

Ask @chocochen

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Kak, peluang untuk masuk bkk ui tahun ini besar ga kak? satu angkatan bkk itu ada brp org kak?

Halo, kamu bisa cek di sini http://simak.ui.ac.id/reguler.html untuk kelas reguler dan di sini http://simak.ui.ac.id/paralel.html untuk kelas paralel.
Kalau kamu malas baca ini ringkasannya:
SNMPTN 2013 Peminat 463 orang | Keketatan 4,75% | Daya tampung 2014 20 orang
SBMPTN 2013 Peminat 651 orang | Keketatan 1,84% | Daya tampung 2014 12 orang
SIMAK 2013 Peminat 397 orang | Keketatan 2.77% | Daya tampung 2014 8 orang
SIMAK 2013 Peminat 227 orang | Keketatan 5,29% | Daya tampung 2014 12 orang
PPKB 2013 Peminat 15 orang | Keketatan 53,33% | Daya tampung 2014 8 orang
PERLU DIINGAT bahwa "Keketatan" adalah persentase jumlah peserta diterima berbanding jumlah peserta pendaftar.
semakin besar persentase berarti daya saing rendah --> peminat tidak banyak
semakin kecil persentase berarti daya saing tinggi --> peminat sangat banyak
Karena kamu tanya peluang untuk masuk BKK UI tahun ini, saya anggap kamu sudah tahu ya apa bedanya kelas Reguler dan Paralel, SNMPTN, SBMPTN, SIMAK, dan PPKB.
Kalau kamu belum tahu, buka website http://penerimaan.ui.ac.id di sana ada penjelasan yang amat sangat detail.

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What is your favourite vegetable?

I dont reqlly have preferences..... I eat anything halal and edible~

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Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?

zooooooooo all the way!
most preferably zoo with polar bears or penguins collection♥

What is the next big thing that will blow people’s minds?


Oiya? Siapakah? Wuah, nanti ketemuan yaa disini :)

namanya Lita, dia gak main askfm^^
Stella di Ewha sejak tahun berapa?

What do you know that others don’t?

I know that we shouldn't believe in any rumours on Liyin's comeback until SM release her new MV in their youtube channel. even though there are pictures from the so-called Liyin's new MV shooting, no you cannot believe it. because there's always this possibility that the one doing comeback is the other SM artist.
(like now, we've been hearing this rumours of Liyin's comeback since months ago but voila suddenly J-Min debuted domestically and even got to promote in music shows for several times, f(x) new MV is out, and Henry has released teaser photos for his 2nd album, while there's still nothing about Liyin.)

What fruit do you eat the most often?

lately, kurma (dates). I eat kurma everyday~
and yes kurma is considered as fruit, you know :P

How often do you use your brain?

I always use it almost every second except when I sleep if not how can I talk or read or type this answer

What is your idea of the perfect honeymoon destination?

this actually depends on my future husband's personality and our agreement later. but for now, I'd like to go somewhere quiet and calm. a resort near beach or a villa in the deep mountain, I will not mind. some kind of 'back to nature' concept.
but to end my honeymoon, I'd like my future husband to take me to Dufan xD

Which celebrity you would follow on Ask.fm?

Shim Changmin. or Cho Kyuhyun. if they ever made Ask.fm and reply regularly though.
because I bet their replies will be the snarkiest ones and I miss Changmin so much :<
Liked by: rlawhdeo

Are you a city or a nature person?

totally a city one.
yeah I like nature and animals and all but I dont think I can survive in nature ^^;;

kakak ambil jurusan apa pas daftar di kyunghee kemaren?boleh gak pas KGSP master degree kita ambil jurusan yg beda sama jurusan S1 pas di Indonesia,misal pas di Indo jurusan kita sastra trus KGSP ambil psikologi gitu?

saya ambil Sastra Korea lagi hahahaha. Boleh aja kok pindah jurusan gitu, asal jurusan yang kamu mau ada di universitas yang kamu tuju aja. Tapi yang perlu diperhatikan, kalau kamu apply via universitas, biasanya universitas akan memprioritaskan kandidat yang berasal dari jurusan yang sebidang. Saya bilang begitu karena melihat teman-teman saya yang jurusan tujuannya jauh beda dari jurusan kami sekarang (ada yang apply untuk bidang Broadcast di Hongdae, lalu bidang yg terkait Scriptwriting di Dongguk, dll) itu tidak diterima. Tapi bukannya mustahil sih, karena teman saya yang apply untuk Pariwisata di KNU dan Administrasi Bisnis di Korea Univ diterima.

whats your hope for Kris and EXO's future career?

ah, finally this kind of questions...
well, of course I hope all the best for all 12 of them. I have always believe that someone will leave EXO but I didn't expect it to be this fast. I also didn't expect Kris to be the first to leave EXO. Now that they have parted ways... they should work even harder to reach their dreams.
For this short time I wish Kris will have a successful performance in Goong musical Chinese ver (if the rumor is true). and hopefully his new agency will be 'better' than SM in some ways.
For EXO.. I wish SM doesn't keep exploiting this "new gold mine". it'll be great if SM gives them more chance for individual activities. personally I want to see vocal line (esp Chen!) doing OSTs and participating in Immortal Songs.
Liked by: rlawhdeo

What would your dream house be like?

ah.... actually I really want to have a house like the one featured in Full House :3

What are your plans for the summer?

1) preparing for graduation and all related stuffs
2) preparing for my departure to Korea


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