
Vief Cakes (IG: @vief)

Ask @viefcakes

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Excuse u? More like +100 hipster points because I was answering questions before it was cool on a site ~you probably never heard of~. How is that zero hipster points?

Excuse U I was on the other site so yes I have heard of it. Also you might get maybe 50 hipster points for being uncool and on the other site but you get 0 cool points because you're not on this one. However getting 0 cool points =/= getting hipster points. Srry.

So my FB feed was full of ask.fm and I'm like WOW I TOTES REMEMBER DOING THIS WITH VIEF WHO WAS NOT YET A CAKE BEFORE IT GOT COOL. And then I was trying to log in and it took me like 10 mins to remember that was formspring. Derp, hipsterfail. How dumb am I?

DOH WIFEY! Not being a good hipster, zero points for you.
ask.fm is nicer than formspring though because VIDEOOOOO!!!

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who are your top three English people?

I don't understand this question? As in, from England? Or English-speaking? Famous people? Not famous people?

What fruit do you eat the most often?

✧ apple
✧ banana
by faarrrrrr my top 2 fruit, it's not even that I find them the tastiest? haha.

What are you waiting for?

TICK TOCK TICK TOCK http://youtu.be/UdcObAQ5OOMviefcakes’s Video 59201729595 UdcObAQ5OOMviefcakes’s Video 59201729595 UdcObAQ5OOM
Waiting for my laundry to finish... Generally I try to think not that I'm "waiting" for something but that I'm working towards something. So I'm going to finish my degree, and I'm going to make something cool out of my life [which I'm not 100% sure what exactly yet]. The only thing I'm kind of waiting for is my real own personal space which I'd like to share with my lover and then I can give all my stuff the space they deserve and not have everything crammed in a little rabbit hole. The thing is, I dunno where it'll be, and how long I have to wait to get it. That kind of makes me sad, because I like when things are in place. Then you can move forward much better!

Which is the place that you have always wanted to visit?

☆ Hawaii, beautiful nature ☆ Iceland, again, amazing nature ☆ Walt Disney World because it's the motherland of Disneyparks. And if I'm in Florida then I also want to do a lot of other parks and stuff but these are my top 3 at the moment ☆彡
Which is the place that you have always wanted to visit

Hi vief! can i ask you where you bought your red bob wig? i really like it but can't seam to find it anywhere hugs ♥

Hi, of course you can! (*゚▽゚)ノ★+☆ But I'm afraid the seller I got it from seems to be gone now, because it was a few years ago!
However, I had a quick look on ebay, if you look for "[candy apple] red short straight wig" you should be able to find something similar. Candy apple was the colour name I used when I bought mine but not everyone uses that name so just have a look and I hope you find the thing you're looking for! Just be careful to put "-party" to eliminate all the shiny ugly wigs from your search (*^◇^)/゚Hope that helps! xo

I feel like we could be the fairy's in sleeping beauty i would always choose pink and you would choose blue Random

Heheheheheheh and blue would totally win because the dress is blue for like 90% of the movie <( ̄︶ ̄)>

Are there music artists you really dislike?

Yes. I mean, I try and have an open mind so I don't hate on music or music artists very much as a rule... but I dislike Justin Bieber for being a dick to animals, and I can't stand music by Joy Division and Bright Eyes... And La Dispute. I have tried, I really have, it's just really not my thing. ヽ(゚Д゚)ノ

What's you favourite vegetable?

♡ broccoli
♡ courgette
♡ pumpkin
♡ aubergine
♡ avocadoooooooo, does it count?

What are the things you want to do for sure? like bungee jumping....?

Oh, yes, bungee jumping! I think I'd be super scared but it's indeed one of the things I'd like to do. Another one is going parachute jumping. I got offered that for a birthday once but I'm a bit wary of these things to do with heights as my ears are so horrible and I'm scared something really bad might happen?
Another thing I really REALLY wish to do is swim with rays. I used to want to go diving with manta rays but again, the ears... but I found out there's a place where you don't have to go diving and so ♡ That is a big big dream of mine since I was very little!
And, I want to visit all the Disney parks in the world.
I want to see the Northern lights, I want to go to Iceland, I want to go to Hawaii, I want to bake a pumpkin pie and I want to swim like a mermaid.
Right now I also just want to graduate and have a degree, that would be cool.

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What was the longest car ride you’ve ever taken?

When we went to go skiing with school, it took us a whole day and part of the night, pffff. Oh and I was being really awkward with someone. That made it about 100 times worse.

What sound annoys you the most?

I have a never-ending ear infection and I think this is paired with tinnitus and this bothers me when I can't hear what other people hear [very low sounds, or faint ones] aaaand it really really annoys me when I go to sleep because I have trouble falling asleep because of the noise in my ear! ヽ(●゚´Д`゚●)ノ゚

Hi Vief, did you forget to mention another phobia of yours?

viefcakes’s Profile PhotoVief Cakes (IG: @vief)
Yes Vief, here, let me explain:
I have a fear of getting stuck in a small space [in the dark]. Not so much that I have claustrophobia because I can take undergrounds and lifts and stuff without problem. However, I have been stuck in an elevator before and it wasn't fun. It was mostly so little fun because we were still moving up and down and unable to stop, and we had a small 2 year old with us who was freaking out!! O_O;;
But sometimes, when you take an underground or a train that's in a tunnel, you have to wait. You are not allowed in the station yet, or something. And since the attacks happened a few years ago with bombs and stuff, if this "standing still in a tunnel" happens, I get more and more scared as time passes by - but luckily this hardly ever happens.
Looking back I'm quite okay with my "phobias" - I know people how have waaay worse fears than I do, that really interfere with their lives, so yeah. I do have irrational fears but I wouldn't actually really call them phobia as much. Okay that was all, sorry for the stupid interruption, you can't edit answers.

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Do you have phobias?

☆ big/tall things falling on me -for example if there's a big truck parked really weirdly, like half on the pavement, half on the street and it being not 100% straight, I will go past it in a wide circle. Same for scaffolding, I really don't trust them and don't like going under them. Big ladders for window cleaning are so-so, but if I can, I'll go around them, it's not even that I'm superstitious I just don't want it falling on me!
I think this is rooted in the fact that when I was very young, maybe 6 or 7, we were putting the tables of my classroom on top of each other because school was out for summer. But then something shifted and they came falling down and it scared me so much! Luckily nothing really bad happened, though. And then when I was older we had two metal bookshelf-constructions in our bike shed and I went in to take out my bike and these two immense heavy metal structures came crashing on to me and there were books everywhere and I was stuck under these two things for a bit aaarghhhh I hate it, hate it, hate it.
Also, when I was in secondary school our theatre group did a play and it involved scaffolding and we had to move them around and pack them back up or something - it fell apart, this time on my sister, she got seriously hurt... Man I don't trust these things.
☆ I also have a little bit of a fear of heights. So I'm scared of things falling on me, and I'm scared of falling myself. This wasn't very handy when I was in the youthcircus, because you need confidence to be able to do things like acrobatics... With a lot of training and help I would overcome my fears but still. If I'm somewhere very high I want to be able to hold on to something.
☆ I'm scared of horses. [Some angry dogs, too, obviously. And probably other animals. Haha. I don't know, I haven't really been around every animal ever.] It's not I don't like them. I just don't like being near them?! Or going on them. I have this big fear of being kicked, trampled, bitten, etc, these animals are FIERCE [there's a reason police use them!] and don't hide that they don't like me U_U once I sat on a horse and it ran away and I couldn't do anything and it was super scary. So, people shouldn't be on horses if the horses don't want them to be... I just stay away from them in general and collect toy ponies, much better.

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Language: English