

Ask @Mahafsoun

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How do you see yourself ten years from now? What will you do? Where will you live? Etc.

I see myself living in Vancouver still and doing what I love as far as art goes, in a stronger way than ever. Keeping all this alive and strong. :)

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How do you feel about the fact that physical appearance is such an important part of belly dance? When picking a dancer for an event, this is a very important aspect. Does this bother you in any way?

I'm not afraid to say that most forms of art focus a lot on physical appearance, such as the clothing, makeup style and overall look of the performer (be it a singer, dancer or anything else). It doesn't bother me personally, as I feel comfortable and confident with myself. As long as I continue to do what I love one way or the other, and perform at events that I myself desire to perform at, then I am fulfilled as an artist.
Liked by: The Heartagram

Was there ever a photoshoot that you weren't too hyped about?

No, since I only choose to do shoots that I genuinely desire to do. That way I give my full dedication and energy to the collaboration.

Hi! Can you do a video showing what's inside your bag? it's a really famous tag around youtube! And if you pleeeaase can make a makeup tutorial video we would be really happy! lol lots of hugs for you <3 take care, lovely!

Oh yes, I know those trendy YouTube videos. Maybe some day in my second channel I will do such videos, random vlogs like that. :)

Do you love apple? Which apple products do you have?

I do! My laptop has been the MacBook Pro for the past 3 years. I currently have the new iPod Touch (my older, perfectly working one broke last year while I was biking). I use the crappy yet useful iPhone 3GS which I have had for the last 3 years also. It works, so why change it... And the new iPad, which proves to be quite useless for the most part. :P

Dear, probably someone has already made this question, but do you have some favourite photo or photoshop session?

Good question!
There are many shoots that I love, and they tend to change often, since I do so many every year... but I will try to list my top 3 favourites at the moment.
"Carpe Omnia", "Broken" and "Bellydance Beneath The Waves".

What the pentagram means to u? There are two types of it, right?

To me, the symbol pointed up or down means the same thing. Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit. The Elements, mainly, but much more.

Do you consider that your ego has the right size? Since you are a very talented artist, how do you deal with compliments from fans and how it affects your personal life?

I think that a level of ego is needed, for all artists and performers. The "healthy" kind of ego, though. The kind that somewhat translates to confidence, rather than something negative and off-putting. I believe that mine is the right kind, and hopefully the right size. To this day I treat and appreciate compliments as I did years ago, if I received it randomly. I'm still just as thankful. It doesn't affect my life, it's just a wonderful little "extra" to it.


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