

Ask @chocochen

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When do you find Chen sexy?

I still cannot put the word 'sexy' and 'Chen' together^^ Being debuted for almost 2 years, I still haven't found him sexy. but yes, there are times when he's irresistible. Full of charms, overflowing charisma, irresistible, but not sexy. I still adore him, though :)

kak kalo daftar KGSP itu harus punya hasil check up kesehatan dari rumah sakit?trus harus punya sertifikat TOPIK/TOEFL kah? xixi

nope, kalau untuk daftar (yg baru ngirimin berkas2) itu gak perlu hasil check up. cuma perlu ngisi medical statement yg ada di attachment aplikasinya aja. nanti kalau udah lulus tahap selanjutnya, baru harus ngirimin hasil check up.
Sertif toefl/topik sebenernya optional, ga dikirim jg gapapa. cuma ya pasti "nilai"nya ga sama antara aplikasi yg ngirim toefl&topik, ngirim salah satu aja, dan yg ga ngirim sama sekali. kalo sama, ga bakal dibikin syarat begitu. tapi ada sih jurusan dr univ tertentu yg wajib toefl...

kakak daftar ke kyunghee langsung kirim applicationnya atau ikutan KGSP?

daftar KGSP, tapi kirim aplikasi pendaftarannya langsung ke Kyunghee. kan sistem pendaftaran KGSP ada dua, bisa lewat kedutaan besar, bisa lewat universitas yang dituju langsung. tentu ada bedanya, masing-masing ada plus minusnya. untuk lengkapnya silakan buka studyinkorea.go.kr

Is your favorite time the past, present or the future?

the past is something I happily reminisce about; the present is somehing I live happily; while the future is something I expectantly dream of.
I guess I like the present above all, since it's what I have in my hands at the moment.

Who is your best friend?

I'd like to name my mom and my other "human" best friend, but then again, I'll just say my best friend is my very first teddy bear, who has been accompanying me since I was four♥

iya ya dimanapun jurusannya gak ada yang bisa ngejamin bakal bisa ngikutin apa enggak ._. duh tengkyu banget nih kak haha. kalo dari prospek kerja kak? rata2 emang jadi penerjemah dkk, tapi kalo dari lulusan ui sendiri, rata2 lulus banyak yang jadi apa ya kak? hehe. Buat ngeyakinin ortu ._.

penerjemah dan interpreter itu pekerjaan paling standar lulusan Saskor UI. kalo secara lulusan UI sendiri sih sebenernya bisa kerja macem2... jadi apa aja yg mereka mau, tergantung gimana orang itu nyarinya juga sih.
ohya interpreter dan penerjemah itu gak selalu freelance, bisa juga di bank atau perusahaan2 Korea macem Lotte Mart, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Tous les Jours, Hanhwa Insurance, Samsung, dll dll. kebanyakan senior saya begitu. yang kerja di promotor juga ada. di KakaoTalk Indonesia juga. di Krakatau Posco, malah ada banyak sekali. awalnya interpreter trus pindahtugas jadi yg lain2 ada yg begitu, ada yg masuk jd sekretaris, ada yg di HRD, General Affair. macam2 sih....
Liked by: fiq

If you could be invisible for a day, what would your do?

give Chen back hug and rest in his arms for the rest of the night, with teddy bear in my arms.

What is your favorite online shopping site?

I don't really shop online.... so I guess Lazada? since I have only tried to do online shopping from it

What does it mean when a girl smiles at a boy?

she finds him amusing --either he is attractive, or something is wrong with him xD
I tend to smile a lot when I see a particular boy friend of mine because his face just scream "Laugh at me!" kkkkkkkk

kak gue yang di blog hehe. intinya gue ada berkeinginan buat masuk saskor karna beberapa alasan yang ngebuat gue lebih milih jurusan ini lah pokoknya kak hehe. tapi ada 1 hal kak yang gue raguin, gue cuma takut gue ga bisa ngikutin pelajarannya. kira2 kalo misalnya belajar bahasa tuh ada spesifik or

well, kalau kamu masuk Teknik Elektro, misalnya, apakah ada jaminan 100% kamu akan bisa ngikutin pelajarannya? ^^
"bisa ngikutin pelajaran" kan relatif, beda-beda tergantung penilaian orangnya.
kalau untuk belajar bahasa apapun, yang paling penting itu latihan. iya mengahafal vocab, grammar juga penting, tapi kalau gak pernah latihan, ya gak bakal bisa. mau lancar baca, sering2 baca. supaya speakingnya bagus, rajin2 ngobrol dalam bahasa yg dipelajari. mau tulisannya gak setingkat tulisan anak TK, ya harus sering latihan menulis ilmiah. klise sih, tapi itu gak bohong. ada kalimat orang yang saya suka, "sweats will never betray you" -> banyak latihan pasti akan mempengaruhi hasil. saya punya teman di saskor yg pintar, IPnya di atas 3.5 tapi dia kurang banyak latihan bicara dgn orang korea, jadi bahasa koreanya saat bicara ya... kaku. padahal tulisan2nya bahasanya bagus sekali.
Pokoknya mah tanggung jawab sama pilihan, ya. masuk saskor emang memungkinkan "fangirling sambil belajar" --kalau dilakukan dengan cara yg benar.

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What do women talk about when there are no men around?

well.. of course mostly it will be about men, right?

What's the best concert you've ever been to?

I haven't attended many concerts :| and I don't think any of the ones I attended belong to "the best" category yet^^

How do you see yourself spending your time in your old age?

I have written some books under my name (be it a folktale-related book or just a simple romantic fiction novel), which I can read them proudly for my grandchildren. I will still occasionally do special lectures here and there. My grandchildren come to sleep over at my house almost every week to visit me and their wonderful, playful grandfather (and to play with my vast collections of teddy bears, for the girls). The most importantly, every night I will get my share of heart-melting kisses from the love of my life and cuddle with him until we fall asleep♥

what do you think of ChenYin?

SuYin has been practically the only pairing for Li Yin for what feels like forever --let's not forget how haven't released anything after I Will and before Breath.
I was 1000% shipping them gladly because they looked really, really good together in Timeless. I also thought that Li Yin fits Junsu the best than other Junsu's pairing.
then SM just have to make Li Yin's first appearance after forever as a duet with Chen.......... I felt like crying because I've been waiting for Li Yin's comeback as well as Chen's individual work apart of EXO, but the idea of them as a pair has not really crossed my mind. and I was an avid "anti" of noona-dongsaeng relationship (before watching I Hear Your Voice, of course), so I couldnt really see ChenYin as a couple.
'Unfortunately', they do very well no matter how hard I tried to deny, they had this chemistry.
and then I came accross a ChenYin fic for the first time and I just cant pinpoint where my heart is leaning to (it also has SuYin, and both Chen and Junsu were described as the nice guys they are).
conclusion is, I ship ChenYin as well as SuYin but I think I still lean to SuYin more xD

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If you had 24 hours to spend anyway you wanted, and money wasn't a concern, what would you do?

read all good novels I havent read; then eat all chocolate-derivated foods and snacks and make sure to leave to-do lists (or just simply notes) for people I love and care about. finally I want to cuddle with my teddy bears in the arms of my Chen --not necessarily need to be the Kim Jongdae himself, but someone with his traits esp those warm eyes and smiles.


Language: English