
Shai Amiel, Curl Doctor®

Ask @ShaiAmiel

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Is coconut good for curly hair

If it sounds like food it's not good for your hair. Coconut oils stick to the hair & create a buildup bc oil & water don't mix. The costing over your hair prevents the conditioner from going its job & it sticks to the oil. You end up with greasy hair that has no bounce or natural shine. You want shiny hair because light reflects of it & not from oil.
The nutrients from food are designed to be digested internally. The hair can't break it down so it won't get the full effect.
There are chemists who spend years creating proper hair products that are for certain hair textures. After years of research I learned that DevaCurl works the best!

So are you saying we should never straighten our curly hair or only do it once in awhile

it damages it every time you do it. The more you do it the more damage you end up with. you're burning it with heat

Is it true that you should finger detangle hair rather than combing it and brushing it?

you can use a brush if you're very careful.... If the brush gets caught in a tangle, please make sure you don't rip thru the tangle.

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Do you do anything special with the hydration treatment on the clients hair? Or do you just use the DevaCurl products on the hair?

We use the Heaven In Hair along with One Condition, but my assistants spend 30 minutes working it thru the hair, detangling it & smoothing out the hair with a nice massage.

I have very big, curly hair, however whenever my hair dries after having washed it, it's lays flat on the too (near my scalp) and gets bigger towards the end. Do you have any recommendations on how to style my hair to get some volume near the top? Would a light blowdry work?

Have you consulted with your hairdresser? Try a better cut that suits your hair type.

I have semi nice curl patter but it has a lot of heat damage so it's stringy what should I do?

Tell everyone you know why you're not supposed to straighten curls & share your horror stories! We need to share the truth that any form of curl straightening is permanent damage. Get a good trim, keep it curly and fire the hairdresser that allowed this to happen!!!
Invest in DevaCurl & visit my pages to stay informed

Why do you say food doesn't belong in your hair?

Because food is intended to give your body nutrients internally. Hair needs nutrients topically. If you eat food that's healthy for your hair that's one thing, but hair can't break down & digest the nutrients in food.
Chemists spend years creating hair products that will nourish your hair. Slapping some oil on your hair won't help. Oil & water don't mix so it builds up on your hair & creates a greasy film preventing the conditioner from doing its job. You need to hydrate your hair, not coat it with grease to get real natural shine!
There's a reason all my new clients leave with better looking hair than when they arrive with butter or oils.
You can listen to the curl doctor with experience or to some random inexperienced person with greasy hair!

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How do I know if my shampoo is a sulfate?

if you have hair, you should have a regular stylist you trust so consult with her/him. If they're not aware then you're with the wrong stylist!
Read the ingredients and avoid any combination of the word "sulfate"


Please make sure you wash & condition your hair the morning of & come with your hair DRY & freshly styled. You'll get a better cut if you come with dry, clean hair & styled, so no buns, clips, hats, braids...... I want to see it as curly as possible.
Email me if you have questions info@CapellaSalon.com
Liked by: Deanna

Could you briefly explain the lather free concept?

Sulfates are soaps that create lather. We've been brainwashed to think that we need a lot of lather to clean our hair. But the lather is just a harmful soap that strips your hair & giving you that squeaky clean feel that is actually drying out your hair.
You need to cleanse your scalp only not your hair & condition your hair.
Use No Poo to cleanse your scalp & One Condition to hydrate your hair (by DevaCurl)
Visit my page for more www.ShaiAmiel.com
Liked by: Deanna

Omg! I have a brazilian keratin treatment which makes my hair curly. How can I keep it this way besides keeping up with the treatment?

I don't believe in altering the natural texture of curly hair. Work with what you have, don't fight it with chemicals

Is it common for DevaCurl products do be used incorrectly?

Yes. People don't understand the lather free concept. We're trained to shampoo our hair but you only need to cleanse (shampoo) your scalp & not your hair. Condition your hair not your scalp.
Your hairdresser should have explained this to you on your first visit to make sure you care for your hair properly

Will DevaCurl hair products leave my hair soft?

If used properly. Have your stylist show you how to use it.

I constantly straighten my hair, but now I'm debating on whether or not to keep it curly because I don't want to permanently loose my curls. Would I still be damaging my hair if I just go back and forth every week? Or is that worse..

Alcoholics can't have a drink once in a while. Keeping your curly hair is a lifestyle commitment. You can't go back & forth.
Blowfrying your curls straight is very damaging.

I mainly use John Frieda and Tresemmé hair products. What is your opinion on them? Do you recommend them?

I've been doing hair close to 20 years & still haven't found anything better than DevaCurl.
If Treseme & John Frieda were so great, you'd find it in salons
The drugstore, Target & other discount shops are not a good source of quality hair products

Do DevaCurl hair products make hair stiff or crunchy? Because that is mainly what has been keeping me from leaving my hair curly. I hate that.

You should have your stylist show you how to use it properly. I give every client a detailed tutorial on styling, caring & maintaining

the crown of my hair is terribly dry & frizzy. & i have bleach damage all over. Ive bought so many products (shea moisture products & mixed chicks) & i dont see a difference. even tried to give myself a protein treatment. nothing seems to work. any advice?

STOP FRYING YOUR HAIR! If it sounds like food it doesn't belong on your hair. Shea Butter, coconut & olive oil, milks, creams, mayo, egg, avocado, etc are not the proper treatments. Invest in real products like DevaCurl.
Fire the hairdresser that bleached your hair & find someone you trust. Home dye jobs are the fastest way to destroy your hair

Do you ever come to Atlanta? If not, how can we get you here

We need 15 girls together so they can share the expense

my hair is uneven and thicker on side side. its extremely dry also what can i do? i use moisturizers but within a couple hours my hair is back to being extremely dry

What do you use? Shampoo, conditioner & styling products including the brand......
Apply your styling products to very wet hair


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