
Pamelle Gallardo

Ask @pamellegallardo

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Well you were smiling lol. What kind of shoes & socks were they? Lol

School shoes and foot socks? Who is this and what do you want with my socks huhu

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Hehe, where did you get them so dirty? And why no shoes? :)

walked around the house :) cause we dont wear our shows inside the house haha

Name five fears

1. The dark
2. heights/falling
3. Women who completely cover their hair
4. Spiders
5. Horror movies

Aww, you've never gotten them dirty before? Lol

I have oy that's why I know how tiring it is to remove stubborn stains haha

Haha, you have to wash them anyway, so why not get them dirty and have some fun? Lol

Because then the stains would be so hard to remove! :(


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