

Ask @chocochen

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fakta unik lu yg nggk dpunyai org laen ?

the only foreigner in Jooyoung's fancafe.
well maybe not because Yanyi /may/ have joined the cafe too lol
but I'm sure I'm the first foreigner to put up introduction post in the fancafe B)

Kak boleh minta kontaknya ga ?? Line kkt atau yg lain ??? Ahu mau tanya2 :) makasih

soshiologyy’s Profile PhotoRed
Ke email aja ya annisanizz [at] windowslive [dot] com

Halo, boleh tanya ya :) http://ask.fm/chocochen/answer/123411975471 di situ kamu bilang kalo dokumen2 dlm b.indo spt KK stlh diterjemahkan harus dilegalisir notaris. Kalo sdh pakai penerjemah tersumpah apa masih perlu ke notaris lagi? Ohya, smua fotokopi dokumen b.indo jg hrs legalisir notaris ya?

Iya. Soalnya kemaren saya udah nyampe kedubes mau minta legalisir kedubes tau2 disuruh ke notaris dulu =____= kalau masih kurang yakin, silakan ditelpon pihak kedubes Koreanya. Sekarang kan pendaftaran KGSP sudah resmi dibuka, seharusnya sih kalau nanya ke kedubes udah ga akan dilempar-lempar lagi.

kakak...kalau mau masuk prodi bahasa korea harus bisa bahasa inggris gak?

Nikiya Yiro Hmawuri
nggaaaaak sama sekali karena namanya aja Universitas Indonesia jurusan Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Korea :D
syaratnya kamu lulus harus bisa bahasa Korea kalo nggak buat apa 4 tahun kuliah ^^

it di ui yg lomba padsu wajib?

Kalau sesuai ketentuan sih wajib, tapi pada kenyataan pelaksanaannya, walaupun setiap hari diabsen, ada juga yg gak dateng padus. Saran saya dateng aja sih kecuali kamu ada keperluan mendesak banget yg ga bisa ditinggal. Soalnya masa-masa maba itu gak akan dateng lagi... dan (walaupun tergantung bagaimana kamu menyikapi dan menjalaninya) masa maba itu menyenangkan :D

kak ipk ngaruh gak utk dpt beasiswa kgsp?

Ngaruh, tapi pengaruhnya gak sebesar 1) pilihan universitas & jurusan yg kamu tuju 2) introduction letter, study plan, recommendation letter

Halo, maaf ya nanya lg... untuk ijazah itu pelru di cap notaris juga gak sh? atau ckup legalisir UI trs dubes korsel? trs klo terjemahan dokumen itu msh perlu di cap notaris atau dr penerjemah sudah lgsg bisa di legalisir di dubes? oh ya kamu dlu knp gk trjemahin di LBI UI klo blh tau? mksi bnyaaaak

1. Ijazah cukup dilegalisir UI trus kedubes korsel
2. Terjemahan semuanya dicap notaris dulu baru ke kedubes korsel
3. Soalnya LBI selembarnya mahal hehehe

What was the first thing on your mind this morning?

"Jam berapa matahari belum terbit kan masih keburu subuhnya kan"

What’s the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to you?

I've just received this via KakaoTalk:
"소소한 것에 재미를 느끼는 당신(굿)"
Which means "You who find everything is interesting even at the little things (emoticon thumbs up)"
And this really made my day :)

What are you currently addicted to?

Mad Clown's sweet rap. Not the angry, vicious ones...
How can I not addicted to when he says--
네가 활짝 웃을 때 입술이 너무 예뻐
그 입술 위에 입술이 내 것이라 기뻐
이 밤은 깊고도 깊어
더는 여기 남겨진 혼자가 아니라서 기뻐
--which basically means
"When you smile, your lips are pretty
I'm happy because the lips on those lips are mine
As the night goes deeper
I'm happy I'm not alone here"
and those were rapped accompanying Junggigo's sweet serenade of Eddy Kim's The Manual. Ha.
For me that equals to Jooyoung's Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You or Call You Mine ^o^

If you could go back in time to talk to yourself, what would you say?

"You've done well. Keep it up, don't be burdened, just smile and everything will fall into place."


Language: English