
Pamelle Gallardo

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"She has her made" Ahhhh wa na ayaw na. joke ra pam goodluck hihi

Yeah nakabantay ko ana after nako napost haha sorry wala ko kaproofread but you get my point hopefully :)

Why should we vote for you for presidency, why not the other one. Defend yourself. Dapat anawer from the heart. No lies

I was able to contribute a lot to psych soc even as an assistant secretary, how much more if president ko? But I'm not discrediting Darla's contributions. She has her made significant contributions as well :)

Well said ate Pam! I really see you as a superwoman and with that I just wish you the best in the campaign and in life.

Awww thank you!!!! This made my day :)

Why should we vote for you, and not Darla, as the next PsychSoc President?

Because I believe I can take Psych Soc to greater heights

Kaya kaayo nimu ang position uii even when others doubt you would :) It's not like you can't do well in your classes if naa kay daghan affiliations. Paired with good motivation and passion, you can definitely balance your time well. Goodluck on this coming elections, Pam. Will be voting for you.

Aww. This is so sweet. Thank you!

Not against you ate pa pero yeah people from Psych are still Carolinians but would it be more ok if you'll give chance nalang to others to serve the council para dili bitaw kaayo burden nimo. Not underestimating you but ate It would affect your performance as Councilor as a President and student.

Thank you for your concern but I know my capabilities :)

By observing you, Taas kaayo kag potential kaya nimo mabuhat tanan, naa lng gyud kay occasional mood swings. With the incoming school works projects thesis would it be convenient kung less extra curri focus on studies.

It would be a bit convenient, but I genuinely want Psych Soc to go a step higher in the next AY :)

It's not bawal, but would it be rather convenient if you won't run for presidency, automatic bya ka ma.member sa Cas council ana. I wanna know ur opinion. Don't use the consti as reference

Why would it be convenient? :)

Ate Pam I'm just concern ba na that you'll be running for psychsoc pres. yet you're a councilor na sa SSC, Dili kaha ka maglisod ana Kay mu fourth year sad baya ka diba??

It's all about time management :)


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