

Ask @Charchar2heheh

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is it against the rules to have the same name as another plumerian?

Yes, /unless/ the owner of the first plumerian to be named that is OK with it <:

do you consider yourself the loud and proud type or the one that hides in the shadows?

Hmm ... maybe both?
I'm kinda shy and really embarrassed to speak up around people mostly, but if I get started, I am a bit /too/ proud and vocal at times, so I dunno q___q

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Just curious, if a plumerian had horns, would that make it rare?

Yep! ;v; Maybe even VR, rare is usually for little things like fur edits or tail/ear edits, not adding whole new features U v U

Kias and micros: two people that first pop into your head

xD I have no clue for my Kias, they are friend-free q___q
but micros ;;
Skylar: Edmund (whoever he is?)
Pandora: Nemo
ummm idek q____q sighs
Liked by: sharkkpaws

weird question but can a plumie that i'm trying out for have a heart made of emeralds and no shadow? or would that be considered something like a rare quality?

Um, no ' v ' Please keep it generally physically possible xD Hearts made of ... heart-stuff ... and shadows present. It's fine if they TELL other plumies that, but it can't actually be true :P

Is it possible to get gifted a Plumerian from an artist? (like the Supernatural ones)

No, not generally. From me, in rare cases, but not from an artist ♥

Which staff members in the plumie team do you want to art trade with?

Ohhhh I dunno x'D That's a hard question
Definitely .Polaris cause she's like my art idol, but there are a lot of really great artists on the team, I'd have to think it over *v*
Liked by: cece. Dare

ever take art requests?

not usually ~ I spend lots of effort and time on my art so I don't usually make it for random strangers for free ♥ Sometimes on JMs, but that's mostly plumies, not just random characters n v n
Liked by: oh deer

Would you like to do a character art trade when you have the time? q u q

Well idk who you are? Sooo maybe? x'D

Are you a city or a nature person?

I enjoy telling myself that I'd frolic amongst baby animals and flowers like a disney princess but tbh I couldn't go a day without my iPhone or air conditioning, so q v q
Liked by: Bru

Your Archivist knows nothing why did you even let them be staff?

Um, rude x'D
What is that even supposed to mean? 'Knows nothing'? About what?
They're on the staff because I need an archivist and I trust them to handle the job -- why else?
Hiding behind an anonymous message to send out nasty thoughts is immature and stupid. =/

Edmund has a crush on you.

I'm going to assume you're talking to Skylar?
though I am a rather attractive lady |"D //shotdead
I know that, but Skylar hasn't actually met him yet, so ... xD
Liked by: sharkkpaws oh deer


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