
Pamelle Gallardo

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Really te? Kinsa ang partner nimo adto? Or individual ka? Can i also know what your theory was? :3

Jandall. I can't really remember but it was something about how people don't really change at a certain pace but only change when certain milestones happen and that's why everybody is different because people have different events happening in different times of their lives. Idk if it makes sense to you but it does to us haha

opinion on people with foot fetishes- would u ever want to experience someone sucking ur toes or licking feet

That is so weird
Am I supposed to be turned on as you suck my toes kind of weird

You don't get it don't you? Influenced but what happening is copying and introjection, no sense of individuality, no more order. no more uniqueness, Are we just puppets of one another and each other?

I get what youre saying but that's a point I want to say. We're not all 100% ourselves. We are bits and pieces of what inspires us and the relationships we build from others

People who introject behaviors, traits, principles & attributes of either fictional characters or person of appreciation. Should be more true to one's self create and one's own unique individuality instead of being someone who they are really not. "I want to be like him/her/them" Bullshit Phrase!

Everyone's personality is always influenced by everybody else's.


Language: English