

Ask @chocochen

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kak bkk ui bisa 3,5 tahun gak?

bisa aja, kalau kamu rajin ngabisin sks dengan ngambil mata kuliah pilihan selama semester 2-7 itu. tapi gak bisa skripsi (waktu zaman saya)

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How is Daejeon?

so far, so good ㅋㅋㅋㅋ can't say I love it already, though... I still prefer Seoul much better ^^
but I think Daejeon is a nice warm up before the sleepless Seoul~

First three songs in your favorite playlist?

1. Wu Yi Fan - Time Boils the Rain
2. Gummy - 사랑했으니... 됐어
3. Zhang Liyin - Agape
It's my bedtime playlist anyway ^^

Omg helllloooo,,,aq ga tw bhasa inggris kk

maaf kalau Anda merasa terganggu saya menggunakan bahasa Inggris. akun ask.fm ini pada awalnya saya buat untuk tujuan spazzing kpop, jadi saya lebih sering menggunakan bahasa Inggris. hanya saja akhir-akhir ini ada cukup banyak yang bertanya dalam bahasa Indonesia mengenai Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Korea UI dan proses saya ikut KGSP.

Ok thank you kak ^.^

Hope everything goes well for you.
Jangan mutusin kuliah di luar negeri cuma semata2 karena "kepengen keren" (dan kalo negara tujuannya korea, jangan karena "kepengen ketemu oppa") ya. kuliah di luar negeri itu berkali2 lipat beratnya dari kuliah di luar kota (yg itu aja udah berat), jadi harus dipikirin matang2 yaa :)

Kak aku mau ambil KGSP-U nilai ku 80-an tapi rank ku antara 50%-100% dari semua murid ipa dan ips disekolah ku. Dam di formulirnya tertulis rank kita 20% dari semua murid satu angkatan.

kalau boleh tau, kamu SMAnya di kota apa ya? lalu universitas dan tujuan yang kamu tuju di Korea itu apa? motivasi kamu untuk kuliah S1 di Korea itu apa kalau boleh tau? :)
jujur, saya tidak banyak tahu ttg KGSP-U kecuali apa2 yg tertera di website studyinkorea.go.kr jadi I may not be a big help ^^ ;; tapi @Nnikiko merupakan salah satu grantee 2013 KGSP-U, jadi mungkin timeline dia akan banyak bantu kamu :)
sejujurnya ya, kalau aku pribadi lebih prefer S1 di Indonesia, baru nanti S2nya yg di luar negeri. krn menurutku S1 jg jadi ajang memperluas networking dulu. soalnya nanti bakal kerjanya di Indonesia, gt. akan tetapi, semuanya berpulang ke tujuan masa depan kamu juga sih. kamu memproyeksikan dirimu akan menjadi apa selesai kuliah S1? bekerja di bidang apa? semuanya akan mempengaruhi langkah2 yg harus kamu ambil :)

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"once the twitter is up" Is something wrong with your twitter?!! (I honestly didn't understand that sentence ._.)

sorry~~ I mean once you made the twitter for NUINTL :)

OMG, I just got confused with the translations. kkkkkk Oh, I really wanted to go to Indonesia!! *3* I hate codes! kkkkkkk I'll find a designer, for sure. If I create a twitter I'll rely on you to post the translations there, ok? I can post the news. y.y I'll see what I can do!! ♥♥

okay, I'll post my trans there once the twitter is up :)

So I'll use your translations as "nizzyool @ NUINTL". ^^ Hi Nisa! o/ Where are you from? kkkk I was thinking about making a tumblr or a wordpress, but I don't have designing skills!! kkk If we created a twitter, would you like that? xD ♥JunNi-ah

okay~ I'm from Indonesia.
that's also my biggest problem kk I really, really want to make one for Jooyoung but I can't do codes and designing at all... >\\\<
twitter sounds good, since it's the easiest to use :)

Ok, ok!! That's great~ Please mention me. I can use you're translations of the previous tweets, right? May I credit it like "xxx(the name you like) @ NUINTL"? Because you're now part of the team~ xD How can I call you? (In the page, and personally) My name is Mónica, but I sign as JunNi. ^^

my real name is Nisa, but in the net I go by nizzyool :) anyway, is there a NUINTL twitter/tumblr/site?

I've a big problem with twitter (because it doesn't work well on my computer), but I think it have to work. xD I'm Jun_MinHae on twitter~ I just need the twitter translation because, poorly, I don't know Korean. T3T Thank you very much my love~ ♥

I have been translating NUBOYZ's tweets since their first tweet. I set it so I'll get notification when they tweet (basically I set the notification on for every Starship X artists but I only translate Jooyoung's and NUBOYZ's) ^^
I'll mention you right after posting this :)

(cont~) If you're good with that, then you HIRED!! ♥♥ Do you have a facebook account, or...? xD So that we can talk normally... ^^ (I must apologize for my English from the begin, I'm Portuguese and my English is not really good. xD)

I'll help you as much as I can :) but as you may see on Twitter, I talk more abt Jooyoung/B1A4/EXO/DBSK/JYJ and I only rely on NUBOYZ twitter ^^;; personally I don't really wanna use my FB account for KPop-related things, so... any other idea? :)
anyway what's your twitter username?

I'm just calling you repeatedly on twitter!! kkkkk Don't think I'm stalker or nothing, please. y.y Honestly, they don't have anything to know yet. I know I'll love them in the future, because they seem the kind of group I'll stan forever. xD (cont~) ♥JunNi-ah

really? but I checked my mentions earlier and really there isn't any mentions about NUBOYZㅠㅠ
oh well but good thing you reach me via ask.fm! :)

Hello, hello! I'm sorry, I'm trying to contact you by twitter but you don't answer... Are you just ignoring me? xD I hope not. I noticed that you can translate from Korean to English... I'm NUBOYZ International's header admin, and I wanted to know if your interested in the translator job!! ♥JunNi-ah

OMG sorry I wasn't ignoring you but I guess I missed it ;~~;
I don't really know about NUBOYZ though, I just translate their tweets that's all;; but if you're okay, I'm okay with that :)

kak masuk bkk kalo ga bisa bahasa korea bisa ga?._.

saya gak bisa bahasa korea waktu pertama masuk. semua teman2 saya gak ada yang bisa bahasa korea dulu.
di semua jurusan sastra di UI, bahasa diajarkan dari tahap awal sekali, mulai dari cara membaca huruf. selain itu jangan lupa bahwa untuk diterima di UI jurusan apapun kamu harus ikut ujian yg isinya pengetahuan dasar dan pengetahuan IPA atau pengetahuan IPS. jadi gak ada hubungannya sama sekali kamu bisa bahasa korea atau tidak dengan kemungkinan kamu diterima di jurusan Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Korea UI.
bahkan kalau kamu lancarrr sekali bahasa koreanya pun tetap saja tidak bisa kuliah di BKK UI kalau tidak lulus ujian masuknya.
(pertanyaan mengenai "bagaimana supaya bisa masuk UI?" silakan buka penerimaan.ui.ac.id dulu yaa)

Ka, bleh tnya gk? BKK UI tuh apa sih?

Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Korea Universitas Indonesia. nama resmi dari jurusan sastra korea ui. karena panjang jadi kami sering menyingkat jadi bkk...

Dokumennya dikirim kemana?

tergantung kamu apply via kedubes atau universitas. kalo apply via kedubes, kirimnya ya ke kedubes di jakarta. kalo apply via universitas, kirim langsung ke universitasnya di korea lewat pos.
lengkapnya di www.studyinkorea.go.kr ya coba download aplikasi KGSP 2014 kemarin dan dipelajari baik2 :)

What single piece of technology makes your life easier?

internet!! well I know internet has negative side effects but hey, a knife can be a very helpful thing in the hands of a cook while it can be a very dangerous thing in the hands of a murderer.
if it's not because of internet, I don't know how I would be able to apply for KGSP scholarship.
if it's not because of internet, I don't know how I would finish my thesis.

Dokumen untuk dafar KGSP apa aja kak?

untuk yg program Graduate, ya.
-yang udah ada formnya di formulir pendaftaran, tinggal diisi:
1. biodata pribadi
2. recommendation letter
3. study/research plan + future plan
4. self introduction letter
5. health examination letter
-yang harus disiapin sendiri. semua dokumen yg tertera di bawah harus dilegalisir di kedubes korea.
1. ijazah & transkrip S1 (fotokopi asli *bahasa indonesia* dan terjemahan asli *bahasa inggris, yg ada cap asli dari penerjemah tersumpah*)
2. kartu keluarga (fotokopi asli *bahasa indonesia* dan terjemahan asli *bahasa inggris, yg ada cap asli dari penerjemah tersumpah*)
3. fotokopi sertifikat toefl/ielts/tes bahasa inggris lain kalau ada
4. fotokopi sertifikat TOPIK kalau ada
5. fotokopi penghargaan kalau ada
6. fotokopi paspor

kak Youth Camp for Asia's Future yg di korea itu pas applynya perkenalan dirinya kayak gimana ya?

hmm maksudnya introduction letter? dulu saya gak bikin gitu2an soalnya saya perwakilan dari prodi Korea UI (yg wakil dari prodi Korea UGM juga gak bikin. tapi setelah tahun 2012 "jatah" prodi gak ada dan semua harus apply via KCC).
kalo perkenalan diri di introduction letter ya seperti biasa aja... siapa kita, pekerjaan kita apa, instansi tempat kita bernaung, aktivitas kita. tapi ada baiknya ditambahin tentang ketertarikan kita akan budaya korea, lalu aktivitas dan prestasi yang menyangkut korea-koreaan kalau ada. kalau bisa sih yg nggak semuanya nyangkut kpop, misalnya prestasinya juara speech contest dalam bahasa korea gitu. tapi yaa kalo adanya juara lomba cover dance, ya masukin aja sih^^

What’s the first thing you’d do if you were the opposite sex for one day?

buy all those cool male shirts and pants I've bern wanting to buy

What is one thing you will never do again?

eat jjampong on empty stomach.
I swear I will not let my internal organs go through such pain anymore ㅠㅠ


Language: English