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Heyyyyyy Poptarts. I was gone ALL DAY at my mom's college friends' reunion for her one specific friend's 50th surprise bday. I was confused too lol.

crazycupcakes’s Profile PhotoAlyssa
...i was at a sweet sixteen party at texas roadhouse lol

What are you most proud of?

The fact that I walk straight. Lol. I always was scared I'd be pigeon toed or bow legged.

Oh mah gawsh! I gotta tell you something...HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY! :D

Thanks! But you aren't the first person to tell me :( you're the second.
My birthday is April 17 though lol

Twitch contest! *twitchtwitchtwitchtwitchtwitchtwitchtwitchtwitchtwitchtwitchtwitchtwitchtwichtwichtwithtwitchtwitchtwitchtwitchtwitchtwitchtwitchtwitchtwitchtwitch* phew I'm out of twitches. You win.

It's because I'm queen. Queens always win.
Liked by: Alyssa

are you happy with your life right now?

ShakeAnnndBake’s Profile PhotoShakeira
How'd you find me? Lol
And yeah I am :) people always say they hate it or they have it hard but there's always someone doing worse than you are out there. At least you have a home some people don't have it though. So yeah. :P
Liked by: Shakeira

You have people who try to convince you to spell stupid things? I have people who try to tell me that a) Obama is the 48th President, b) Europe is in England, c) France is in England (they are UK challenged), and d) carrot cake is better than ice cream. Doofuses. Is the plural of doofus doofi?

crazycupcakes’s Profile PhotoAlyssa
i dont get into the president thing. for all i know, i could be pres and not even know it.
almost had to think about that one lol
..... (O_O)
ew carrot cake?! D:
no its probably d.. so you know, the doofi dont become too confused
Liked by: Alyssa

Dude. . .JK about the insult part. I meant the ones where the guy is like on steroids and all the pictures on the side are of half-naked bodybuilders.

crazycupcakes’s Profile PhotoAlyssa
LOL i know and theyre like 30 and theyre playing a tene xD the only person capable of that is jackson stewart actor and the amazing spiderman guy...theyre in their 30s.

I know people who have abs too. Just read the cliche stories on Wattpad.

crazycupcakes’s Profile PhotoAlyssa
exactly. thank you for the half insult but yes. my next book i may or may not have it. i already named it and have to make a cover, write the summary and the first chapter then upload after i figure out a conflict


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