
Pamelle Gallardo

Ask @pamellegallardo

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Regardless of responsibilities and what your future would be like, what course would you take? Would you still be taking the same course in college?

ohlaceohlace’s Profile PhotoLace Solis
I would have gladly taken up journalism. But right now, I realized that maybe I'm not meant for writing or being a journalist. So I might be taking up the same course or journalism idk anymore

If you could invent one thing to make your everyday life easier, what would it be?

Something that can finish all my assignments

What is one thing your parents allowed you to do that you would never let your kids do?

I won't let my children watch too much TV haha

If you could live anyone's life for a day, who would it be?

Katherine Bernardo. Because I wanna be near Daniel Padilla too


Language: English