

Ask @bellalunaa_wattpad

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Which character from TGFH do you identify with most?

i LOVE this question! i definitely think i identify with each of them. i have fox's humor and short temper, kandy's passion for art and creativity, jukes' detail oriented personality and free spirit, and cam's mentality to get things done cleanly and simply.
Liked by: Chloe camryn s

holy fuck bella. you are on a high roll there. three updates in one week?

KittyNerd98’s Profile PhotoSaff Anna
hahah i know! i've been on this writing rampage ever since i got back from maui. i love it! everyone seems to be enjoying it so that's all i need to be happy :)
Liked by: camryn s

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How was your high school experience? (Like freshman, sophomore, junior and senior year)

it's been a long time since high school but i'll try to sum it up!
freshman year: i looked like an actual trash can. i cut my own bangs which was the worst idea ever, i wore flared pants (in my defense, i went to private school so we had uniforms and the only pants i could find that fit the uniform policy were flared), i had no fashion sense which meant i looked like a straight dumpster at parties and school dances. but, i was a social butterfly, always hanging out with the close group of friends i made. we went everywhere together. that's also the first year i joined choir and that basically changed my high school career forever.
sophomore year: still looked like a trash can but with longer hair and no more bangs. i started becoming more active in school by joining clubs and volunteering outside of school. nothing major happened sophomore year. i was mainly focused on academics and extra-curricular activities. i starred in my first lead role as Rapunzel for our school production of Into The Woods.
junior year: worked my ASS off preparing for the SAT's while balancing school and extra-curricular's again. this was the year that a lot of shit went down in my friendships and i discovered who was a true friend and who wasn't. lost a lot of friends but strengthened the friendships i kept. junior year was probably the most emotionally and mentally draining year of high school. i also starred in a lead role for our Hello Dolly! production.
senior year: THE BEST YEAR EVER. i wouldn't call myself popular, but i was friends with everyone. i had gained quite the reputation on campus because of my success in choir/musicals. and obviously, when you're a senior, you're at the top of the pyramid so everyone under you immediately sees you as the leaders of the school. at this point, i had made lifelong friends who have become part of my family until this day.
i was nominated for prom queen, coordinated the senior class prank (literally me and my friends got on top of the tables in our 'senior quad' and directed everyone to walk out of class in the middle of third period and basically throw a party in the quad once we all gathered there), sang a solo at our national choir competition in DC, helped my best friend plan, coordinate, and star in our school's first ever fashion show, played my dream role of Eponine in our school's Les Mis production, entered my first relationship, graduated with top honors, and got into a four year university. senior year was epic.
my overall high school experience was just pure fun. obviously, there were a lot of bad times but i never let it ruin my experience. i think what made high school better for me is that i didn't care what anyone thought about me (and i still don't) because i knew that once i graduated, i wouldn't see 99% of those people ever again (and i haven't). a lot of people hated high school but i had a blast.

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Liked by: Chloe camryn s

Omg, I "LOVE" (😏 Get it?) your books soooo much!!!! You're my ABSOLUTE FAVORTE AUTHOR, even off wattpad, I also love how you're vegetarian. MITV and MIIA are my favorite books, and I can't wait for JAS!!!!! Love your and all of your awesome books!!!

hahah i do get it! thanks so much love, that means a lot to me for you to say <3 i love being a vegetarian! and it's so great that those are your favorite books, i'm glad you enjoy them so much! thanks for the sweet message :)
Liked by: Chloe camryn s

It's kick ass that you put a song with almost every chapter on TGFH is that the playlist for the book? Luv your writing btw!

aw thanks! i'm glad you like that :) i write TGFH as if it were a movie, and the songs that i add to each chapter are the songs i would picture playing in the background to all the fight/action scenes that happen. i also like to play that particular song while i write to hype me up.
Liked by: Chloe camryn s

How often do you lie to people?

the better question is, how often do people lie to me?
i pride myself on being completely honest with everyone in my life - i have no reason to lie about anything. if i did something they wouldn't approve of or would feel uncomfortable with then we'd talk it out like adults. lying is a waste of time.

Is there any celebrity you think is your ideal man?

there are a lot of celebs i think are physically appealing but considering i don't actually know who they are or what they're like on a personal level, no.
Liked by: Queen Locky ™ s

Would you ever consider going vegan?

to be completely honest, i don't know. it takes a lot of self-control to do that and i'm just getting used to being vegetarian so if i did make the decision to go vegan, it would be a long time from now. but i have so much respect for vegan's!
Liked by: s

What does "More Issues Than Vogue" mean? and why did you choose it?

when i began writing the story, i realized that as an intern, i gave haley a bunch of problems to deal with, more than a regular intern should. and because she was in publishing, i wanted the title to have something related to a magazine/newspaper. but i've literally seen "more issues than vogue" used so many other places, i'm clearly unoriginal.
Liked by: s

How was Maui?

maui was AMAZING. it was the most relaxing destination for a vacation i have ever gone to. beautiful scenery, kind locals, and fun outdoor activities to do.
i think i'll be moving to hawaii soon :)
Liked by: s


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