
Vief Cakes (IG: @vief)

Ask @viefcakes

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Do you prefer to talk or to listen?

Depends on what it is about, of course. Usually I love to listen first, then talk. But talk to me about the right subjects and I won't shut up~

How do you get in the pool?

Actually I had a dream last night about the old pool in Rotterdam where they had lots of cool slides, sadly it closed...
But usually there's a policy of getting in the pool easily, no? Anyway, I shower first, then I get in the bit where you can still stand and walk, and then I swim the full length. I haven't done any diving in maybe fifteen years, so I would be crazy to do that without practising xD

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Do you have or want a tattoo? What and where?

I feel naked and unfinished, so yes, I want many more tattoos. Some of them are concrete ideas and others are just "That bit of skin needs to not be so empty" - but I'll get there, and you'll get to see it.
Liked by: Rei Ichigo

Which vegetable do you hate the most?

Are you kidding me?! I love vegetables. Okay fine, I don't really like radish... meh.
Liked by: Adri

Which holidays do you and your family celebrate?

January: late Christmas
Feb: Davey Havok Day
March: nothing in March
April: Chuck Bass day, some royalty birthday too, depends what country you're in
May: Marble Day
June: INTERNATIONAL LOLI DAY summer edition
July: nothing in July
August: nothing in August
Septemer: nothing in September
November: early Christmas
December: INTERNATIONAL LOLI DAY winter edition, actual Christmas
There definitely needs to be a summer holiday, look at that gap!!
My family doesn't necessarily celebrate all these with me, I celebrate some of them with friends ^_~

How many hours do you sleep at night?

Depends. I like to get nine hours but that hardly ever happens. The minimum for me to function is three hours, so I'm usually between three and nine hours of sleep :v

Should guys wear a beard and what kind?

Enough with these sexist stereotypical questions!! PLUS, everybody knows the only person really rocking that beard is Queenchita. (✿ ♥‿♥)
Should guys wear a beard and what kind

What should a real man be able to do?

Be swift as a coursing river, with all the force of a great typhoon, with all the strength of a raging fire, mysterious as the dark side of the moooon... - wait. no.
"A real man" should be able to do what the fuck he wants. "A real man" does not believe in the gender binary and does not buy into stupid fucking sexism. "A real man" realises that the phrase "a real man" is nonsense, something that does not exist, something that can not be, something that is meaningless. If a "real man" existed, he would know that he "should be able to do" pretty much anything he wants to do, including not doing anything, if he doesn't want to.
A "real man" is nothing more than a comical character on a TV show, a myth found in the fairy tales sold to actual human beings through mass media and advertisement.
But maybe I can let someone else respond to this stupid sexist question. So here's Guante's updated version of his poem "10 responses to the phrase 'man up' " :
http://youtu.be/QFoBaTkPgcoviefcakes’s Video 120838206523 QFoBaTkPgcoviefcakes’s Video 120838206523 QFoBaTkPgco
"2. If you want to question my masculinity, like a schoolyard circle of curses, like a swordfight with lightsaber erections, save your breath. Because contrary to what you may believe, not every problem can be solved by “growing a pair.” You can’t arm-wrestle your way out of chemical depression. The CEO of the company that just laid you off does not care how much you bench. And I promise, there is no lite beer in the universe full-bodied enough to make you love yourself."
"9. I want to be free, to express myself. Man up. I want to have meaningful, emotional relationships with my brothers. Man up. I want to be weak sometimes. Man up. I want to be strong in a way that isn’t about physical power or dominance. Man up. I want to talk to my son about something other than sports. Man up. I want to be who I am. Man up.
10. No."
I stand by my humans and I don't care if you identity with a gender or not, or if you're only a half-human, like a mermaid. Don't apologise. Don't buy into gender stereotypes. You can do whatever you want, in your fabulous ways. Always be yourself. [Unless you can be a mernicorn, then always be a mernicorn.]

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viefcakes’s Video 120838206523 QFoBaTkPgcoviefcakes’s Video 120838206523 QFoBaTkPgco

So I bought leather boots years ago before becoming Vegan, but I don't want to bin them because that would be even more wasteful. Whats your opinion on the matter?

I feel the same way, which is why I still wear my leather boots I got before going vegan - I have two pair and they're good shoes, it makes no sense to bin them. Making sure you get a good life out of the stuff you use isn't harmful in my opinion, just be careful not to buy anything new and support the industry anymore after you've made that decision ^_^ when people ask about it I just give the explanation you just did, usually people understand.

Have you ever played tennis?

Actually, tennis was the 'first' sport I played as a child. I think I started at maybe 7 or 8 years of age? But tennis is really boring and hard to understand as a not very sporty child I guess... Hahaha. I quit tennis and filled my saturdays with the youth circus after some time, and I'm pretty sure I haven't played any tennis in the last ten years.

What do you like to have for breakfast?

YOOOOOFUUUUUU with optional muesli or granola. And also, porridge. Either wheat or oats, warmed up for super power breakfast food~
What do you like to have for breakfast
Liked by: Michael Warming

What is the best thing to do on a first date?

Boring answer: talk and get to know each other better
Fun answer: watch a Disney movie to figure out if this person is a match for you (if they object to Disney on a first date then obviously there is no match) or if you want to go in extreme mode go to Disneyland so you can use the queues for that talking-to-get-to-know-each-other-better thing.

Where do you like to read?

Depends what kind of reading I'm doing, but mostly in the library, or somewhere where I can drink tea (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Which word do you want everyone to stop using?

I don't want to be a prescriptivist but I think we can do without really offensive words. I'm not going to write them, but things that still have a very recent history of being offensive being used by people... I don't like it. Even if they don't mean it offensively. Maybe that's even worse? If a racist ignorant asshole is using shitty words then at least they have a point. If someone who doesn't claim to be racist uses an ethnic slur as a 'normal word', that irks me.
Another example is saying "Oh that's so gay/don't be so gay". People try to claim that they're not being offensive but they are. We just shouldn't do that. If you mean that a person is really annoying just say "annoying" and don't use a different word to infer that being gay is the same as being annoying.

Would you rather be a mutant (X-Men) or be in the Avengers? ;O

ReiIchigo’s Profile PhotoRei Ichigo
From what I gather, living life as a mutant is always doing a lot of running and hiding from evil people, feeling super miserable about being a mutant... OR you're one of the evil people... neither option looks appealing to me if I have to be completely honest. Well unless I'm a really cool evil mernicorn mutant who is like, out to save all the animals or something.
HOWEVER, if you're in the Avengers then you're teamed up with super cool people. Yeah okay you still have to go into space and fight evil and shit but at least you don't have to be completely miserable about it? Technically it's the same universe so it will still be a bit shit, but you can be in the Avengers without being a mutant ~necessarily~. Alsoooooo the Avengers can do with more non-white-cis-male people/mutants in it ^_~

What did the last text message you sent say?

11:38 rijdt niet ivm stroom storing OH OK THANKSSS D:
* * *
well that's really interesting, not. I sent that on monday cause the train [my second option after the first was missed due to delay on the first train] I had to catch was cancelled, U_U wow such intrigue

Do you believe in horoscopes?

To a certain extent I think horoscopes are fun. I like to read about them and see what applies to my personal life. I don't think horoscopes are right all the time and I don't try to make big life changing decisions based on them. I do think there's a beauty in zodiac signs and theories behind it. It's funny because the personality traits for rabbits or cats don't always align but I'm still both ^_~


Language: English