

Ask @chocochen

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What was the last song you heard?

Krystal - 울컥 because I am watching My Lovable Girl -- for my love for Myungsoo

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Can TV make us stupid?

if you use it only to watch things which don't bring you any good.
kalo nonton TVnya nonton berita, national geographic, discovery channel, animal planet, EBS, TV E, ya bisa pinter..

How do you know when you're in love?

when I unconsciously remember him for so many times in a day
when I want to sit next to him in class and talk to him but I just cannot initiate the conversation
when I start scribbling his name everywhere
hoho all I've been through were just puppy love so yeah ^^;;

Who made the last incoming call on your phone?

Unknown number when I was still in class. Idk who, maybe some random seller

First three songs in your favorite playlist?

1 Back Then - Zhang Liyin
2 Wild Flower - Jang Wooram & Im Dohyuk
3 Ice Fortress - Kim Feel

kak apa aja yg dibutuhkan utk dpt beasiswa ke korea? & gimana cara pendaftarannya?

Tergantung kamu ngelamarnya beasiswa apa dulu. Kalau mau beasiswa dari pemerintah korea coba buka studyinkorea.go.kr; atau coba ketik "beasiswa korea" "beasiswa LPDP" di Mbah Google,pasti keluar lengkap. Jangan lupa dibaca tuntas yaa ^^

beasiswa ke korea itu full ditanggung pemerintah/perusahaannya atau ga?

Tergantung kamu ngelamar beasiswa dari mana dulu... kalo kamu ngelamar beasiswa dari pemerintah korea ya yg nanggung pemerintah korea, kalo kamu ngelamarnya beasiswa LPDP yg nanggung pemerintah indonesia.

kak kalo mau ngelamar kerja jd interpreter gimana caranya ya?

Ya.... ke perusahaan / orang yg lagi cari interpreter...?

What is the most unexpected thing that happened to you this week?

I have to go to Seoul tomorrow after class and come back to dorm at night--basically I'll spend five hours on the way tomorrow and it's freaking cold now (for me)

Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?

Hmmm I talked (via FB messenger) with an old male friend of mine whom I respect so much last night. We discussed things for hours--about how I'm doing here and his dreams :)

Would you prefer to have the power to fly or be invisible?

It would save me so much transportation fee --so I could allocate the money to buy more sweaters~

harus ada basic ga msk jrsn korea d ui?

Ga ada kok. Semua jurusan sastra di UI belajarnya dari 0; dari alfabet bahasa masing2. Pas saya masuk kuliah pertama belajarnya dari 가 나 다 라 마.
Cuma seiring berjalannya waktu (karena kpop makin booming), kebanyakan lebih dari 60% mahasiswa baru sastra korea UI pas baru masuk udah bisa baca hangeul walaupun masih berantakan

Be so good they can't ignore you

Why thank you anon ssi!
I don't know why you suddenly said this to me, but thank you for the good words :)


Language: English