

Ask @omgpoptarts

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who said i wuz judging you? i'm the girl who feels that she just made an amazing accomplishment just because she finally printed out the first chapter of her book, lol.

Printed? You're absgaiabshsis I'm confused what do you mean printed lol

Hehehe, no, I'm not the anon who sent you the livetyping? Why did you think that? :) I mean personality. I don't really fall for the looks, I'm more of a personality kind of girl. Plus, I really love your crush stories because I completely understand you. (:

Idk you used the same smiley lol. So I just guess you're from Wattpad? ;P
My crush stories are sad and embarrassing.
But he's nice, hugs often, sarcastic, the skinny muscular type (not buff but they're strong), laughs a lot, understanding (dude he's like the therapist for everyone), and outgoing.
Like really outgoing.
Like. It's creepy.

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I don't know. Maybe because I'm urging you to go after your guy.

Yeah that's not happening.
If nothing happens by the end of next year, ill tell him at his graduation :)

If you want other than your friends' opinions on something(love, relations, friendships, self harm, bully..) or if you need to tell share your story please contact us www.ask.fm/teenlinesupport

Okay :)
That's nice of you guys :)

Can you describe your crush? :-)

Personality? Sure.
Physically? Not so much.
Guys I'm so freakin scared that one day, one of these Anons are gonna be from school or him and when I describe him it'll be all obvious and who it is and UGH.
So do you want a personality description? Lol
(Btw is this the same one who sent the livetyping? :) )

well leave those waffles now and go after yo man.

I have a graduation party today and I'm in my forever lazy.
I'm not going out in public in my forever lazy

that's good and bad at the same time. now you just have to go after and proclaim your love for him. ;)

Girl, stop.
I'm eating my waffles.
That's never happening. He's just a crush :P


No, but really guys, the anon Didnt bother me lol.
I'm glad you like Thalia :)
And eh. Idrc. It's just a peeve when people try to say I'm not smart and I honestly hate bringing it up. I'm a nerdy type of person.
I would continue a response but idk what you mean by I bring it up all the time.
The only thing I keep thinking of that I bring up are my science jokes but I doubt you're talking about that. Thanks for stopping by! :)

And what college would you like to go to?

I'm not sure yet.
I know for a fact I want to go to California for college though :)

asking you so tell me :)

Well is irrelevant now but ill tell you anyways lol
I was gonna say how donkey is dating that chick but it doesn't matter now because theyve broken up. But not officially. They're dating because no one actually has said "it's over" but they stopped talking to each other. And she's trying to date like two other guys right now so he's basically cheating. She was holding hands with one on Friday

Lol about that yesterday I had a mental freakout in Math and it felt like I liked him omigod it's crazy. Hopefully! Now back to you. Friends you shall be but closer friends the better ;) U never know

I would take a break and then try again. Lol. Your mixed feelings ;P
Ummm. Idk. I just a really don't lol
Liked by: holly

Oh and my friend read Moonglass. I love the cover and holy sh!t this keyboard is laggidy. I can't type to same letters without having to check for errors.


I swear. I want to slap that anon's face. Then knee his balls [if it's a girl I'll just take away her shopping money.]. Then kick his ass. Oh well. - R. P.S.: Thoughts on 'the reporter' [I'm guessing you know who] who deleted your comment.

Who's the reporter?
But yeah idrc. The anon is an idiot. I honk they're saying that because they came and said the same thing when I told Daven I couldn't figure out where the Mediterranean was but if they read the whole conversation, I was stressing and just couldn't remember lol

Puh-lease soon enough Donkey is so gonna fall for ya ;) Ik Nacho and I are nothing that's why I'm wooting for u 2 <3 TAKE HIM!!

Yeah you made it clear you don't like him lol. But you'll find someone soon ;)
And donkey. Eh. Idrc still. I'm still his friend no matter what.
He's like one of my good guy friends

Plus one? What to u mean? Aww he shuld then see how hot u r lol

Yeah like "you're invited plus one guest"
So you bring someone if you want to :P
GURL. I would not even get into a swimsuit if he was there.
Hot? Me? Stop.


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