
Pamelle Gallardo

Ask @pamellegallardo

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If you can say these 4 words fast out loud without getting tongue tied, you're a genius" 1.)Eye 2.)Yam 3.)Stew 4.)Peed.

Ay kog labda dai

It doesn't mean you're baby sized that you automatically have a baby face. You kinda old and stressed looking. You look more like an ancient looking dwarf.

I always get mistaken to be way younger than I actually am but even if I don't, ngano magsakit man ka na magshare ko ana sa akong timeline hahaha

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Zero? Ew! So you don't do personal hygiene gross. Searching includes reading articles online or books/magazine. Asking people around you or a doctor perhaps. So that's kinda awkward, gross and disgusting. Thing like that doesn't come to mind automatically like instincts. It's supposed to be learned.

Uh ok thanks sa lecture but all of my hygiene came from my family haha sorry i never bothered searching about that explicitly in Google. Take a chill pill lol

How many times have you tried searching hygienic tips and ways on keeping your private parts smelling good or atleast odorless?


Hi. What are highly encouraged orgs to be joined in usc when you're freshie. :)

It depends on your interest! There are so many orgs in the Uni. Get to know them when school starts :)

Unsay ibutang nga organization name?

The org you're involved in :) if you don't belong to an org just put n/ai

Pretend you can declare your own national holiday. What would it be about?

National pamper day wahahaha

Who do you think is in the wrong: the ex who knew he was courting somebody but still flirted back or the guy who said he was just kidding?

What's the full story? If last situation, the guy

Do you think it's OK for a guy to flirt with his ex when he's courting somebody?

Definitely not

Person pleaser have ulterior motives making them users, but user can't always be person pleaser they could use force as an alternative. I do believe you've pleased a lot of people to the point you could ask favors from.them ofcourse for your benefit

Well then that's your subjective meaning. But if I have ever asked favors from people simply because I pleased them, it would be purely accidental. I ask favors from people simply because I think they are capable of doing so and if we're on an appropriate level of closeness to do so.

Users can either be people who use force attain control over people, or pleases and manipulates people to their advantage. You're a person pleasing user.

Person pleasers are not necessarily users and users are not necessarily person pleasers. Lol at your last statement as a futile way in trying to save your case

So there had never been a time when you did a favor for a person, in exchange for his service. You please people so you could control or use them. So was there ever a time honestly. What does that make you?

You do realize that that was simply an answer to a question regarding what I learned so far in life, right? Besides the point, you're describing a user and not a people pleaser.

You are definitely a person-pleaser. you are just in denial, because you will do whatever it takes to receive support from others or impose your ideology upon other people. You're manipulative..

I'm definitely not and if you still insist in calling me so, you definitely don't know me at all.
Liked by: Kyle

"Not all of us are genuine with our intentions" So what's your conclusion about this?

I'm not doing things just to please you if I don't genuinely want to do these things.

Are we not all genuine of our actions, Let's be honest, even you yourself have ulterior motives, you yourself desire to impose your ideology upon others?

No, not all of us are genuine with our intentions

In order to be a good leader, you need ears to listen and a heart to feel. And understand what could please or make your subordinates happy. If you can't do a simple task as pleasing & making people happy then what does that make you?

That's entirely different from being a people pleaser. Leadership should be an organic initiative. Good leadership is when you are able to bring forth your advocacy for the better good, and is not and should never be based on personality. A people pleaser is someone who does things just to please everyone, even though he/she does not genuinely want to do that certain act.


Language: English