

Ask @bellalunaa_wattpad

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I LOVE YOUR STORIES! and you sai you've to cancun! I go there every year, what hotel? I've been to Dreams, Great Parnassus, Grand Caribe Royale, and Hard Rock, have you been to Xcaret or Xelha?

aww thanks so much for reading! glad you enjoy them :)
i actually stayed at the westin resort and spa the last time i was there! i really want to go back, it was beautiful. you're lucky you go there every year!

Eeeeeek! You're friends with @crissrainbow!!!!!!!!!! Two of my favorite writers are friends!!!!!!!!!!!!! #queensunite

I'm happy to have gotten to know such a fantastic person and incredible writer! She's amazing!
And we're lucky to have fans like you that support us :)
Liked by: Chloe s Eunice Christine

First kiss? ps love u 😘

my first kiss happened in the back of a hot and sweaty limo SUV on prom night surrounded by a bunch of drunk people half of them singing terribly half of them dancing and stumbling around.
romantic, right?
ps love you too
Liked by: rain Eunice

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How was high school for u?

High school was actually a lot of fun for me. I found my best friends for life and had the best time being a careless teenager.
Liked by: Eunice

do you have any advice when you hear people talking shit about you? you seem so confident all the time how do you deal with it?????? love u xoxox

"Don't let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace." - Dalai Lama
Stay strong. Love you too <3
Liked by: Eunice

Can I just say that TGFH is such a different piece of work aside from your other stories it's a freakin masterpiece like I love the action and the assassin characters are badass. Your writing is seriously amazing.

Ahhhh thank you so much! That means the world to me, especially since, as you said, it's completely different than my other stories. Thanks love <3
Liked by: Eunice

Do you plan on any writing other books after MIIA and TGFH?

Yep! TGFH is part of a trilogy so that automatically means two more stories added to my collection, and I've already started writing another story that takes place in college :)
Stay tuned!
Liked by: Eunice s

What's one thing on your bucket list?

i'll haunt the world forever if i die without ever getting to cuddle with an actual panda
Liked by: Eunice

What's the biggest lie your parents told you growing up?

Whats the biggest lie your parents told you growing up

do u watch any cartoons? or animated shows? I want to watch a new sereies!

i used to watch a ton of cartoons and basically anything animated on nick, disney, cartoon network, abc kids, and abc family between the late 90's - early 00's was my shit.
BUT this will forever and always be my favorite series of all time.
do u watch any cartoons or animated shows I want to watch a new sereies

Do you like Coke or Pepsi? Why?

pepsi because when i was a kid there was this kick ass pepsi commercial with beyonce, britney, and pink in it and basically if you don't like pepsi after seeing your childhood idols drinking it after performing 'we will rock you' in a fake ancient roman colosseum are you even human
Liked by: rain

Name a problem leaders in your country should solve?

killing our natural habitat - fight for the forests and animals who don't have a voice in getting kicked out of their homes or having them destroyed.

What places have you been?

in the usa:
obviously everywhere in california
portland, orgeon
seattle, washington
las vegas, nevada
grand canyon, arizona
houston/dallas/austin, texas
chicago, illinois
washington DC
new york city, new york (fave place ever)
michigan (don't remember what city lol)
other countries:
vancouver, canada
toronto, canada
guam (love)
philippines (mainland)
cancun, mexico
paris, france (dream come true)
rome, italy
i'm hoping this list grows within the next few years :)
Liked by: Chloe Eunice s

What's the worst advice you've ever taken?

"you don't need that fifth slice of pizza"
good looking out dad

Are the people you've gone to school with cooler than most?

idk where 99% of the people in my class are anymore LOL


Language: English