is better than not saying anything and regretting it later. But the reality is, people often kind of like when you talk to them because you might have something really interesting to say, or they were shy themselves. So over the years it has gotten easier to walk up to people and say "Hey, I really love your dress, by the way, I've seen your pictures online, you always look so great! bla bla bla" and start a conversation like this. And then you get to know more and more people and meet more and more of your friends in real life!
HOWEVER, I also believe it's much better not to have regrets at all, so, don't worry about it my dear! ♡

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How often do you go to parties?

ヽ(๏∀๏ )ノ
http://youtu.be/ZRZeCPNHTX0viefcakes’s Video 69632416315 ZRZeCPNHTX0viefcakes’s Video 69632416315 ZRZeCPNHTX0
I'M A PARTY VAMPIRE~! ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)
I actually have never seen Lost Boys :'] I want to!
but yeah this obviously depends on what is defined as a party...
I go out for dancing at least once a month, probably more like 2-3 times a month. But there are also house parties and things like that, and concerts, which are also like parties in my mind. Sooo, I dunno. I don't do the PARTYING, PARTYING, YEAH~! that Rebecca Black does because obviously that is not my lifestyle. Yes, I like dancing, but I also like having pancake parties! or pizza parties! or boardgame parties! or Disney movie marathon parties! Or all of this at once! ^____^/
Somehow, when you're a student, you end up going to parties quite often?!? I do however limit myself because if you wanted to, you could literally party every. single. night.

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viefcakes’s Video 69632416315 ZRZeCPNHTX0viefcakes’s Video 69632416315 ZRZeCPNHTX0

Would legalizing marijuana be a good thing or bad thing?

Oh hey, redundant question. Of course it'd be a good thing. Yes, I am straight edge. But legalisation leads to regulation and you want that stuff. You want the consumer to a] know wtf they are buying, b] be controlled in what they are buying [quantities, types, regulated prices and tax, etc] and c] have a place to consume it.
I am still very much appalled every time I get harassed in the street by a sketchy person. Even if I did drugs, I wouldn't want to buy from these sketch people! That just seems ridiculously dangerous! And keeping it illegal to consume just promotes even more illegal activity. It needs to be legal to sell and legal to buy -- to an extent, of course.

I know I used to be really annoyed living in the Netherlands and having coffeeshops in every other street. But actually, that's simply the best way to go around it. It means there's less of it on the street, so on the one hand you feel safer when you walk around and don't want drugs at all, and on the other hand you don't get this "is this person trustworthy?" crap if you do want them. Of course, there are still problems with illegal drugs even if you have legal outlets but for the average person who isn't a junkie, dealer or grower, it is much much much better if this kind of stuff is legal.
If you're a government and you *know* this kind of stuff happens, and it will not go away, then you know you are better off either making it completely impossible to do it [so be really tough and strict about it, which is very brutal, think of countries where people get imprisoned and stuff] or legalising it. Having it sort of stuck in the middle is really dumb. Marijuana is not bad enough to put people in prison over, so hey, legalise it.

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Do you like your life now?

You're asking me one day before term starts, and just about to go out to have fun with friends, so yeah, right now I like my life. I will probably come back to you when I'm in the middle of deadlines ^_~
Seriously, though, I do like studying. I can't believe two years have gone by so fast already and I'm now going to be in last year! Eeeep! ʘ‿ʘ I like where I am, Leeds is a good place. I like the university and I lovelove my subject, even though I don't really agree with studying/education necessarily [this means doing assignments and working with deadlines. I just have never been very good at them.] I do love getting knowledge into my brain!! Linguistics/Phonetics is such a big and interesting field!!
I also like that I finally have a job and one that I don't hate, I like having friends around and not-so-around, I like being in societies, and I like living in a space with people and having my stuff. Oh yeah and I like being able to express myself and experiment with fashion and things!
There are obviously things that I don't like as much and am working to change. I also dislike being so far away from some of my friends but can't really change that. Oh and I don't like that this is my last year here (。・_・。) -- I am pretty confused about my future but not so much that it stresses me out completely right at this second. This might change of course, maybe it'll change for the better! Who knows!

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Liked by: Elodie De Frise

What's your favorite breakfast food?

Croissants because they are sunday morning breakfast food.
Aaaand muffins. It's not really considered a breakfast food where I come from :'] but they're just so yummm!

What's the best memory that comes in your mind?

✧ Spending time with my friends and doing epic things. There are so many of these memories. Playing boardgames, baking pancakes, long talks into the night. And of course things like sleepovers and Christmas. I always seem to have very very good Christmas memories.
✧ When I got my cat, Spetter.
✧ Summers in Paris and London with my close friends, and my family. The one summer we went to many many theme parks.
✧ There is one memory that I can't really talk about but that my twin-twin knows about and that is one very very special memory to me.
Lolita wise, there's some notable times: when I met Maki & Asuka, when we ran into 6%dokidoki and got on their blog, when I met Kyary and got her autograph, every single Tea Party and every time we got into KERA, as well as the good times I've had with the Tea Party Club and the time we were in Marie Claire!
✧ Adventures with my sister, but specifically the one time we went to see Anthony Rapp together. It was magical. We saw his show called Without You - we were both crying at one point but also so happy, and it just filled me with so much emotion, then afterwards I really had that overwhelming 'wow' feeling and I'll never forget it.
✧ Music-related memories: being up on stage with the Dropkick Murphys. Taking pictures of my favourite bands. Talking to my heroes in Anti-Flag. Hanging with Cancer Bats. Nighttime adventures with Hunter from AFI until like 3 in the morning. The brief time with Peter Murphy including backyard photoshoot. Border-crossing adventures with my bestie and UVR. And every single concert that has taken my breath away.
✧ The times I've performed; whether with the youth circus, with choir, with theatre, with dance, with harp. And now this year when I walked the fashion shows! All very very good memories!
✧ When I went to Tokyo Disneyland. My whole Tokyo trip was awesome but Tokyo Disneyland is like, ugh, I don't know what it is but it is just great.

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Picture's or video i dont mind i just want to see everything you have because i always see your epic outfit's and i think your warderobe would be heaven to me *^*

Haha awwwww. Everything I have? It would take me about 5 years to take photos and upload that! I actually tried to do a wardrobe picture post a few years ago, and so took a lot of photos... and then forgot to post haha.
A video would probably be better but not have such clear image, though if it's just to see what I have rather than the items themselves then that should do.

If you were to write a book what would it be about?

I actually have a vague idea for a longer story in my mind. I've tried writing more personal stuff but I wouldn't be able to fill a book with that [yet?] and it always ends up quite short. So this vague idea has been brewing for a few years and it's a completely different thing, it's more fantasy and has animal characters [nothing like Animal Farm though, but more based on the fables I used to love as a child!] and I actually wanted to make a conlang for it - one of the reasons I started getting interested in Linguistics. Now I've actually not progressed on this conlang at all but I'm hoping one day I'll flesh it out more. But until then I'm not going to spoil my ideas! ;P

Can you make a warderobetour?

Hi! Do you mean as in a video?
I don't really have a good video camera [plus my room is a messss] but maybe if you make a more specific suggestion I can do it? [Like, do you want to see skirts/dresses, wigs, shoes or other things?]

Do you consider yourself a creative person?

Yeaaahhhhhhh. Talented, maybe not so much. Creative, yes. Always have been!

Do you think animals have souls?

I know every rock and tree and creature
Has a life, ~has a spiriiiiiiiit~, has a name
(ノ> ◇ <)ノ♪
http://youtu.be/f4vkq2ztxSwviefcakes’s Video 68446217019 f4vkq2ztxSwviefcakes’s Video 68446217019 f4vkq2ztxSw
(◡‿◡✿) Honestly though, there's so much evidence out there that animals have feelings, I don't know what type of 'soul' you're talking about but yes, animals have feelings and character and will to live. I think that pretty much shows sign of having a soul.

Would you like to live in another country?

Yes. Without any doubt.
Fun fact, Lobster is currently reading a book about good places to live for certain reasons [e.g. place X is good for health care, place Y is good for wages, place Z is horrible and you don't wanna live there] and so far he keeps saying Sweden comes out on top, but the Netherlands seem very interesting to him as well since it's statistically a very good place to live. That's all fine and well - good news for Dutchies - but I personally have zero interest in going back there to take permanent residence and probably won't have that interest for a while.
Ideally, I'd like to spend some time on another continent, I don't really know where yet but I'd really like to check out different cultures and climates than this EU area I've been dwelling in for all my life.
I don't mind the UK at all, I'm quite happy here, but if the opportunity arises to move to another place, I wouldn't say no! And I definitely want to travel!

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Are you a shopaholic?

"I'm not a shopaholic I'm just helping the economy" --- "nothing like a little retail therapy to stay sane" --- "I'll be thrifty next month I promise"
Oh yeah. Yeah yeah, I know it.
I'm trying, sometimes, not to be such a shopaholic. The fact that everything is expensive and that I'm already in debt helps. Other times, it doesn't help at all because it's easy to think "I'm already in debt. Might as well." (⊙﹏⊙✿)
This, AND the fact that Lolita brands just keep coming out with great stuff or that I find 'thrifty' ways to get what I want [e.g. a dream dress on auction for half the price? YES PLEASE AND THANK YOU] make it hard to stay on track sometimes. Now I have a job though, and I have a list of things I'm allowed to shop for and things I am absolutely not allowed to shop for. I'm also getting better and better at walking in a shop, browsing, and walking away. I think that's a good sign of being on the road of recovery? Maybe? I dunno.
That being said, I really wanna reread the Shopaholic books again cause they are so much fun and remind me that at least I'm not as bad as Beccy Bloomwood

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Are you a shopaholic
Liked by: Oh Tralala

What's one thing everyone should do in their lifetime?

Live in a place that's different from where you grew up. Preferably in a different country/culture. It's a seriously enriching experience, I know there are student exchange programmes but I believe it should be mandatory. Don't just go somewhere to visit, live there every day for a couple of months.

How did you make your first money?

Helping my sister with her job when she was walking around the neighbourhood delivering those packages of 'advertising mail', like promotions for supermarkets and shops in the area and the like. I helped her out and she gave me some money and I bought a tamagotchi (^▽^)

If you were to win $10 million, what would you do with all that money?

http://youtu.be/J3xnjksbhi8viefcakes’s Video 59201501755 J3xnjksbhi8viefcakes’s Video 59201501755 J3xnjksbhi8
1. pay off all my debts
2. spend it on myself [house, appliances, braaaaandddddd, trips to all the Disneys in the world]
3. spend it on my family and friends [travels! and a bigggg party hihihi]
4. save loads
5. find a good cause to invest in - I don't trust charity so I won't directly donate to a charity but you know, if I do get those dollars I'll make sure to pick something wisely and useful
6. also I would do something for the future for myself, I dunno what exactly but if I can start something up that'll make sure I'll have a worthwhile occupation for the rest of my life then yes please and thank you!

what would you do when, one day you woke up and all your lolita was gone?

Saltje’s Profile PhotoSaltje Art
I would probably take a good couple of hours to be like "WHAT? WHY? WHERE?", I'd freak out because of the memories and sentimental value. The monetary value I can get over, but things like your first dress, your first brand dress, your dream dress, things received as presents, gotten at a special place or for a certain occasion etc, it would hurt!!! I would probably cry over some of these things if it happens all at once (╥_╥) I don't cry very easily but boh, Lolita means a lot to me.
Thennnnn I think I would take a good hard look as to why the frikkin frik my stuff was gone... If it was for me to make space and be able to start over again, well, so be it. I'd either take it as a sign to start with a clean slate, or as a sign to stop and do something else. In the end, it *is* just clothes and I can just as easily start again. Maybe even easier, now that I know so much more than when I first started out. And the most important to me is my friends and my memories and you can't take those away by just taking my stuff away (◕‿-) huhuhu

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Who or what made you smile today?

My Lobster (✿◠‿◠) He's the best.
Oh and Parks & Recreation and it's hilarioussssss!

What would you do if you ever saw a unicorn for real? :D

FREAK OUTTTTT ♡o。.(✿ฺ。 ✿ฺ)
Be its friend!! And take pictures for sureeeee and try and make it take me to its house in the clouds and convince it to make me a rainbow castle so I can just live up there in the clouds instead of here. Well, that's if it's a pegasus unicorn obviously. (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
Liked by: Saltje Art


Language: English