

Ask @omgpoptarts

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urr so skinny

idk if this is a compliment or not lol
but dude it's like impossible for me to even gain weight and it has disadvantages.

RIGHT i keepoovoo chatting you. and no the anon wasn't me /:

ForThreeWishes’s Profile PhotoPrincess Mar
Oh okay lol
Yeah I deleted it again. After a few days of no response I just got rid of it. It's cool

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I'm sorry I'm an awful friend when replying to things

ForThreeWishes’s Profile PhotoPrincess Mar
Was that anon you?
That's why I don't really message you much anymore (I'm honestly not even trying to sound rude! Read this with so much care) because I get anxious and scared when people don't respond to my texts or messages and they've had the opportunity to read it and I feel annoying so I just stop after a while because it's too much to handle. And it shouldn't even be a big deal to me lol.
But yeah that's why I haven't messaged. But I've also never received a message so idk what happened. I deleted my oovoo again if that's what.
Liked by: Princess Mar


Messages where?
On Wattpad I do unless it's about a cover. Covers sit there until I'm on a computer so I can make them.
On kik I haven't gotten anything so...
Idk who this is either lol

what are your top three favorite tv shows?

I actually don't really watch tv anymore but
That's so raven
Wizards of Waverly place

no lol. i saw it so i asked this one haha i just saw whichsallie up and the link to her main account wasnt working so

ThoseRainydays’s Profile PhotoKareema
Oh WhichSabrina lol. Yeah. It's gone I guess. I still kik her though.
Liked by: Kareema

tabitha! lia and i were talking about sallie's wattpad. so she did delete it. i haven't spoken to her in forever, so i didn't know

ThoseRainydays’s Profile PhotoKareema
You sent that question? Or no? Lol
Oh yeah. She deleted it.

did Sallie talk to you before she disabled hr wattpad? do you know why she did it?

I mean we never stopped talking lol.
It's just because.


ThoseRainydays’s Profile PhotoKareema
Yeah. Well not right now because I'm in Spanish so until the end of next year I won't be looking at, trying, or writing Japanese just because I might get confused. Like the rules of the language and stuff. I'll have To brush up again haha :)

15 things about you [or/and your stories] that most people don't know?

1. I don't talk to a lot of people I used to anymore
2. I don't want to attend college in Kentucky
3. I'm probably the only person in Kentucky who doesn't have a dying passion for horses or country music
4. Actually I don't even listen to music by choice 80% of the time
5. Writing is my worst hobby because I can't write a good thing ever. That I like.
6. I've played violin for 6 years
7. I like giving advice and I never judge from it
8. My body won't let me gain weight or muscle because it hates me
My book(s?):
9. I hate reading it because I hate the way I write
10. It got popular my third day on the site and I didn't know what to do
11. Rose is basically a lot of me minus some whiny habits. Basically just the weird jokes and some experiences she has are mine just altered
12. The new book probably will never be written
13. Idk if I can even make it through to finished Thalia's last chapter
14. Half of my fans are ghost users and have abandoned their account
15. I don't know why I did this.

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Liked by: Princess Mar leah casey

Good luck on yours too!! My dad said if I wanna practice driving tmrw I have to be out of the house by 5 AM and I'm like is there anything like sleep or nah

Omg I don't even think I'd do it lol. I value my sleep
A little too much but still

it was actually fun and I didn't crash into anything. So i'm excited for this saturday too cause it's my next lesson

Well that's good! I can't say the same about crashing into something lolol.
When do you get your license

I know I saw u look amazing!! I'm good it just sucks exams are coming up and i skipped school today

oh thanks!
welll yeah prom was really cool and fun. and i had gotten that dress for free but i foun the saem one online and it was freaking $3k....so i'm ©lad it was free for me lolol
why'd you skip? but i feel you on those exams...

How was your prom

If you scroll down to that pic of me in that prom dress and go up, it's in there lol.
But how're you???

i do have my phone, but i don't have kik? i tried downloading, but something's really wrong and i can't. are you using wattpad right now?

illeum’s Profile Photojagriti
Ugh no. I can't use Wattpad til like Thursday or something. Is there another app or no?
Liked by: jagriti

I wasn't thinking something is wrong with you. you said you wanted to talk to someone, so ta da! is there a particular reason, anything at all? you could tell me if you want.

illeum’s Profile Photojagriti
Did you get your phone yet or no?
Liked by: jagriti

hello, i'm here.

illeum’s Profile Photojagriti
Oh gosh you probably think something is wrong w me
There's nothing wrong. I mean there is but idk what. I'm anxious and paranoid. Ugh
Liked by: jagriti

What motivates you?

I just need someone to talk to sometimes omg. Like now. This is so horrible and I don't even have a reason for being paranoid
Liked by: jagriti


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