
Vief Cakes (IG: @vief)

Ask @viefcakes

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What's your favorite day of the week?

Saturday, when I don't have to work and can spend an afternoon with my cauliflower (normal guy) after having worked my ass off at derby practice.

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What was the last song you sang out loud to?


What was your first paid job?

Waitressing at Pizza Hut ? I lasted the trial period (2 months) and then they got rid of me, hahaha.

What's your favorite dessert?

!! Horrible question! (Raw, vegan, chocolate) cake or fruit or icecream, orrrrrr actually... even though I haven't had it in forever, froyo. ?????????
Whats your favorite dessert

Question 1: Should the alcohol drinking age be increased, decreased, or stay the same? Why?

It should be 18 or 21 everywhere. 16 is too young. People's brains aren't developed until in their 20s...
Drinking is stupid and teenagers are stupid - so it should never be lowered, only increased, because stupid+stupid=disaster

What future invention are you impatiently waiting for?

The ability to live underwater, to teleport, to take pictures with your mind.

How do you stay fit?

I would say I eat healthy but I really don't eat all that healthy :'D And I also eat a LOT! I mostly stay "in touch with my body and mind" through exercise though. Roller derby and working out helps!

Question 2: Should school uniforms be banned? Why or why not?

We don't have them where I live but I think there's pros and cons to them. Pro: less worrying about wtf to wear. No bullying based on clothes. No class distinction. Con: boring. No chance to develop own style. Bullying happens anyway...

If you receive this then you will receive the remaining psychology themed spam. If any of these questions offend you, I'm sorry in advance. I will send the questions to you all at once, since I only selected a few people. Question 1: Do you think people marry individuals with similar personalities?

(Yay!) Again, I think it depends. I think personalities can never be the exact same, that'd be kinda ridiculous. But I've also found certain personalities definitely attract, and some opposite personalities could never work - unlike what the saying says!!
I like using Myers-Briggs cause I believe in it to a certain extent. Often the 'ideal' match is not the same type, but also not the complete opposite.
I don't think extreme introverted organised thinker people can handle extremely extroverted chaotic feeler people, right? There has to be some overlap. I see why different types can balance each other out and that's GREAT! And it's also super tricky to have two (or more) of the same because then you do the same things 'wrong' and the same things 'right' which makes it harder to progress. E.g. I'm ENFP and like to talk - if I'm with another ENFP who doesn't really listen because they also like to talk, and I don't really listen, this causes friction. Anyway it's not necessarily bad you just have to be careful!! Any match can work really!! But I think similar personalities is more common.

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Question 5: If an individual has suffered from a mental illness, do you think they should tell their significant other? Why or why not?

This is a really important one. YES!!!
Please for the love of Davey and all thing holy c-o-m-m-u-n-i-c-a-t-e with your partner!!
The person you're spending your time with should know, for your sake and for their sake. Let them know how you dealt with things, what might still be triggering, ask if they can help when you're having a hard time and maybe even give them tips on how to do it.
There is no reason not to communicate this stuff and it can only be beneficial. If you don't do it because you're scared they'll leave you: someone who would leave you over something like this, you shouldn't stay with anyway.
And more often than not, you will see that they want to help you and be there for you. If you tell them and they support you, it will feel so much better! If you don't tell them, you might put someone in a tricky situation if you ever need their support.
Which brings me to if you're still suffering at this moment. Please don't keep these things from each other. Please let your partner know that sometimes the way you behave isn't because of you, or because of them... but because of your mental state.
If you're getting treatment please tell each other so you can support each other... And if you're serious about getting better, accept the help.
This question really hits close to me because I lived with someone with a mental illness and the fact that they weren't getting better and not telling me things was extremely draining to me and detrimental to the relationship.
I'm not free from mental bullshit myself so it's tough and it sucks but I think with the attitude of open communication and a willingness to get better, you can really benefit from telling your partner. Please take care of yourself ok!!! ❤️

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Question 4: Do bullies ever outgrow their behavior?

I think it depends. I think often they need to be shown that their behaviour is wrong, else they might stay stuck in their behaviour... Once someone has done something for a prolonged period of time, it's hard to break out of a habit.

Question 3: Do you think birth order (order a child is born) affects a child's personality? Why or why not?

Because things are different depending on if you're an older or younger sibling and that's also a lot to do with the parents' behaviour.
And you can also often see some differences between people with siblings and people who are an only child.
Not that one is better than the other, just that there are noticeable differences ^_^

Question 2: What is your opinion on self diagnosing? (As in self diagnosing one's self with a mental illness)

It's kind of dangerous in my opinion. Don't do it!
It is also dangerous to diagnose somebody else, for that matter.
I know mental illness aren't easy to diagnose. I also know not many professionals even want to do it. And when they want to, chances are they will still get things wrong. But self-diagnosing should always be done with extreme care.
I say dangerous because if you make the wrong diagnosis, it can lead to unnecessary tricky situations.
For me personally I know it sucks not knowing wtf is wrong with me. And yes, I've tried to figure it out by myself because if nobody wants to help, what are you going to do? But I never say that the things that *probably* apply, really are final. Because I don't know for sure.
Saying someone else "probably has X" or "probably is Y" can be really damaging to the self esteem and self image of a person. Please don't do this u___u;; you can talk with them if they want your advice or whatever but if you're not a professional you should be sooooo careful jumping to conclusions.
A diagnosis is not a cure. It's a tool to help you find a cure. So if you make the wrong one, you can end up with the wrong cure, too. Let's just keep educating professionals and make sure that in the future anyone can just go to them for their diagnosis before jumping to the wrong conclusion.

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Question 1: Should a person with a mental illness be able to adopt a child? Why or why not?

Deep question. But yes, in my opinion if any idiot can have a biological child then anyone can also adopt. Of course there are rules in place for safety and all, and sure, everyone wishes they had perfectly perfect parents... But the truth is, we don't. Parents are just humans.
I think it probably depends, if the illness is so severe that they are incapable of caring for a child, let's not - same for any parent, they will have the child taken from them.
But if someone has been living fine and can take care of a child, eh, why not. Maybe having this child even helps? Mental illness has a huge stigma but things can be done in order to make life more normal? Like you wouldn't say someone with only one leg can't adopt... Well, then someone with a different ailment also should be able to do what they want to do. (Within reason)

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What's the best prank you've ever played on somebody?

Oh I don't know... Some 300 people thought I was engaged. (*~▽~) It was pretty funny. Now we're throwing a party! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Whats the best prank youve ever played on somebody
Liked by: Rei Ichigo

Question 1: Do you believe in yourself?

Depends. Sometimes I really don't, and it's a fine line between being arrogant and being in the way of yourself. It's a path I keep learning to walk.

If you could pick an eye color what would you choose?

I would pick a G3 pony's eyes, probably kinda like Rainbow Dash as she has rainbow eyes [oh really?]. But the thing I find the coolest about G3 / G3.5 eyes are that they have little marks in them? So there's hearts and stars and sparkles and even tiny little butterflies. I would be okay with having purple eyes if I still got that tiny little heart thing in my eye, so, you know, as long as it's not pink.
Some cute G3 eye collage: http://privatebubbles.deviantart.com/art/G3-Pony-Eyes-187869836
Some cute G3.5 eye collage: http://privatebubbles.deviantart.com/art/G3-5-Pony-Eyes-187869731
[ps G4 are just ridiculous, G3 need to come back, seriously.]
If you could pick an eye color what would you choose

Is global warming real? What do you think will happen?

Humans will refuse to go vegan and they will pretty much die and I don't give a fuck. The planet will probably be okay, wiping off this sad excuse for a 'civilised species' and then some meteor will crash into the Earth causing a whole new desert wasteland era to commence... When finally new dinosaur-type life emerges from the wreck after thousands of years, the sun will explode and that will really be the end of this galaxy. ✨
Of course it is real stupid shithead ask.fm

what does ur perfect guy/girl look like?

1. They should not have monster claws
2. They would ideally have a face
3. Perfect doesn't exist~*
4. But the perfect person has a brain that matches mine  (◕‿◕✿)   
what does ur perfect guygirl look like
Liked by: Nafees

Who is your biggest mentor?

The Grand Space Mernicorn Ruler~
In all seriousness, probably my sister ❤️ one of the most kind-hearted and strongest people I know

How do you feel about hiphop music?

I think it smells just like the person who asked this question (≧∇≦)
In all seriousness I do like hiphop!


Language: English