

Ask @chocochen

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Why do you use your current username? Any special meaning behind it?

chocochen.... simply because I love chocolate and I love Chen. besides it rhymes xD
to make my reason more 'sophisticated', it's because both chocolate and Chen can lighten up my mood. when I feel stressed or down, eating chocolate bar or drinking hot chocolate while listening to Chen's soothing voice will be a great refreshment. especially if I get to see Chen's warm smile♥

ak kira jokwon2am avamu

................ 종대야 미안하다 ㅠㅠ
hahahaha bukan kok.
kayaknya perlu foto Chen yang lebih Chen답게 ya hmmm

smstr pndk it ngulang peljrn yaa ?

di beberapa fakultas, iya begitu. tapi sekarang sepertinya 'trend'nya fakultas tidak membuka semester pendek. FIB sudah pasang pengumuman tidak ada semester pendek tahun ini, lalu saya dengar Fasilkom juga. saya tidak tahu fakultas lain bagaimana.

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이게 뭐야 내가 누구냐고 그런 질문 어떻게 나올 수 있어?!

아아악 불쌍한 우리 종대야 ~.~
그리고 인정하기 싫어도 인정해 너는 네 멤버들 중에 덜 유명한 편이잖아.. ㅜㅜ
그래도 내 맘속에 너는 1등이야♥

Who do you think make the best pair for Chen?

aside of Zhang Liyin, Chen doesn't have any "official" pairing, I think. Sure, there's LuChen, but let's remember that Luna is paired with almost every "less popular" main vocalists (Onew, Ryeowook). of course there are more Chen pairings out there I haven't heard of. but as for now, I will go down with ChenYin^^
I ship Chen with Liyin not because she's another SM's underrated vocalist. 'Breath' Chinese ver was the start, of course. I remember answering ChenYin-related question before so details on why I ship ChenYin can be found in my earlier answers.

gambar avat di askfm mu itu sp?

[첸: 뭐야 난 누군지 모른다고?!
나: 미안하다 종대야 난 네 홍보 잘 안 해서 힝]
Dia Chen, main vocal-nya EXO-M. A boy with sweetest smile and warmest heart I have heard of♥
hai Anon, kamu bukan KPopers ya?

org korea di bipa it kuliah jg atau cuma les?

disebutnya kuliah bahasa sih. intinya mungkin sama kayak les, tapi belajarnya di kampus, setiap hari senin sampai jumat jam 9 pagi sampai jam 1 siang. ya memang mirip kuliah jadinya.
lebih lanjut tentang BIPA silakan buka lbi.fib.ui.ac.id ya

td yg d bawah kan ada yg blg diterima di bakor. emg diumumin diteima itu kpn ? bknnya pas pengumuman snmotn?

kayaknya gak ada yg bilang kalau udah diterima di Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Korea UI deh. di bawah cuma ada anon yg minta didoain supaya dia diterima di BKK UI, karena dia niat daftar tahun ini.
pengumumannya ya sesuai sama pengumuman SIMAK, SNMPTN, atau ujian lain yg kamu ikuti.

selain cina apa ? makul plhn?

banyaaaak setiap jurusan di UI (mungkin kecuali FK & FKG) punya banyak matkul utk ditawarkan jadi matkul lintas prodi. semua prodi Sastra di FIB menawarkan matkul Bahasa Dasar, kayak Bahasa Korea Dasar, Bahasa Sunda Dasar, Bahasa Italia Dasar, Bahasa Spanyol Dasar, dll.
*matkul lintas prodi = matkul pilihan.
misalnya, saya prodi Korea, tapi saya bisa ambil matkul Politik Asia Timur yg sebenarnya matkul dari prodi Ilmu Politik, FISIP.
kalau mau informasi lebih jelas, silakan buka fib.ui ac.id

di saskor itu ada org koreanya? selain guru..

kalau di jurusan Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Korea yg orang Korea cuma dosennya (ya iyalah ngapain orang Korea ngambil Sastra Korea mereka mah biasanya ngambil Sastra Inggris atau Sastra Indonesia).
tapi kalo kamu nyari orang Korea di kampus FIB, ada banyak kok. duduk aja di depan gedung 6 atau gedung 5 pasti ketemu sama orang2 Korea yg les di BIPA.
*BIPA: Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing. lengkapnya apa silakan google sendiri ya.

jurusan bakor kok ada test china ?

mahasiswa UI pasti harus ngambil matakuliah pilihan krn matakuliah wajib dari prodi masing2 ga ada yg sampe 144sks. nah semester ini (dan semester kemaren) saya ambil matakuliah pilihannya Bahasa Cina Dasar. jadi ya dapat ujian bahasa Cina.

What movie star would you most like to meet?

ah..... I don't really have one.... but if I have to choose, I think I want to meet Yoo Seungho. I'd like to tell him to choose projects even more "wisely". In my eyes, he acts way better than Kim Soohyun, but he lacks the ability to choose a project that will shoot his name to the top of stardom, unlike Soohyun.

Who is the most beautiful person in your country?

Alyssa Soebandono. well she may be not the prettiest, but I have always adored her, and recently she really captures my heart with her sweet, sweet love story♥

Who is your favorite artist?

my all-time Indonesian artist (musician) will be Kahitna. while for Korean singer it will be K.Will; and David Foster for Western musician.
I don't really have favorite actor or actress, though.

What makes you wake up each morning?

the duty to pray, of course. but most of time it's my dad knocking on my door *hide*

Is it wrong to kill animals for human consumption?

as long as the animals is killed in ways so it will be halal product, I have no objection.
but of course it is wrong to exploit animals for 'mere' fashion.

If you and Chen share a kiss, how will it be?

hmmm.... It will be most likely a short and playful one because Chen steals it from me kk

What is the most pointless invention?

I believe nothing is pointless. All things have their points in some aspects.

kak bener gak kira-kira cowok korea itu romantis kebangetan kayak di drama?

Hmmmm gimana ya ini subjektif sih. tapi sekedar share aja, orang Korea berjenis kelamin laki-laki (muda, tua, masih bocah) yang pernah saya kenal selama 8 semester belajar di saskor sih..... ga ada yg romantis hahahaha.
saya sering dibilangin sama temen korea saya "Ah itu kan cuma di film aja", terutama kalo saya nanya soal hubungan ibu mertua-menantu perempuan. katanya "ngga semua ibu mertua korea begitu kok apalagi yg di kota besar. apalagi di zaman sekarang begini, semua ngurus dirinya sendiri [karena individualisme juga tuntutan hidup makin tinggi]"
trus saya juga pernah nanya apa cowok korea seneng pakai baju pink (krn kl di drama kan pasti tuh), trus temen2 saya bilang "ya mereka kan artis~"
tapi memang ada sih temen saya yg pacarnya itu perhatian banget, seneng ngasih kado+kejutan, kerjaannya komen di semua pos ceweknya di semua akun sosmed ceweknya hahahaha [tapi menurut saya itu sih bukan romantis tapi lebay haha]

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Kak, aku mau masuk BKK UI 2014 nih doakan yaaaa :D

all the best buat kamu ya. semoga YME menempatkanmu di tempat yang paling baik untukmu, dan semoga tempat yang paling baik untukmu itu BKK UI 2014 :)
jangan lupa kalau udah masuk BKK UI, belajar yang rajin ya. bukan demi oppa, tapi demi masa depanmu dan demi Indonesia ^^


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