
Vief Cakes (IG: @vief)

Ask @viefcakes

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What’s the one most important thing to get done today?

Survive. Take care of yourself.
If somehow you can't get anything done today, so be it. You have to first and foremost always always always choose yourself. Other things that 'need' to get done, well... They are things. They can always get done. Your own health and sanity are always number one. Make sure you sleep well and eat well and generally take care of yourself and all the rest is much lower priority.

What's the best way to spend $1,000,000?

Materialistic answer: Buy a mermaid house (makes sense in my head) and a tail and invite everyone to come help move in and redecorate. (I freaking love that shitttt) And after all that's done DISNEY TRIP!! Oh and burando. And tattoos.
More sensible answer: obviously need to pay off debts. Peace of mind is good. And maybe not throwing all the money away but giving it to people in need is also good. Now all I need to do is just have money to begin with ehhhhh.

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if you had to travel around the world with one person (class as a friend or more etc) who would it be?

I would choose between some very dear people to me and I would go to different places with different people, say I would spend three months in one part of the world with person 1, then the next three months with person 2, you get the idea. I think that would be a cool idea and the people traveling with me wouldn't end up completely hating me.
I have specific people for specific places in my mnind already (´ε` )♡

What are you listening to right now?

http://youtu.be/XdM2pD-oGZkviefcakes’s Video 103053955387 XdM2pD-oGZkviefcakes’s Video 103053955387 XdM2pD-oGZk
[well I just watched the movie and I keep singing this bit.
"I, Jack, the pumpkin king
That's riiight!
huhahahahaha and I just can't waaaait until next Halloweeeeeen~

What's the greatest invention of all time?

As for man-made things... Writing systems. Language is something that's probably a *need* for us to survive. But writing that down is something those humans had to invent. I love looking at different systems. Take for example the fact that Japanese has 3! It's hard to learn writing systems, but they're beautiful to look at.
And apart from being beautiful or genius sometimes [also think of code! Like morse code! Or spy stuff] they're pretty vital to our communication and a lot of things that are also amazing inventions rely on the ability to write and read strings of symbols.
That, and photo cameras. Capturing light and turning it into a picture. Super impressive!!!

What will you never do?

I can either go in the 'super hilarious, Vief' [aka not funny at all] direction with this: "I will never have a penis". I can also go in the 'super emo, Vief' [aka wow downer, slow down there with the self pity] direction, along the lines of: "I will never have a proper conversation with my mama".
But truthfully? I will never hurt another living being deliberately, or kill it. I have always said I would rather die myself than to do that. Human or non-human, I don't even care if it's because I'm in some sort of weird hostage situation or there is no alternative or whatever. I will be the person in Battle Royale who jumps off the cliff and has nothing to do with it. Literally over my dead body. [Okay, that went pretty macabre there, but, you catch my drift.]
Liked by: Oh Tralala

What is your attitude to smoking?

It's really fucking stupid. Not just if an individual decides to stink up a place, your hair, your food [so glad smoking inside is banned in most places. Reminded of this when we went to Vienna where apparently it isn't banned. Yuck.] etcetera, do I find it stupid. As a capitalist scheme, it's beyond stupid. It's appalling.
A trick to get people to consume, get addicted and get sick. Do you know how much money is in this idiotic industry? And not just in the actual tobacco and advertising. Of course there's also money in the medical side of it. And of course, there's crime... You think that by now we all realise how bad smoking is for about a million reasons... but because there's money in it, we keep going. Keep getting new people lured in. Keep advertising to that young demographic. Keep the big machine going. Davey forbid someone would decide to do something that isn't profitable.
Plain and simple: I find it dis.gus.ting.

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Liked by: Feini Ayumi Wong

If you could only see three people for the rest of your life who would it be?

No! щ(ºДºщ)
That is horrible!!

Which song reminds you of your childhood?

http://youtu.be/6Ejga4kJUtsviefcakes’s Video 102532557115 6Ejga4kJUtsviefcakes’s Video 102532557115 6Ejga4kJUts
This is one of the first songs I called "my favourite song" as it made an enormous impact on me when it came out. I was in awe of beautiful golden lady [well duh. she's. gold. *o*] and at the same time so touched by the imagery of the children surrounded with the violence. It was explained to me what war was, that I shouldn't go visit Northern Ireland, and it just made me so sad, as a child myself, that there were children living like that every day. I think obviously I must have heard about war before but it was kind of an abstract concept to me, something that was "before-my-time-in-history" until that point. This was all very real, and happening in the moment, and it was scary to think about!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bj35qL5yDbEviefcakes’s Video 102532557115 bj35qL5yDbEviefcakes’s Video 102532557115 bj35qL5yDbE
:'D And here's a kid's song I remember, even though 'my' version isn't exactly the same as this version, I guess I must've learned it differently.
Oh and of course
http://youtu.be/av177Hv6DXQviefcakes’s Video 102532557115 av177Hv6DXQviefcakes’s Video 102532557115 av177Hv6DXQ
sinterklaas songs!
This video is so badddd hahahah wtf :'DDDD I'm kinda dying at how bad this is ahahahahaaaaa

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viefcakes’s Video 102532557115 6Ejga4kJUtsviefcakes’s Video 102532557115 6Ejga4kJUts

What color do you wear most frequently?

1. mint 2. black 3. lavender 4. various shades of blue 5. other pastel colours 6. red
Mint/turquoise, lavender and blue are my favourite colours, so over the years I have acquired a lot of stuff in these colours. But I included a picture where you can tell I like to mix-match my pastels.
I have a loooot of black, because 1. it's freaking classy and 2. a LOT of my non-lolita stuff is black - considering 50% of my non-lolita wardrobe is band shirts, skirts and tights, this is not surprising :'] The infamous "50 pairs of black tights" have a reason! Black is a great staple. And black is just a perfect go-to thing for the inner goth/punk/alt creatures. I only 'converted' to pastel colours in the last 5 years or so! [That, and maybe there are just a lot of cool clothes that only exist in a black colourway. coughlikebandshirtscough]
I kinda go through phases. I had a lavender/mint phase a few years back when I had my split hair. Now I'm going through a revival of the blue and darker turquoise. I'm quite happy with my accumulation of colours and pastels though! Sometimes I go out and feel like a walking pastel crayon or smth which is kinda great because the street image always needs more colour! I've always been a fan of rainbows and I don't think it's ever going away... (◕‿◕✿)

My new phase is glitter. Yes. Sparkles on everything. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
In Lolita, I wear mostly pastels, blacks or reds. Not enough lavender!

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What color do you wear most frequently
Liked by: Saltje Art Yuzu

Ohohooo you got a Valentine!

Oooooo (٭゜◡゜٭)Tooo sweeeet! Thanks for the compliment, whoever you are! That's really really nice of you (✿◠‿◠) ♡ ♡ ♡

hey hey do u miss your old lovely Greek housemate? ^-^

Hey hey! Yes!! How are you doing? ^_^
By the way, there's still some mail for you! We need to catch up ^_^'

What do you do when you’re angry?

I get very loud and have to work not to curse, it is just an automatic reaction to start cursing? And I get very Dutch, as in, obnoxious. And Dutch is a wonderful language to curse in... I can be very unreasonably angry and it's not pretty, I can do that in both Dutch and English because I've always used English when I'm upset and sometimes it's more intimidating to use one or the other. I also use a lot more force in my actions, a bit aggressive yeah...
Somehow I rather have conflict and let it out, so it becomes a thing where if it's not really wanted it's better to take that energy and go for a run or something. Bottling stuff up doesn't usually work, I do it, but it's not helpful.
If it's because of a conflict with a person I'd rather talk it out and get something out of it. If it's anger because of something not necessarily fixable then again, better to be a bit productive and have that anger fuel something [I dunno, maybe I'm angry I have too much crap and then I'll angrily start throwing everything in the laundry machine] than to sulk. But sometimes I don't want to do anything productive at all and just start ranting somewhere or to someone. Always fun. And I listen to loud angry music, grrrrrrr!

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Liked by: Saltje Art

What's a popular food you find disgusting?

Meat. Dunno if it counts as 'popular' but the fertilised eggs [aka embryos] that's a Vietnamese dish... I find the smell so repulsive ugh... Otherwise I don't find many things "disgusting", but I really don't like radish.
Liked by: Saltje Art

Have you ever been in love?

Yes (◡‿◡✿) and right now I'm very much in love! It's great. It's even better when someone loves you back. It's the best.
Liked by: Saltje Art


Language: English