

Ask @Mahafsoun

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Do you like Therion? Their lyrics contain lots of obscure references to occultism and other subjects. However, songs like "Wine of Aluqah", "The Ritual Dance of the Yezidis" and "Melek Taus" specifically allude to Middle Eastern culture ...

I absolutely love Therion.
Liked by: Sonia Yokhana

Are people ever surprised when they learn you are from Iran? I think you could easily pass for Italian, or even a Central European goth girl. Many Americans know nothing about the Middle East and believe Iran = Iraq (and not = Persia) = home of Arabs, who are all brown-skinned Muslim terrorists etc.

Not really, they are not that surprised when I tell them that I am Iranian. I do look Iranian, especially to other Iranians. Although I do have a mix of Azerbaijani and Arabic in me. Even though some people's extreme ignorance about Iran and the Middle East in general confuses me, I can only say that there are good and bad people in every path, culture and background. Those with such ignorance simply need to be educated a little better.

Have you ever come across Didem's performances? What do you make of her? xx

Of course. I grew up watching her performances on Turkish TV. I think she's beautiful and dances with some great techniques.
Liked by: Mouaz Shubat

Any favorite photographer? (besides the ones you shoot with :P)

Absolutely! I'm in love with Benjamin von Wong's photography art. It's a dream of mine to shoot with him one day. He's not only otherworldly talented, but seems to be an awesome guy as well. :) And the best part is that he visits Vancouver pretty often, so... a girl can dream!

What's your favorite exercise after dancing?

Right after a dance routine I just want to lay down. It's extremely exhausting sometimes, dancing heavily for up to 8 minutes sometimes without stopping (for my videos). After I catch my breath, I stretch. Here I'm talking about a scenario in my studio. During live performances, it's a different story. I tend to just sit a bit after I meet and greet with some people and get changed back to my normal clothes.

Sum up the results of the year. What’s good, what's wrong, what's new, what's changed, what you want change, what you like, what you reached, what you ashamed? And what are you expecting from 2014?

That sounds like a great video blog idea. Either made before the year ends, or soon after 2014 begins.

Hello, I would like to know if you suffer or have suffered prejudice where you live. People have looked at you with nasty glances at your way of dressing? Where I live always happens. (Sorry if I wrote something wrong,I don't speak English)

Not at all, for those reasons. I'm lucky to live in a very diverse and open part of the world.

Are you addicted to playing videogames?

I used to be, a couple of years ago. There was a time where I played for 16 hours a day. Not good...
These days I find myself getting back into the habit now and then, but then I remember that I have a lot to do, so I control it. :P

Mahafsoun, I have an urge to start releasing my dancing too. However, I feel I'm still not quite ready to start doing this. I was wondering how you got where you are, as it did for it to be as recognized as you are now. One day I want to be like you! Know that you are one of my inspirations. :3

Thank you so much! It means a lot to me that I can inspire someone in some way. :)
I started off making videos in my house. I put a backdrop up and started recording my dances. Looking back at them now, they're not very good in my opinion, but well, that is what I could do 3 years ago... So you can see, you will grow in time, and because of that, it doesn't mean that you should't begin right now. I wasn't quite "ready" to start 3 years ago either, but I wouldn't be anywhere if I didn't start somewhere...
Go for it!


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