

Ask @heartinacage1251

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That coat you wear on your latest instagram! Where its from? Looks lovely on you!

COS, last winter collection :)

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What to do when you miss your bf?

Carry on with your own life? Do things you enjoy doing, text your bf to tell him you love him?

What do you mostly do in the evening? What are your hobbies/sports?

You might want to scroll through my feed a little. I answered a question about sports a little while ago. I don't like sports at all. I'm more of a potato couch, especially in the evening. I watch movies or series (only Modern Family at the moment -saving you a question there), read, scroll through Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, news app, text with friends and sometimes I'm in bed by 10 pm. I always love to go to the cinema, at any hour. If I can drag myself off the couch.

Also, do you think a nice style is "learnable"?

It is, to a certain extent. Dressing stylishly has become even easier now with the internet and Instagram. There are tons of sources to get your inspiration from. The key is not to copy others but take a bit of everything to develop your own style. I could tell you what to wear but does that make it 'you'? I think clothing can be seen as a way of expressing yourself. It should come natural, don't let clothes 'wear' you. It's easy to look fashionable but having style, true style extends beyond clothing. It's in the way you carry yourself.

I adore your clothing style.. seriously, you have such an impeccable taste! Where do you get your "inspiration"? What are your favorite shops and brands? Whats the last thing you bought?

You're very kind, thank you. Though there's nothing to it. I just wear a shirt and a pair of trousers. I like to keep 'inspiration' pages on tumblr and Pinterest (both usernames are thekidsalooker) but I find my 'inspiration' on the street. There are so many beautiful and well dressed women everywhere. I shop most of my clothing at stores such as Zara and Other Stories. The last thing I bought was a pair of Castaner espadrilles in navy.

Oww.. is het er zo erg? Eerste keer dat ik er naartoe ga..

Ik heb geen idee. Ik heb nog nooit een museum in Eindhoven bezocht. Veel plezier!

Dag Kim! Wat zijn je favoriete musea in Eindhoven?

Ik wist niet eens dat Eindhoven meer dan een museum rijk was.

Whats your favorite novel by zadie Smith?

Waarom vraag je me niet alles gewoon in het Nederlands? Ik geloof eerlijk gezegd niet dat twee verschillende personen me op hetzelfde moment een vraag stellen... Dat gezegd hebbende, moet ik bekennen dat ik nog heel wat boeken van Smith moet lezen. Ik kreeg eens een 8.8 op een essay dat ik schreef over de novelle The Embassy of Cambodia. Reading My Mind vond ik ook erg goed en het proloog van Swing Time is ook fantastisch, helaas ben ik echter nog niet verder gekomen dan de eerste twintig bladzijdes.

And which one to buy; bialetti 3 or 4 cups? Its die my boyfriend, but pretty sure I will be drinking it too everyone het maken some..

4 cups

Do you know which coffee (brand) is best to use without a bialetti perculator?

I recommended buying coffee at a roaster/cafe. They can advise which beans work best for the Bialetti and they can grind it for you. I'm using Illy coffee right now, but supermarket coffee doesn't taste as good.

Do you want children? If so, how many?

I like children and surprisingly enough I'm really good with them, but for now I'm more than content with 'our' cat. I'd really like to have a puppy some day though.

How often do you see your bf? Any plans of moving in together soon?

We try to see each other at least every weekend. No, will not be moving in together anytime soon.

What are your favorite recipes? Favorite cooking books of chefs?

Ottolenghi, Claudia Roden, Donna Hay, Nigel Slater, Sophie Dahl and Jamie and Nigella sometimes. I'm not really an avid cookbook buyer and reader (although I enjoy reading recipes on the web) but I'd like to have the Sqirl "Everything I Want to Eat" book.
My Pinterest username is thekidsalooker, you'll find some recipes I like/want to try out there.

Also which beauty producten did you get? And which site? Gracias :)

Bijenkorf and Ici Paris. Chanel les beiges foundation, foundation brush and blush, Estée Lauder eye cream, Clinique airbrush concealer and powder.

What kind of sports do you do? You are so pretty!

I'm not into sports. All I do are some YouTube videos at home. Just random workouts, mostly blogilates and ballet beautiful. Thanks so much! :) x

Did you buy anything in sale?

Agent Provocateur Laley set, pink stitch detail slip from COS (too bad the bra was sold out already), Castaner Carina espadrilles in navy and some beauty products I got on discount.

Whats your favorite jewelry designers? What kind of jewelry do you wear yourself ordo you like?

Sorry for not answering this question the first time. Since you really want to know, I'll try to answer as best as I can. I like Sophie Buhai and Celine, sometimes Repossi too. I love unaffordable costume jewelry, 1920s vintage stuff, modernist and minimalist pieces. All I wear myself is (inherited) gold from my (grand) mother(s) and cheap earrings from Stories, H&M, Topshop, a local jeweller.


Language: English