

Ask @Charchar2heheh

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Where in the world would you want to go

anywhere, Id wanna go to somewhere super far away and away from right now ;v; maybe space
Liked by: 11-15-4-1

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Have you noticed that Syra is the only active artist? When are you accepting more? quq

syra's super active which is awesome, but our other artists are too so i don't appreciate that implication! everyone has rl stuff, they design at different rates x'D
new artists generally just arise if we have a guest artist who's interested and does a really nice job :> no particular artist comp planned for now uwu
Liked by: 11-15-4-1

Are you religious?

I'm Christian as far as my parents know but would consider myself an atheist xD Don't quite buy into that whole higher-power stuff personally and don't like how religion can be used to excuse awful stuff.
I understand some people really believe in it tho and who knows? Might be right. Religion can be really beneficial to people. I totally respect that and couldn't care less as long as they aren't using it as an excuse to justify discrimination/harm. nvn

are you planning to do any starsweets during the week? :D and is there a offical cs fanclub or? uvu

guyyyys I know you mean well but I really don't have a starsweet making schedule or anything, I just make em when I don't have loads of work and have some sorta inspiration/ideas xD all the questions asking for when exactly I'll make em I can't really answer cause I don't know xD
& Yeah actually! Qual made one here xD >> http://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=2629277&p=83938893&hilit=Charchar2#p83938893
Liked by: 11-15-4-1

will there be a starsweet nursery? Starsweet GAs/ Full artists?

A nursery is possible, but nah, I don't really see any point in hiring artists since it's not a free species xD
Liked by: 11-15-4-1

do you think if the cat star sweet auction gets pretty high, will you set an autobid? Or will there never be an AB

I dont think so, Id only really set an AB at like $20-25 or something and I doubt they'd reach that; the idea is to just sorta let bidding keep going. nvn
Liked by: 11-15-4-1

could we pay in USD instead of points with the star sweets?

for amounts over $5, yep! (i use someone else's paypal so less than that and they get annoyed at going through the whole process for so little xD)
Liked by: 11-15-4-1

Do you think you may open up any nursery slots in the Plumie Nursery? <33

not likely, sorry! im a little busy and people seem not to like to wait ;v;"
Liked by: 11-15-4-1

If our plumie has mismatched feathers (which the rarity list says is nearly rare) but no hair, may we get permission to add hair or at least a tuft edit to the plumie, since the rarity would remain unchanged?

Definitely not, sorry!
Liked by: 11-15-4-1


school week's finally over! I'll be a lil busy this weekend but definitely making more starsweets -- I'll look through old suggestions too but more ideas would be fantastic if anyone has ones they'd like to see!
Liked by: 11-15-4-1


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