

Ask @bellalunaa_wattpad

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"i would love to." but. "i love you too" the second phrase very frequently used. so you must know that. The first one says "i would love to do that." saying "i would love too do that.." eh? got it? (i'm no expert. but i know the difference)

lol thanks!


lol, sorry anon! super happy you'd love to see my face but for the time being, i won't be posting any selfies. maybe sometime later this year!

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you. you lovely brilliant mind. i love you. And your writing. so that is why i want to grab your shoulders, look at deep in in to your eyes and say, "you need to learn the difference between 'to' and 'too'" and shake you up real bad until you get it through that thick skull of yours. still love tho.

i love to.
or is it too?

What are you going to do this summer

save money to travel the world and write as much as i possibly can :)

Any advice for a victim of bullying? I hate going to school but I get excited to come home and read your stories. They brighten my day. Your writing is amazing. Thank you. :)

You, my lovely anon, are the reason I write. You make writing fun, exciting, and therapeutic. It feels incredible to know that it brightens your day - that makes all this hard work worth it!
While I've never experienced bullying myself, I have personally seen the devastating effects it can have on someone. People tend to forget that we're all human, that we all bruise and break the same way.
We're all worth something. YOU ARE WORTH SOMETHING. You are a valuable and precious gift to yourself, to your family, to anyone that loves you, and of course, to me. Without you, my stories would be meaningless. There'd be no reason to publish them, so to me, you are by far the most important part of why I write, why I'm here, why I love what I do.
Whatever it is those bullies are saying, pay no mind to them. They don't see just how special you are and that's fine - you weren't born to please anyone but yourself. If they're talking down on you, they're already below you. If I had to give you one piece of advice, it would be to let their chatter be noise in the background while you kick ass at school, get them good grades, slay your way through high school/college, and DO YOU. Trust me when I say that they'll see how powerless their words are when they realize that they don't mean shit to your fabulous and beautiful fucking life. You have so much to live for, more than making other people like you, more than wanting to be popular, more than wanting to fit in.
Find what makes you happy and do it. I know it's cliche, but you have one life and I don't you to waste it on worrying over the actions/words of irrelevant ass people whose main goal is to be cruel to others.
It's way easier said than done, I know. But you will make it through the bullshit, you will cry you eyes out, you will hate them and at times hate yourself, but you will make it through, I promise. It's going to get worse before it gets better, but it will get better.
I'll leave you with this quote from Andrea Balt, one of my favorite writers:
"Your weirdness will make you stronger. Your dark side will keep you whole. Your vulnerability will connect you to the rest of our suffering world. Your creativity will set you free.
There is nothing wrong with you."
You are perfect the way you are. If you want to see something truly magical and beautiful, look in the mirror and smile.
I love you, anon. Stay strong. We're in this together.

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y do u only use rly pretty models as characters?? y dont u use like real people?? not all characters can b that pretty

but...models are real people...?
almost all wattpad authors use celebrities as their characters. i like using models because i find more that closer depict the character i envision.
why can't all characters be pretty? who said anyone was ugly in the first place? everyone is beautiful???
Liked by: rain

Don't you like jazz? Who are your favorite jazz musicians and songs?

i'm obsessed with jazz. if i listed all my faves it would literally take years but i'll list my top musicians/songs:
- ella fitzgerald
- billie holiday
- louis armstrong
- sammy davis jr.
- duke ellington
- john coltrane
- sarah vaughan
- stan getz
- ahmad jamal
- miles davis
- dizzie gillespie
- nat king cole
- thelonious monk
LOL i think you get the idea
- i've got you under my skin
- i could write a book
- they can't take that away from me
- c'est si bon
- too marvelous for words
- almost like being in love
- but not for me
- cheek to cheek
- sunday kind of love
- manhattan
- the nearness of you
- for sentimental reasons
i'm gonna cut myself off here before i list every song under the jazz umbrella lol i think you get the point
Liked by: rennie

i thought u liked jazz how come there aren't any jazz bands/songs on that list

i don't like jazz, i LOVE jazz.
tbh, i don't really place jazz in the same category as all the other music i listen to because jazz is a different UNIVERSE compared to everything else.

Do have a favorite band? I need new music to listen too :)

To list all my favorite bands would take a week so I'll narrow it to my top 5 for you :)
- Paramore
- Arctic Monkeys
- The Fray
- Wild Cub
- Magic!
In terms of new music, I'll give you some of my fave songs from the listed bands above for you to listen to:
- 'Last Hope' by Paramore
- 'Snap Out of It' by Arctic Monkeys
- 'Syndicate' by The Fray
- 'Thunder Clatter' by Wild Cub (fave song of all time)
- 'Red Dress' by Magic!
Hope you like!

Biggest fears?

- drowning
- being buried alive
- never eating pizza again
- never being able to travel

5 random facts about you???

1. I absolutely HATE pickles
2. I have a black belt in taekwondo
3. I was in an opera my freshman year of high school
4. Christmas is the only day in the year that I can go without taking a nap and still be in a happy mood
5. I have an addiction to iced vanilla chai tea latte's

Fave animal?

I would rather be surrounded by pandas than humans most days.
I love them so much.
Liked by: rain

I miss TCHL can you do a sequel pls????? XP

I miss it too!
I don't have plans to make a sequel but I have been thinking about making a spinoff...?

You're so, so beautiful <3 Also, completely get what you mean about the real name thing! I've become so accustomed to people calling me Tessa now that sometimes I worry I'll accidentally sign cards/messages using Tessa rather than my real name, haha. That'd take some explaining!

YOU'RE SO SWEET! Thank you so much :)
Hahaha same here! I was used to it when I never showed my face but now that I have, it feel really, really weird! Hopefully one day we'll get used to it!

So happy to see you back here! Your bad boys answer was spot on -- couldn't have said it better myself. Sorry you've experienced boys like that, though :(

HI LOVE! It's been so long, I know, haha. I'm trying to get back into being really active now.
I'm SO glad you agree - I swear, this whole 'bad boy' thing is ridiculous. I think a lot of it has to do with age. And thank you :) It had definitely made me a stronger person so I'm glad I was able to learn from the experience!


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