

Ask @Charchar2heheh

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Which micro do you want the most out of the tradable micros

Mordiarty's ... Orange and pink butterflies with the little bow. I found that egg actually, but got ninja'd by a couple seconds. x3 I adored it as soon as I saw it out of the egg, it was my favorite, and in shocked/delighted to see it up for trade. The hard part is going to be getting it ... and if I miss it again ;----;

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on another note, is anyone really good at micro items? I can't get them to look right on my new boy q v q

Would flick ask her out if they were older?

Maybe not right at this moment, but a bit in the future, if they were older, yea ;//;

izy;; yuh huh!! -giggles- c'mon flick, you know you're bein' shy xD

Flick;; Oh, well maybe a little. It's not illegal, you know. -pouty frown-

Would you happen to have a minecraft account which you don't use anymore? And be able to donate >3<

I do have a minecraft account, but I'm not giving it away, sorry Q____Q;

flizzy would make bootiful little babies

it's a little far from that rn
also the fact that they're both PPS Q n Q //flails sadly

if your PPS kia could grow up, what would they look like?

ooh! Hmmm
As a kiamara? Just like, a larger version of himself I guess x'D With a bit bigger spots maybe? His feathers would be glowy and yellow-white, maybe<3
as a human, he'd be pretty tall I think, muscular and stuff *v* his hair would be really messy and kinda shoved over to the side, he'd have a kind of devil-may-care attitude, not really caring about authority, but still keep that soft spot inside himself for others in need q O q

izy;; that's not a good enough answer!! pleeeeeeeease tell me why yer so embarrassed?

flick;; 'Cause ... I dunno -shuffles feet- you're really pretty and I'm kinda afraid q //// q -hides-

I love you you answer my questions right after I log on xD // izy;; Q//v//Q -blushes- you actually like me?!?

Flick;; -curls tail around himself and peeks out- Hehh ;/////; maaaaybe~
Liked by: birch

izy;; c'mon dude, you know there's no other flick in Antarctica..! he'd freeze to death D:

flick;; Hehe, I'm aware q v q
Liked by: birch

izy;; -grins- well I kinda like him back a little :'D

flick;; -squeaks- I'll-I'll be sure to tell him that! Q //// Q


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