

Ask @bellalunaa_wattpad

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What's your ethnicity?

i'm filipino :) although, a lot of people usually think i'm mixed, and just the other day, a filipino guy thought i was chinese!
Liked by: s

What's your favorite pixar movie? (I hope it's UP!)

sorry to burst your bubble but my favorite pixar movie of all time is ratatouille! it puts two of my favorite things in the world into one magical movie - paris and food. also the soundtrack is literally heaven (and it won a grammy!).
Whats your favorite pixar movie I hope its UP
Liked by: Chloe s

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If you could have any wild animal as a pet what would it be?

for some reason, i've always wanted a pet scorpion and everyone thinks that's bizarre (no surprise) but i think that'd be pretty kick ass. plus, i'd have their venom ready to go just in case anyone wants to try me.
Liked by: Chloe RadiantLove_ s

Do you have a writing routine? like do you have sleep or eat before you write?

i usually write whenever i feel inspired or when i have enough time. and i only ever write if i'm alone so i don't have any distractions.
Liked by: s

You're really pretty, I hope you see this message :)

i see every message! thank you so much, that's so sweet of you <3
Liked by: s

Who has been the hardest character to write from all your published stories so far?

first off, i love this question!
i think the hardest character to write is nate chester, simply because i wanted him to be a complex character that was bold yet vulnerable.

HOw do you think you look today compared to 10 years ago?

i was 13 which meant i looked like an actual trash can. as least now i look like a trash can with better eyebrows.

Ahola bella! I live in honolulu. I see you went to maui did you like it? hawaii is the best!

aloha! you're so lucky - i want to live in hawaii some day! it was absolutely beautiful, i love every second i was there. hawaii has all my love <3
Liked by: s

Bella, what is the reason jealousy exists? My bo yfriend gets jealous whenever I hang out with one of my guy friends even though I'm no cheater and we're just friends.

personally, i've experienced jealousy stem from either insecurity or pride.
when a guy is insecure and already uncomfortable with the flaws he sees in himself, seeing his girlfriend interact with other guys might make him feel as if he's not good enough for her time which in turn, causes him to be jealous of those guys who are getting her attention. if your boyfriend is secure with himself, his trust in you, and your relationship, he shouldn't have any reason to feel jealous. if you've given him a reason to be suspicious, then obviously, he'd be insecure enough to be a bit jealous. but if you haven't, just assure him that your HIS girlfriend. if you wanted to be with anyone else, you would be.
when a guy has a lot of pride in his girlfriend (and his ego), then obviously, he doesn't want to share her with anyone else or let anyone think they can come after his girl, even if it's just through a friendly conversation. he'll see a threat in everything. and the second he sees her interacting with other guys, it's game over. his initial thought is - "she's mine". if your boyfriend is very protective of you because of his pride, then talk to him about what would make him feel more comfortable or come to a compromise. you're human, you're free to have friendships with who ever you want, but at the same time, you want to be mindful of his feelings because if it were the other way around, you wouldn't want him to disregard them.
hopefully this helped :)

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Liked by: Chloe s

Do your best friends know about your stories on Wattpad?

nope. the only person who knows about my writing irl is my younger brother. technically he is one my best friends so...yes? lol.
Liked by: s


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