

Ask @omgpoptarts

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Yeah but I'm in grade 9 right now and so 3 years. You should hang out with him on the summer. GO swimming and stuff. Then bam he appears in your cottage on vacation or camping. And watch ur life turn into a cliché wattpad novel. O.o Not high school just believe u like Donkey and trust meh he'll be

i probably wont hang out with him and i most definitely wont be swimming in front of him unless he pops up somewhere while im swimming. omg no.
kentucky doesnt even have beaches, we have swamps and farms.
..all over me? yeah, girl, no.

lol...what's my gangster name? and the hobo who hit on me was arrested shortly after for physical assaulting another woman *karma* lol

jambajuice21’s Profile PhotoElise
wait, what? that couldve been you! D:

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Actually 3 cause I'm 15 yup yup. Donkitha is also cool I can't decide. Tabbonkey or Donkitha hmmm.... soon you will. "Just believe in yourself and your halfway there." -me

it doesnt go by age but by grade right?
it doesnt matter anyways. the ship probably isnt happening. my crush disappears in the summer and its basically gone (sorta) right now
halfway through highschool gurl i already know.

idk our schools retarded really. Whatever college boys here I come in like 3 years pssh... I still think you and donkey should date Tabbonkey!!

3 years is about to be 2 ;)
i thought it was donkitha. oh well. sure. tabbonkey sounds spunkier.
its like, ta-bawn-kay
but no, probs not dating :T

oh, lol...are those like ghetto names? and omg, so I was right outside the UC Berkeley campus this one time, and this homeless thug hit on me, because I was dressed sorta nicely (I was presenting a science project there)...and my dad got soooo pissed off at the hobo, lol...i know how you feel :/

jambajuice21’s Profile PhotoElise
yes, they were dubbed to us by the head gangsta.

Holy crap, a real ghetto, omg...and who the fuck are black mexican and rank dirty crack smoka?

jambajuice21’s Profile PhotoElise
sallie and kate. lol.
but yeah, i was so scared because we were walking. . .
Liked by: Sallie

I'm from Florida lol!

WhichSabrina’s Profile PhotoSallie
not anymore. you're in cali with RDCS. (rank dirty crack smoka)
but if you really are, i'm letting you know that i'm going to florida june 17th for like three days...

The furthest north I've been in Cali is Redding (we were driving to Portland, Oregon), so I don't really know too much about Fairfield and omg a ghetto? like the only sort of ghetto places I know in Cali are south San Jose and some parts of Oakland, lol I guess it can be pretty cold up north, haha

jambajuice21’s Profile PhotoElise
yes, the ghetto. a real one with saggers, shooters and druggers.
not my fantasy one with books, awkward personalities and unthreatening online threats.
but black mexican, and rank dirty crack smoka can help me next time i'm in cali so i'm good.

hahaha omg I've been to san francisco like at like at least 1000 times, and I've gotten really tired of the place, now but what did you think of cali? and adjkgnlasjkdhg I LOVE RAVEN

jambajuice21’s Profile PhotoElise
i went to california once (where i got my first phone which was at a rite aid in the ghetto that i didn't know i was in and was prepaid)
it was nice. it was actually fairfield i visited but we drove down to san fran too.
its pretty cold up north but it was pretty :)
Liked by: Elise

YES, FLY OVER TO CALIFORNIA AND COME TO THE GILROY MALL WITH ME PLEASE it's massive, and I'm so excited akjsglskjg I don't have any sisters so I can't share my excitement, and my friends are all on vacation and the necklaces I have aren't that cute, they're from claire's (if you know what that is)

jambajuice21’s Profile PhotoElise
the last time i was in california, i went to san fran and searched so hard to find the road raven baxter lived on...
i shouldn't go back.
Liked by: Elise

will do, hahaha and like I can't really be bothered with jewelry, lol...I literally wear the same pair of earrings almost everyday, and I have like 20 necklaces that I don't wear, lol and my mom promised to take me shopping this summer, so yayyy :)

jambajuice21’s Profile PhotoElise
i literally only have 3 necklaces. two were gifts and one is because i bought it for this one outfit.
0 bracelets.
1 earring pair.
but i admit i have tons of headbands and clips.
awe, are they cute? :)

If you wanted to slap that one girl, you would have to slap the entire female population at my school...almost all of the girls dress like that, lol At least you can be bothered to make an effort, haha, I literally don't care anddd I can't even serve, like the ball doesn't even go over the net, lol

jambajuice21’s Profile PhotoElise
just line them up and allow me.
i mean. its not really fancy though. today i wore some dark skinnies, a tank flowy type b&w top and a necklace, hoop earrings, and whatever.
idk. i need some clothes.lol

I hate heels, hahaha...there are always girls at my school who come in a cute dress, heel, a handbag (instead of a backpack), and a cake-load of makeup on, and I show up in jeans, a sweatshirt, and converse, lol...I am POSITIVE that you are better than me at volleyball, I'm a disaster, lol :)

jambajuice21’s Profile PhotoElise
Some girl did that today and she's lucky I didn't smack the fire out of her.
I come dressed nicely but not over the top. Just no
I can barely serve


I'm not sure what you're going through right now, shaz.

Wow u have long dating limits. In our school dating for a week deserves a trophy. I dunno why but this one couple lasted almost a year and they were considered like an it. Our school sucks dating 2 days is like the max usually.

No I meant two years. Next year he graduates and I move to Cali hopefully in two years. We could only date that long.
Maybe your school doesn't need to let people date.

I'm also going to be a junior, but idk my friends are all at least three to four inches taller than me, haha...and I absolutely detest wearing heels, so yeahhh I'm sure you're at least ten times bttr than me at volleyball...I run away everytime the ball comes in my direction, haha

jambajuice21’s Profile PhotoElise
There's always someone taller. Ugh.
I like heels. Just not wearing them at my school. My school would probably destroy my heels.
Negative. Neg. a. Tive.

Oooh fiesty jks. I guess so but what's ky?

LOL no.
Not at all. It wouldn't make sense if he asked me out. He graduates next year and I'm not even staying here for college. We could only date for two years anyways :T
It's Kentucky. Lol

... I wish but she has those damn heels. She gonna slap me first. No tell me what were u going to say.

I have like three pairs of heels.
No it's awkward to type lolol

Wait lemme re-read it. Uh... u know what I mean I'm not a dirty person. Crying might be easier but it won't let me ace my test fml and that stupid teacher. U never know in the end I am always right (eesh I'm getting creepy) Yah!

I'm not perverted either but I couldn't find a way to rephrase that lol
Punch the teacher.
I think if rather him hindywskvhu nevermind. I'm not falling for it


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