
Pamelle Gallardo

Ask @pamellegallardo

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Yeah, i kinda like it that way :) pero makasense ka na malain ang tawo nimo?

If padungog2, no. I'm not the kind of person who overthinks, assumes, or puts malice on what people say or tweet. People really have to be explicit with me haha

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What's on the top of your birthday wish list?

So timely cause my birthday is nearing haha! Samsung S5 pls but hangyo is Charles & Keith na bag haha

he wants me to change for the better, like to stop cursing but it's so hard and its not being me anymore and it's just so hard idk what to do now

Your boyfriend is usually your bestfriend. And when best friends pinpoint these things, they are usually warmly welcomed for it means that this certain behavior is something unpleasant or can hurt you in the long run.
Try talking to your boyfriend why he wants you to stop swearing. But basing from your question, I assume you are trying but you find it extremely difficult. Take baby steps; omit one frequently used swear word a week or some other alternative. You don't have to change overnight because that's not possible. If you think that swearing is a 'part of you' , try looking at things in his perspective.

What is the best commercial you’ve ever seen?

The one where the baby came out of the mom's womb an started talking, walking etc.! Was a YouTube ad for an internet provider and I didn't want to press the skip ad button haha

if you love a person, will you try to change that person for the better or will you let him/her be? because my boyfriend is trying to change me, for the better but i'm having a hard time dealing with the change :( help please

If I love a person, I wouldn't let him/her do things that are harmful. At most, all you can do is point it out and help them realize that but in the end, it's all up to you

Ganahan ko nga walay tarong klasi karong tc days pero naa pa jud diay ;3

Haha hangyoa inyong teachers. There's strength in numbers hahahaha


Language: English