
Pamelle Gallardo

Ask @pamellegallardo

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How would you explain color to a blind man?

It's the chill you get when the night wind blows
It's the laughter you hear from a newborn child
It's the rush of blood on your cheeks you after your first kiss
Liked by: Patrice Gallardo

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Mutuo ka na nga mga babaye nga dako kaayo ug katawa kay way arte?

Mutuo ko na mga ingon ana na babaye kay naa ra sa garaon, papansin, or inconsiderate.

lol whats this Chatous app everyone is talking about?

I haven't heard of it so everyone's not talking about it...

Whole body pic of your outfit during acquaintance?

I realized I have so few pictures of myself during the ap haha

What are you reading?

For leisure: insurgent
Right now: Journal articles regarding delinquency and peer pressure


Language: English