

Ask @omgpoptarts

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but what would i need to confess about? besides, this is technically "anon." ~ E. C.

Just spill inner feelings about him to relieve yourself :)
Yeah but you're telling me who you are lol

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If you could invent one thing to make your everyday life easier, what would it be?

I'd invent something that makes everything easier.
Liked by: s

haha, my interim said i have a D+ in drivers ed which is pathetic but i know for a fact i have an a now so it's all good. oh, a concert with him... <3 haha that's cool!

you have a drivers ed class? lol
no.. forget the heart xD
whatre you up to?

haha yep, so how's school going?

fine. the same grades. . .
i have an orchestra thing thursday where ill have to .. ya know.. be with him :T
and then the rest of the week is school as usual . in art class im making a crown out of clay because im queen tabby and all.. lol
Liked by: Ahmed Alharbi

oh okay, she is too popular, so you should just send her a question xD

no it didnt take much to get there but i didnt know what i was looking for. . lol

yes omg AND WHY DO YOU KEEP FORGETTING just send jessie a ? she's online now anyway sooo yeah

i dont see it. i went up to three days ago and saw nothing but gifs lol

it was in the past two-three days, maybe i asked it? idk. D: well, you still can't give up home c: it's going to happen, everyone's rooting for you guys! do you have a ship name :3

okay ill go look now. (omg i keep forgetting lolol)
kate made it dontha. . .
because his nick name is donkey....

no, they're not :( she doesn't think it's gonna happen. i think jedi will though, if we give it time <3 but it means that he's willing to defend you. HE LIKES YOU OK! can i be your wedding planner?

okay ill go stalk her page for it now. how longs ago do you think it was and who asked the question? lol
if i ever have a wedding my sister is probably planning it because she majors in that stuff. she had her wedding in september.
look guys, i know him .. . i dont really think he does. :T
and he probably wasnt even serious about it anyways lol

ugh she's too popular. i can't find it D: ask her and she'll tell you. But seriously, he wanted to beat up a guy for you? YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS ;D

okay. are they dating or something?
like.. hed get in trouble. then id get in trouble. lol
Liked by: Alyssa

oh lol, well i didn't mean a specific aspect, but now that you mention it, how's your crush...? did you hear about jessie and hers? their ship name is jedi [courtesy of me]

jessie? no i didnt see it. link it to me! :O lol
well im sure you saw davens....rated r remark....so yeah i was being awkward today. i passed him in between 1st to 2nd period and we did the usual (smile and shake our heads after calling the other a mean name) btw his class for 2nd is three doors down from mine so were in the same hall
then in 2nd period (OF ALL DAYS! HE WASNT EVEN AT SCHOOL YESTERDAY SO WHY NOT THEN?!) we had a tornado drill and we had to go to the first floor but his class is closer to the steps.
so when i got down there to line against the wall, he was already sitting and tried to trip me as i walked by (and failed at it because i caught him)
then that was pretty much it. but after school i texted him about a mean note i left him on his music stand and he claims he never saw it (i think the other cello players like me, so they ripped off my note #lamee) so i told him what it said or whatever then he started talking about a guy he cant stand in the 4th period orchestra and how hes gonna get him because he snitched on 5th period orchestra cellos. (theres only like 3 cellos in 5th)
so then i asked why or whatever... and then i talked about stalking.
and i told him i have at least 5 stalkers in school and he was all "U want me to stick him? Lol " (slang for beat them up or whatever. ) and then i talked about brownies and thats it.
he hasnt replied yet to my brownie remark :P
so there you go. a long and completely pointless story. lol

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idk what's shaking is like wassup? so basically i'm asking wassup?

i know but i meant name a topic of life (school, what i ate, my crush, homework) are you asking about? lol

apparently his phone broke and stuff, so yeah. anyway, what's shaking?

what do you mean?
like be specific. what aspect of my life are you requesting information for?

haha i bet it was! I'll watch it one day! But okay, so, today, I would have seen my crush, I really would have and I was planning on talking to him and everything, but then I showed up late to school, so I couldn't see him before classes which is when I usually see him so you know, I couldn't :(

oh thats sad :( text him!

Poptarts are now legalised in most regions of a new country called AT-PT. yeah.

thers no country named at pt... lolol
BUT STILL im eating a poptart now... B)


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