
Pamelle Gallardo

Ask @pamellegallardo

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Unsa imong masay sa mga feeling famous Pam? Haha

It helps to have your feet on the ground or you'll be blown away.

naa moy usa ka batchmate nga.lain kaayog batasan.dmd maay lang mamiga

Girl, dili gyud mawala ang bigaon each batch.

Unsay tanaw nimo sa homo section?

Oh em someone might get mad. Hahaha. Uh, pilot/star sections, in general, are unnecessary, in my opinion.

I see how you step in dog poop and I come to you and ask you if you happy when i lick your shoes clean. what would you say

Go away you freak

Unsa mga flowers na nice?

I like sunflowers and peonies but they're expensive here cause they don't really grow in Philippine weather/climate

You look very young bitaw. Like you haven't aged.

I used to be so offended by this but now I'm not haha. Thank you! (I have forehead wrinkles forming now tho...)


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