

Ask @bellalunaa_wattpad

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Describe your day in emojis!

Liked by: camryn s

Are your parents okay with your decision to not have kids?

they know i don't want kids but they still believe i'll change my mind in the future.
jokes on them.
Liked by: camryn s

I feel like we have bonded, we both are gonna quit normal life and become high class strippers, we shall strip TO THE STARS TO STARS not just random people :o we shall make it big

LockAnKey’s Profile PhotoQueen Locky ™
Liked by: camryn s

I admire your openness about everything. As one of your readers, I feel like your friend =)

awwwwwww thank you! that makes me so happy because you are my friend <3
Liked by: Chloe camryn s

what if you get pregnant on one of your hookups. what then? would you have the kid or abort it?

i guess i'll let you know what i do if that ever happens! my answer could change depending on what situation it is.
Liked by: camryn s

What is your favorite drink from Starbucks? If you drink it

at any coffeehouse/cafe i only ever order iced vanilla chai tea lattes - they're my fave!
Liked by: camryn s

Anon: This is her life, if she wants to talk about that aspect of her life openly, she can, she is her own individual. She does not need someone like you dictating her life, you are nothing but an anon. So leave her be. If you can't handle it, leave her page. Simple

LockAnKey’s Profile PhotoQueen Locky ™
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH <3 thank you for supporting me, you're amazing!

It's unappealing that you answer questions about sex so openly to random strangers have some decency

1. they're not random strangers to me, they're my readers and therefore, my friends
2. i don't really care if it's unappealing to you because i don't answer these questions to please you
3. i'm an honest and open person - that's just the way i am and i'm happy with that
4. i have nothing to hide because i'm not ashamed or embarrassed of the experiences i've had and if i can help someone else or even entertain them with my stories, that's all that matters
5. who needs decency when you can have a bigger D? ;)

Why don't you want to get married and have kids?

just because the law states your married, doesn't mean that you love each other more than people who aren't married, do. and these days, divorce is so common, it's obvious that marriage isn't really as powerful as it seems. don't get me wrong, i respect all marriages and couples of have been married for over 50+ years, deserve awards. personally though, i don't think i need to be married to be with someone forever.
but that's the other thing - i don't know if i'd ever be able to only be with one person for the rest of my life. there are billions of human beings in the world to know and experience life with, it's hard for me to believe that i'd spend most of my time left on earth with only one.
when it comes to kids, it's more of a selfish reason and i can admit that. when you have a kid, your life becomes their life. everything you do is now based on your kids. it's harder to travel, go out, take breaks, and do what you want because you have obligations at home. i don't want to have to give up my independence and ambitions because of this invisible timeline people have made up in society of when to have kids in order to have a good life. and kids are EXPENSIVE. diapers or a pair of Manolo's? i think we all know what i'd choose.
plus, i have 6 nieces and nephews that i've helped raise since I was ten years old - my cousins and siblings have had enough kids for me to know that i definitely don't want any of my own, lol.
again, i have nothing against people who want kids or those who already do, because i know becoming a mother is one of the most beautiful things in life and so is successfully raising a child. i have respect for parents because, as i've proven, it's not easy at all. it takes a lot of selflessness, time, patience, and love.
but for me they're just not something i see in my future.
obviously my mentality may change over the years but for right now, those are my reasons.

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Liked by: Chloe camryn s


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