

Ask @omgpoptarts

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i have no problem with people joining wattpad. but, i feel like they're just going to treat it like another social networking website when it's not. wattpad is a place to share stories and read, and i don't think some people fully understand that.

Well, almost. I really don't want my friends to end up finding my Wattpad. Omg, no.
But I know what you mean because I heard that Wattpad is starting up hashtags and, to me, when they got rid of the share your story club because the ambassadors are too freakin lazy to actually do their job and watch for vote trading, it was going downhill as an author site.
Like, you took away the main point of Wattpad which was to share your stories around, so what's the point anymore? Sure the whats hot list wasn't all that great but it was WAY better than the crap that's there now. Probably five good books are on the list.
Like, what even is that thug book on the front page? It's got to go. Along with the other 1d fan fictions that AREN'T in the fan fiction category where they belong.
Liked by: Shany Amber

how did you discover Wattpad?

I was searching for an ebook app in the App Store last June and I saw Wattpad. So I thought it was a legit author site and I started reading float (it was #1 in teen fiction) and then I couldn't figure out why it only had like 11 chapters and the book never ended so I was confused for a good two weeks before I even understood what Wattpad really was.
And then in July I made another account to write a book after a month of being a cover maker lol.
Liked by: Sue :) Shany Amber

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omfg in middle school there were these dumbasses ( there's always a dumbass) and yeah so these guys would take pixie stix and they would snort it in, like wtf you doing, you ain't cool

happyshany100’s Profile PhotoShany
Told y'all its teaching those kids early.
But through sugar: our weakness.
Liked by: Shany

Exactly! Anyways what's up

Miley Cyrus' stupid psycho song is stuck in my head.
The one where she twerks on a teddy bear and pepto bismol comes out from the girl who doesn't actually chops off her fingers? Yeah that one.
Liked by: leah edlene

Haha, are you you're not hallucinating?

its really hard to tell the difference when you're zoomed out on an iphone.
Liked by: Alyssa

"colored crack powder" omg that is the best definition for pixie sticks

crazycupcakes’s Profile PhotoAlyssa
pixie stix just ease children into the real world starting with drugs.
welcome, children.
Liked by: Alyssa

What was the last present you received?

Well my sister bought me pixie sticks today that I've been eating like a psycho.
It looks like colored crack powder all over the table.
Liked by: Alyssa

True that, Tasbiha. Hahah

Not that you just agreed with yourself.
Although you almost got me.
Liked by: s

I've NEVER boiled my toothbrush lol...you're kinda scaring me here. And yes, you should read it!

jambajuice21’s Profile PhotoElise
we always do
and okay, when i finish this one book

boiled your toothbrush? and don't worry you didn't ruin it...there is a sequel, because the main character chooses to live :)

jambajuice21’s Profile PhotoElise
yeah. because in the factory, it touches all of those things. you're supposed to boil them before you use them.
WOO okay then i really might read it lol
Liked by: Elise

wait I didn't know it's a trilogy omf...and I'll try to finish tonight and see? idk what're you up to?

jambajuice21’s Profile PhotoElise
okay. if i ruined it oops.
i was making a buttload of covers...then i stopped.
and i just boiled my toothbrush...
so i'm probably just gonna be staring at my computer screen for the next 5 hours.
Liked by: Elise

This girl gets into a car crash and is left in critical medical condition. Her entire family died in the crash. The story retells of her life and her relationships with her loved ones. It focuses on whether she should stay (fight the injuries) for her boyfriend, or leave (die) to be with her family.

jambajuice21’s Profile PhotoElise
but it's a trilogy.
wait...i hope i didn't just ruin the ending for you unless i'm wrong...
Liked by: Elise

She might just think of it as: Tabitha thinks you're pretty. Haha

please, i get my own name confused with yours, i'm sure everyone else does too lol

How does Donkey look? Like his height and stuff?

short blonde hair (natural blonde)
blue eyes
like 5'7"?
in shape but thinnish
high cheek bones
straight teeth
Liked by: casey

so you don't like him anymore? boys of nowadays

nope. he started to turn into a jerk too. not towards me, but other people.
welcome to 'murica.
Liked by: Elise

what do you mean originally April? did you change it?

my parents wanted to name me april but they thought i'd get made fun of by having a month name so they changed it to naming me tabitha.


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