

Ask @bellalunaa_wattpad

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Would you be friends with someone 10 years younger then you 😁😁😁

of course! i have friends of all ages :)
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Someone you know with a kik might find you I know you want to keep your wp life on the DL thought you should know Bella

lol my godsister was the first person to message me on kik so there goes that plan! it's okay tho, i'm not ashamed of my wattpad life or anything, i just chose to keep it to myself. thanks for looking out tho :)
Liked by: Chloe s

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Yess! You should! I'm sure everyone would want to talk to you.😄

awww that's seriously so sweet of you. okay, i made a kik! how exciting!
Liked by: Chloe s

Haha kik is like a texting app

wait, that actually sounds cool - i'd be able to text my readers? should i sign up for one? but who would even want to talk to me i'm beyond boring, lol.
Liked by: Chloe s

How did you get so confident to talk to guys?

for me, they're easy to talk to because they're usually easy going about anything. i've never been the type of person who's had a reason to NOT be confident to talk to guys. they're not aliens from some random planet. they're hardly creatures to be intimidated by, trust me.
but for someone who is naturally shy, i know this isn't as easy as i make is sound. the best way to approach a guy is to go in without any expectations. if you don't see him as a potential boyfriend or someone you could have a future with, then you won't be as disappointed if things don't work out the way you want it to. if you don't expect him to act a certain way, talk a certain way, or even look a certain way, then what do you have to lose? no expectations, no disappointment. if anything.
the worst a guy can do is to reject you (which is the reason why girls are usually afraid to approach a guy in the first place). if he doesn't, amazing - you've made a new friend. if he does, it's going to hurt, but there's no point in dwelling on it because it won't change anything. there's nothing wrong with YOU, he's simply not interested and that's okay. that's life. not everyone is going to want you. you just gotta suck it up, dry your tears, accept that it wasn't meant to be, and move on. you don't want to waste time focusing on him when there are plenty of other guys who will love everything about you.

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Liked by: Chloe s

I need advice how do I talk to my crush like I'm so shy

from my experience, your crush is never going to notice you if you don't put yourself out there! it's super scary, i know, but life is too short to watch from the sidelines and spend your time wondering what could be.
i would say, take baby steps! if you can't handle a full conversation for now, start out by giving them a friendly smile and a warm 'hello'. be sure to make eye contact and show your confidence, even if it's fake and you want to scream inside because of how nervous you are (we've all been there, trust me). then once you've gotten over that initial contact, when you feel more comfortable, give them another friendly greeting and follow up with asking a general question like, "how is your day going?". surely, they'll repeat the same question to you and that will give you a chance to open up with something more than just a robotic response like, "good, thank you." perhaps you could say "i'm doing well. i'm trying to soak up as much of the sun as i can before the summer season is over. it's my favorite season and it's always hard to say goodbye to the warm weather," or something small yet personal like that.
more than likely, this could lead to more of a conversation. from there, your natural instincts will take over - trust in it. the most important thing is to build up that courage and make that first step that all starts with a simple 'hello' :)

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Liked by: Chloe s

Do u have a kik

no, tbh i don't even know what that is, lol. should i get one? what is it? i feel like an old grandma!
Liked by: Chloe s

What's your opinion on long distance relationships?

if you have the stamina for it, then do it. i know long distance relationships can be really hard for certain individuals and couples, but personally if i truly loved someone and wanted to stay with them, i wouldn't let distance get in the way of that. easier said than done, i know. but it's not impossible either.
i know couples who have been together for years living on opposite ends of the country and some who broke up before distance pulled them apart because they knew they weren't going to able to handle it. it all depends on personal preferences and circumstances.
it's hard, but the things that are worth it usually are.
Liked by: Chloe s rain CASS ashley

Sending you love from spain because you are wonderful! 💕

ahhhhh thank you so much! i'm actually headed to barcelona in about three weeks. it'll be my first time going to spain, i'll be sure to send my love back <3
Liked by: Chloe s CASS

What's the craziest thing you've done to get your crush's attention? Jw because you seem like the type of person to go for what you want 😁😁😁😁

hahaha, thanks. i am definitely the type of person who goes for what i want.
last year i had a huge crush on an employee at barnes and noble - tall, super handsome with dark hair, and dressed super hipster (the ultimate wattpad male character irl, i swear). i already go there enough to read and buy books, but because of my crush, i literally went there EVERY SINGLE DAY after work. mind you, this b&n was twenty minutes away from home in the opposite direction of where i worked so i spent a lot of money on gas and time for this kid. i did this for about three weeks and by that time, i had already caught his attention and whenever i would buy books, he'd magically appear to ring me up. we'd have small talk here and there which was nice.
one day, i walked out of b&n and found him sitting outside eating and reading a book after his shift. he asked me to join him *insert internal screaming here*. we ended up talking for about three hours in which i found out he had lived in paris for three months, traveled abroad, loved to read and write...honestly THE PERFECT GUY. before we parted ways that day, he asked for my number and i gave it to him (obvi). after that, i texted him but he never texted me back. i was disappointed but didn't lose hope. then, a few weeks later, i drunkenly texted him again yet still got no response. at this point, i wasn't going to waste my time putting in an effort to start something with someone who doesn't want it, so i deleted his number and moved on.
i switched job positions further away from that b&n location so haven't been to seen or spoken to him since that day. it clearly wasn't meant to be but i'm over it. plenty of other fish in the sea :)

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Liked by: Chloe s rain CASS

do u ever wish u lived in a different country?

i would love to live in france or italy. anyone from those countries have any tips/advice on how to make that happen? :)
Liked by: Chloe s CASS

One thing you wish you could go back in time and change about your life??

i wish i had started traveling at an earlier age. i probably would have seen half of the world by now.
Liked by: Chloe s CASS

I know which genres you like to write in, but which genres are your favourite to read?

chick lit (that genre has me tied down), teen fic, humor, and action/mystery stories (anything that keeps me on the edge of my seat). i also enjoy historical fiction, specifically stories that take place in the 1920's/jazz age.
Liked by: Chloe s CASS


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