

Ask @omgpoptarts

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Lol I will. SO guess what? I had fb and he has fb. I was his friend on fb of course and I checked today. Turns out he blocked me. Wow lovely isn't he? Oh well guess I'm not getting the dance. I might ditch semi or something I dunno know :(

How do you know he blocked you?

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I still have the chopped off pieces. You want it for hair extensions?

Yes! :)
Ill wear them Saturday ! :D
Liked by: s

Lol yeah I think ppl r starting to go now. Yah! I'm not sure yet won't go dress shopping until examsn r over. But i'll send u a pic of what I buy lol. And tell u what happens.

You better send a picture. Girl. I don't play. Lol.

a lot of people have asked me who i am though so ahah. it doesn't bother me -le shrug- aha, are you serious though? well okay. wut. wut reds? huh i'm confused now omg cx {hoping and praying i didn't sound like an idiot just then}

dauntlesshearts’s Profile Photoedlene
Yeah it was only embarrassihsagjkjv nothing lol
No it's some sport team I think. I didn't know what to talk about xD
Liked by: edlene

omg ahah lol. yep i was. cx by me..? aw aw aw :p i'm gooood. i s'pose. lawl x

dauntlesshearts’s Profile Photoedlene
I was gonna feel so bad asking you who you were lol
It wasn't "aw" it was "omg let me hide in a corner and pretend they didn't just say that"
Well. How bout them reds?

i m i s s y o u , t a b i t h a , h o w a r e y o u ?

dauntlesshearts’s Profile Photoedlene
So I was freaking because I didn't know if I was supposed to know you but you were leneypie lol.
Hey! I'm good. Just got done with a conversation on Instagram which was rudely and embarrassingly interrupted ;P
You? :)
Liked by: edlene

I'm having a stuffy nose. It ain't pleasant. - R.

awe :(
suck on a lemon with a peppermint in it.
and then take a hot bath and let it clear your nose.

It's June 13. Still haven't bought my dress. I want to go of course but most ppl in my class don't wanna so I'm forcing my friends to. I even told one of em that my guy friends coming uh..no just to make her go lol. Lol I wish but I really don't think so. Remember the vdance mmm idk. eww must've

What kind of dress are you gonna buy?
Lol is probably do the same thing if I were you xD
She looked like me so I don't want to say she's ugly lol.

I def will. Ugh I don't like him but I just know I have this little feeling inside that when I dress up for semi maybe just maybe he'll wanna dance with me. Ik it's stupid and useless but that stupid/useless feeling just won't go away ugh. Hey maybe he likes u tabbs ;)

When is your semi formal?
Girl he might. Idkkkk ;)
And no. Probably not. He dated another chick, girl. Lol

What color do you wear most frequently?

It's pink. And I try to cut down but I can't.
It's a problem.

I just felt like printing it, okay? it makes me feel official. XD

Oh okay! Haha.
What're you up to ? :)

Yeah, I understand your peeve, because it's a peeve of mine, too. Only, I hate it when people who are just plain dumb act as if they're Einsteins when I'm a hundred times more smart. Anyway, sorry. I was a coward and a bitch to a person that didn't deserve it. Thank you for forgiving me. (:

You're welcome.
I wasn't too affected by it.
But I know what you mean

I mean I printed it on paper with a printer. XD

Oh. Why'd you print it?
Is it an assignment? :O

Hi,Tabitha!I'm that rude anon who wrote all that terrible stuff.I'm really sorry for doing it, I was really stupid and didn't think about it.I know it's not an excuse but it wasn't long after my parents told me that they were divorcing so I was just really pissed and chose you as a victim.I'm sorry.

I forgive you but it's just a peeve when I'm called dumb or stupid.
No one really recognizes that I'm actually succeeding in school as much as I do so I just hate it when people target me for something I'm not.
My parents are diviorced and it didn't hit me until counseling so I know the feeling.


Language: English