

Ask @Charchar2heheh

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when do you plan on aging wesley or august? theyve been babys for awhile havent they?

Yeah, they have, but I don't wanna age them too quickly. I want to develop them as kids and all first ; v ;

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for siren can the future owner keep the character you used in your form while competing for her?i have adored the character and her story when you made your form.or would you rather the future owner keep the art and you use the concept on another character or yours?

I would preferrr if you didn't use exactly the character I made up for her, since I worked pretty hard on it and I want you to come up with something new and unique for her! 'v'~

I'm just curious, I don't plan to enter for Siren due to some stuff taking up my time, but I have a human design down. If I give it to my friend, but they draw it themselves and just give me credit, would that count against them or no? Since they are the ones drawing it..

It's fine that you designed it as long as they draw it!

i have a question why cant there be runner ups to the 100's, while normal contests have/have had at least 8 runner ups in some contests? #1 of probably 5

[cont] Because so many people work so hard in the contests and in the end one person wins and everyone else is left there feeling like crap because they weren't recognized for trying in there form. I know there's a lot of counter arguments to what I said, but, whats the point in keeping the 100's 'special' when all them have wings and no other cool factor besides elemental powers? The RU's could be rare or uncommon for anyone cares, but they'd still be some part of special especially to the owners of the runner ups when they get them because they know there work paid off. Just a suggestion, because it's becoming an increasing factor that the 100's are left to owners who love them and all, but it leaves people in stitching wondering why they should still try for plumerians if they wasted so much time, energy, and money on those plumerians.""
I understand your argument, but there will always be winners and losers in a competition. Adding RUs might make it even more painful for people who worked super hard and weren't able to win the 100 OR a RU. There's always going to be someone who's displeased.
Magic powers + wings are pretty far from a regular plumerian, making the 100s pretty unique, so the competition for them is extra-difficult. If you don't find them special enough, there's no need to tryout?
Plumerians are really hard to get, and 100s even more so, but that's also a bit of what makes them special -- if you win, you know you've really earned it. Even in normal competitions, not everyone can win, and so time/energy/money is wasted. It sucks, but it's a fact in contests -- there are winners and there are losers. -shrugs-

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if we own a starsweet on the baby lines, how long would we have to own them before getting them onto the adult lines? and how would we go about doing that //or if its even possible, heh///? qvq

Ah sorry, I don't currently have a system in place for transferring babies to adult lines. ^^

Just wondering, but for the Siren readopt, can we have any words in the artwork, and do things like comics with dialogue? Or is the 5-word personality the only bit of writing we can do?

As long as it's just a bit of writing, and not trying to get around the word limit on the form, then its fine ^^

How long past a judge date should we wait before we notify you?

After a month or so you could nudge the original judge, wait til 2 or 3 months before bringing it to me so I can judge, probably <3

4 siren readopt, any limit on how big/small the art is? and are you judging on skill of art or creativity or showing of personality through the art? >w<

No limit, have fun!
Judging on creativity, effort, and personality. :>

I defended you on the CS confessions because I'm sick of people complaining about your awesomeness. They are clearly jealous! :o

Omg you really shouldn't have ;A; thank you that's way too kind <3

NO PROBLEM!! I wouldn't want u to be in such a relationship.. can you belieb.. she probably doesnt even like you she only wants ur plume

ikr??? I know it's true ........ she only wants my plume ........ God the world is such an awful place
Liked by: Soul

;)))) hey friendo pal chum buddy wanna go out for dinner in a completely platonic way of course

definitely :) play date sounds great :) not a real date cause u kno ... just gals bein pals u kno ;)


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