
Vief Cakes (IG: @vief)

Ask @viefcakes

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Oh it took the wrong picture!

This is the "not sure if actual Fairy Kei" stuff I do on a regular basis xD
Oh it took the wrong picture

Are you into Fairy Kei/Japanese fashion? :3

I am never sure if what I'm doing is really Fairy Kei *_*;; but I'm fairly heavily into Lolita so I guess sometimes it's a hybrid style? One day I wish I could pull of actual (hime) Gyaru but it's sooo much effort. After so many years Lolita just comes most easy to me haha!
Are you into Fairy KeiJapanese fashion 3
Liked by: + MAISON NOIRE +

Would you ever get a piercing? Where?

I'm pretty much done, I don't have any wild plans left other than stretching my ears more but I can't make up my mind xD

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Post a picture of the best sports team in the world!

(๑•̀ुᴗ-)و ̑̑
Rotterdam Death Row Honeys of cooouuurseeee!!! (Picture credit: Peter Troest | troest.nu)
Post a picture of the best sports team in the world

What do you refuse to pay for?

Animal abuse. And human abuse. And planetary abuse. Basically anything abusive. And, very important, any movie with Nicolas Cage.
Liked by: Nathan John Payne

Did you ever fall asleep in school?

Yes!! I also fell asleep during a listening exam once - I still managed to get a sufficient grade xD but it was a bit of a panic when I woke up and completely lost track of where we were in the text or which questions - I still fall asleep listening to audiobooks xD then of course it's on purpose haha!!

Well they are funny to see people do

Probably! The problem though with those kind of 'challenges' and things, people forget what the actual cause is about and you get a really vocal group of haters too that are like 'argh I hate all these sheepy videos of everyone doing the same thing'... so hmmmm.

Yes that seems a good way, lots may do it then and raise money

I guess so! ^_^ but then you could do anything, not necessarily a forward roll, haha, not sure why you thought of that!

Well can't anything sponsor a cause

I guess it can but I'm just confused because how is the cause gonna know that I'm supporting them if I just go roll around? xD do you mean like making a video and tagging people? like the bucket challenge?

To raise money/awareness for a good cause would you do a forward roll?

Wait. How is doing a forward roll supporting a cause?? I am so lost ?__?;;

What is your favorite magazine?

KERA and G&L Bible~ such a surprise haha. I wish I could read Egg though, and I also used to like Ageha mostly for all the eye makeup tutorials and sparkles and free gifts. Magazines with free gifts are the best! ❤️✨

How did you feel when you woke up?

Good ^__^ because it was sunday and I was in good company and I had enough hours of sleep. very important.

Besides your country, which is the next best country in the world?

My country is far from the best country in the world :'D there is no best country, each country has it's pro and cons. But my favourite country to live in so far was definitely the UK.

> falling behind Well at least I can assure you I know that feel. I wish I had more time to watch my anime and actually complete them?? but tell me what are some of your fav anime ? ?

✨⭐️ fighting evil by moonlight ~ winning love by daylight ~ never running from a real fight ~ she is the one named sailor moooon!! ⭐️✨
That's the last one I watched even though I'm super behind on the new stuff!! Hearing mixed things about it...

are you into anime?

Mmmmmmm I'm not *as* into anime as I could be, or as some of my friends are. Maybe one day I'll be like "wow I'm 500 years late on this, this is epic, have you seen this?" And everyone will be like *eyeroll* "yes Vief we /have/ seen it, cause we are not 500 years late like you"


Language: English