

Ask @heartinacage1251

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What's the last book you read?

'Femme Fatale' by Guy de Maupassant, a small collection of short stories. Started reading 'Waiting for the Barbarians' by Coetzee last night.

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Who are your favorite designers?

I'm no longer up to date on the current collections but long time favourites have been Tom Ford, The Row, Phoebe Philo for Celine, Altuzzara, Givenchy, Margaret Howell, (Yves) Saint Laurent, Stella McCartney. Think I'm forgetting a few names, oh well.

Which women in specific do you look upto regarding beauty products/make up? Im asking you because I believe you are very beautiful :)

Are you the same person that asked me about the gold eyeliner? In any case, you're very kind, thank you.
I don't think I actually look upto anyone regarding beauty products. From the top of my head, I did enjoy reading topshelves from Jen Brill, Caroline Issa, Julia and Carine Roitfeld, Caroline de Maigret, Carolyn Murphy, Dita von Teese, Emily Weiss, Alexandra Codinha. There have been so many interviews over the last years, these are the only names I can remember right now. As stated before, I love tutorials by Lisa Eldridge and Charlotte Tilbury, eventhough I always wear the same look. But then again, I even enjoy watching tutorials of the makeup look I've been doing on myself over the years. Watching makeup tutorials relaxes me sometimes.
I probably don't have to mention this as it might be more than obvious by now, but I really love makeup from the 40s-60s. If I had the time and patience to do my hair, I'd get a haircut a la Veronica Lake or Rita Hayworth in Gilda. As much as I like simplicity/minimalism, I'm also very much attracted to glamour -dramatic evening dresses, high heels, heavy makeup, jewels etc. Hollywood has corrupted me in every way imaginable (well, except for politics).

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Who do you follow /read on intothegloss to buy make up or skin products? Where do you get your "inspiration" for this?

Whatever is featured. Although there are a bit too many posts each day for me to keep up, so I just read the topshelves of women I 'know' and/or are beautiful with perfect skin, great makeup and when they seem knowledgeable on the subject -which almost makes them some kind of authority in my eyes as beauty novice. ;-)

Hi Kim! How do you wash your silk garments??

In the washing machine on a short and cold program or by hand with a bit of detergent.

Which kind of swedish hasbeens shoes do you like most?

I've answered this not too long ago. Weird how I sometimes get such specific questions more than once? Anyway, I looked up the styles available and I like braided low, cross strap and ornament.

What is your perfect summer look (clothes, makeup, accessories)?

That question seems a bit of an open door (not even sure if this is an existing English expression actually)...

What books are you currenlty reading?

Stendhal's 'Le rouge et le noir', Kafka's 'Amerika' and I'll pick up 'Waiting for the Barbarians' by Coetzee and 'Midnight's Children' from Rushdie from the library this weekend.

any holiday plans already? And which cities would you still love to visit?

No. Venice, London, Budapest, Istanbul, Moscow, Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm, New York etc. Would also really like to visit Paris, Rome and Berlin again.

Hey! I am sorry to ask this for a million time, but I guess Im a huge fan of your style! So the question: did you purchase anything new lately?im always just too curious.. Thanks! :)

Nope, haven't bought anything lately. I'm trying to spend as a little money as possible (haha i know good luck with that), so you don't have to ask me about my purchases for the next month (or two), unless you're interested in my grocery list. ;-) x

Damn, you are beautiful! Really, how can someone be so pretty?! May I ask what brand your gold liner is and which lipstick you are wearing? And thank you so much for the tutorial!

Ahaha, I'm not Angelina Jolie... Thanks a lot, but you're too kind. :-)
The eye pencil is a crappy €1 one from Essence. The lipstick is an s favourite I forgot about until this weekend when I found it in my mother's purse, it's Red Fever by Rimmel. x

He Kim, waar word jij nou echt gelukkig van?

´S ochtends naar de film, ´s middags naar de film, in de avond naar de film, uhm, de hele dag eigenlijk doorbrengen in het filmhuis, favoriete films/klassiekers op het grote doek, naar een andere stad voor koffie, taart en een film, koude zonnige dagen, warme zonnige dagen, goede koffie (+ een sigaret), uitvoerig de (weekend)krant lezen, samen de krant lezen, bakken -wanneer het resultaat een succes is volgens anderen, bloemen kopen, het huis vol bloemen en planten, hele dagen netflixen, schattige dieren, knuffelen met schattige dieren, huisdieren bij me in bed laten slapen, omhelsd worden door mijn ouders, heel veel ijs eten, boter, AH pindakaas met honing en stukjes pinda, taart als ontbijt en/of lunch, boeken kopen, tweedehands boeken met mooie kaften vinden, het laatste kledingstuk in mijn maat (vooral wanneer er heel veel korting op zit), pannenkoeken eten, vriendelijke woorden van een vreemde, vriendelijke woorden van een bekende, The Smiths, geobsedeerd raken met een bepaald liedje, kaartjes schrijven, de meest toepasselijke kaartjes met toepasselijke songteksten en een rode lippenstift zoen sturen naar mensen die ik leuk vind, kaartjes ontvangen, plaatjes draaien, een goede make up dag, schone lakens, (zogenaamde) toevalligheden ontdekken, over van alles en nog wat praten en lachen met heel veel kopjes thee, college skippen om koffie te drinken alleen of met vriendinnen, favoriete songteksten citeren, een opgeruimd huis, de meest toepasselijke cadeaus vinden, onbekende steden verkennen, op vakantie zijn en nooit meer weg willen, goede cijfers (vooral de beste van de klas zijn (haha)), mijn oma verrassen met bloemen en samen koffie drinken en sigaretten roken, blote benen, dramatische jurken, mooi ondergoed. Uhm ja, dit zijn de eerste dingen die bij me opkomen, dus hier houd ik het maar bij.

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Oh I would LOVE a make up tutorial by you! You always look so effortless and stunning...

Haha ok, cool. Looking effortless does take quite a bit of effort though, haha. I'll try to re-answer one of your previous questions with a video or picture somewhere this week. You're probably already familiar with Lisa Eldridge and Charlotte Tilbury's YouTube channels, but is advise checking those out for pro-tips, haha.


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