

Ask @Charchar2heheh

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What are your plans and hopes for your art? Like shading, expanding on what you draw, etc. Thinking about studying an learning anatomy?

Hmm, let me think ...
Well, I definitely want to improve my shading and highlights. And poses! I wanna be able to make really cool, dynamic poses *V* And especially also want to work on backgrounds haha~
Anatomy is always good too, but I'm more of a chibi artist XD Still, it would be good to know, help me with poses a lot.
I'd love to be able to draw horses, and dogs too :3

Will you ever do design trades? -wants one- -knows my art isn't worth yours-

I don't, aaa ;A;
I have wayyy to many characters already, don't really need more Q v Q That and, I never have design ideas- and if I do, I end up making them myself X'D <3

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Do you like to role play?

Oh, haha, that's a good question! I love the idea of RPing- developing the character, interacting with others, etc. But in reality, I'm really bad at roleplaying XD Figuring out things for my characters to do, etc, I can't make it seem realistic and I get annoyed and lazy, lol // v //
Liked by: Dauntlessredpanda

-sneaks in- oDo Char! -snugs- Favorite program for drawing? owo

WYRDacious’s Profile Photoaeiou.
SAI! heheh
it's not as fancy as photoshop, but I can't afford photoshop, and SAI is pretty nice. great for lazy people like me! :D

hmm most people tend to procrastinate, so what are you procrastinating on? //totalprocrastinator

loafthatbread’s Profile Photoloaf
ahhhh let's see
- homework
- school projects
- commissions
- getting a life
that's about it tho !! // v //

well soooorrrry anywho ... who is your favorite kia then ?? // wait you own some right ?? //

you should be hhhhh
well yeah duh
PROBABLY uhhh cheyenne,, or maybe saqui,,
my favorite micro is pandora lol q /// q

heyyy you know who i am but whatever what is your ... uh .... idk ug 'A' character ? other than fursonas and stuff

i already answered this

Who is your favorite character ;3;

Hmmmm that's a really hard question !! // v //
Excluding my sona ... and breadsona ... probably maybe a toss-up between Mac, Maisy, & Piper uwu

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