
Vief Cakes (IG: @vief)

Ask @viefcakes

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What makes you strong?

Kaomoji, look at me flipping a table (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
In all seriousness: the path I've walked so far has made me strong. My friends who support me, make me strong. Eating healthy foods and regular exercise... although I'm not that strong at all, hahaha. Hmmmm.

what is your natural hair like?

You mean my natural hair colour? It's really, really, really boring.
It's like a darkish ash brown.
I prefer browns that are a bit more red, and my hair is nothing like that, haha. I tried to find a picture for you but I think even when I was having brown hair last year, I put extra dye on top cause I hate my own colour so much. Hahahaha.
FUN FACT: I was born with veeeeery light hair! I was very blonde as a child! And it just grew darker and darker. Oh, if only it had stayed blonde, then I'd have much less trouble bleaching and keeping it coloured ^_~

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How fast do you fall in love?

Awwwwww ask.fm! I missed the question about dogs! I like small dogs like chihuahuas and pomeranians and boston terriers. I'm not really a big dog person [pun intended] but here, I gave you an answer.
And as for this question. Well. (•⚗৺⚗•) Quite fast. I am a creature of the sea ~ I keep moving... forward forward forward. It's always been this way, really. I had my first butterflies when I was a young girl, maybe ten years old. After that, it was never hard to feel connections with people. I think I'm very 'open'.
My friends joke I'm a relationship-girl, and that I have a very small 'window'. Sometimes I wonder if that's a bad thing. Generally, I live my life without regret. So, no, I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing. I can crush very easily, and it will go hard. I get hurt, but in the end it's almost always worth it. Even the times when my heart was really really broken. I always ask myself "Is this too fast?" but asking that question means it's already happened, right?! Haha.
But real love? It grows beyond a crush, obviously. It's easy to fall in love, but it's harder to find and keep the real love. (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ Finding the right people to really fall in love with, it's an adventure...

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What are some of the first things you do in the morning?

Turn on the light, snooze, depending on how long I have to snooze: check instagram.
Drink a pint of water, vitamins, eat breakfast and make tea.

(ノ。・ω・)八(。・ω・。)八(・ω・。)ノ Happy birthday dear! ♥ I hope you will have a great day!

Damien7002’s Profile PhotoKingpoof
☆*・゜゚・*\(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆ Thank you deaaaaarrrrrr ♡ ♡ ♡

HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY... hope you get a lot of presents <3

Saltje’s Profile PhotoSaltje Art
HAPPPYYYY BIRTTHDAAAYYYYY TO YOUUU!!!! Thanks <3 I just want to have a magical day that's all I don't even need presents, my friends are my presents <3 <3
Liked by: Saltje Art

If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet?

Wouldn't it be freaking awesome to meet my mother when she was my age? I have so many questions!! Or like, when she just gave birth to me. What her hopes and dreams were for me or something. She would scold me for my bad French, I am sure, though. But yeah. Miss you ♡
Liked by: lessie snape

What do you think about ageplay ?

Mmmmmmm it's not really my cup of tea. I don't have any real opinion of it - if it's between two consenting adults who know what they're doing. If that's your kink, go for it!
But it's not mine. I just wear prints like Toy Parade because I find them aesthetically pleasing. And yeah sure I like being childish and run away from responsibilities but it's nothing like ageplay for me... just escapism and having fun.

are there any fashion styles you want to try?

You know what? I really really really want to try fetish things. And I know that's not really a ~fashion~ style. But I just want to wear things made out of latex and see what happens. You can't really wear that outside... it just always looks so beautiful ;_; and I often wonder what it would look like!
Other than that, mmm, I wish I could do more extravagant gyaru, like hime, I absolutely love it but don't know if I can pull it off, or with things like kogal I'm like "love the look, but would just look boring on me?" and so I never really do that? I guess then it comes down to the makeup, hair and nails, and pfff, so much effort ;P
Aaaand cyber stuff, I'm getting more and more into that now that I have a better vision of what I want, but not 100% there yet. Mori is another one where I'm just like "If I get this ONE more thing, and this, and then, yeah... ok..." and then it never happens because I'm drawn back to whatever is actually laying around in my line of sight. bahahahaha

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what is your favourite nailpolish?

I have about 5 different basically-the-same sparkly nailpolishes :'] Usually a topcoat. I like doing a base coat of a nice colour [in my colour scheme of choice: mint-turquoise/lavender/blue-of-some-kind] and then BAM! ALL THE SPARKLES
Liked by: Oh Tralala

Hey there Vief! Sooooo, 16, 30 and 36?

Heyyy there!
16: Talk about the best party you've ever been to.
Cocktails with lolitas is one of the best things ever. Seriously so much fun!
There was also a time when I *just* came to Leeds and went out with my housemate and international friends and it was greeeeat, one of the best night in Leeds ever, just lucky circumstance I guess.
And several at-house-parties. Those are usually the best.
30: Talk about what turns you off.
LIES and people who tell them.
When people are too straightforward about just wanting to get in your pants.
Not being listened to. Not being respected.
And the obvious: eating meat, smoking, drugs, alcohol, yiiiikes.
Just gross personality things like thinking it's cool to make crude jokes, objectify people and shit, ugh, no thanks.
36: Talk about your guilty pleasures.
High School Musical and Zac Efron. What can I say? Catchy, fun, silly.
And Zac... yeah... well... he's too 'dreamy' for me to like without shame. He's such a typical 'mooiboy' hahah. It's just his silly face and perfect blue eyes and it feels kinda gross to admit I really like blue eyes but I DOOOO but I'm not racist I swear I just like pretty eyes and his are amazing and so are Benedict's and and and
OOH! ehhh yeahh I know another one, but it's not work-safe, so he's probably the REAL guilty pleasure haha. Hmmmmmmmm. heheheheh.

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Liked by: Oh Tralala

What is in your fridge?

Dead vegetables and a heap of products made of soy. The door holds instant and analog film. There's one cartridge of Polaroid film I've moved with me from house to house over the past 5 years and still not used cause it's out of production now. So in the fridge it lives until a very special day.
Liked by: Oh Tralala

Do you have a lot of respect for vegetarians?

Trick question!
But yes, I do have respect for anyone who makes a stand.
It's not always so easy and people who make it work despite all the setbacks definitely deserve respect. People who figure out what they believe in and carry out their belief deserve respect.
Liked by: Oh Tralala


Thanks but it's not true, \(//∇//)\ When I'm in between bleaching and re-dyeing my hair… I look like a mess. Hahahaha.
Liked by: Yuzu

Have you been to any cool concerts lately?

Not really, but I saw naked people on stage yesterday. I think it eclipses the lack of concerts.

Do you like being alone?

It really, really depends. Strictly speaking, I don't *like* being alone. At all. I'm an extrovert and a social animal and I do much better with people around me that I know and love. It took me a while to figure this out because I can also get extremely uncomfortable around people sometimes. I used to be extremely shy!
Luckily for me the shyness has disappeared quite well and I am much better at being social now. However, sometimes even the most social of beings need some time alone.
Yet, sleeping alone is one of the things I really really dislike. You can leave me alone for a whole day and I'm fine... But I'd rather have some sort of social interaction of course. Falling asleep all by myself is hard. Right now I don't like being alone. It's tough to adjust. I don't completely hate it. It's just I'm scared of going a bit poo brained from being too isolated.

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Language: English