
Amanda Ho

Ask @AmandaHo98

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Amanda... Thank you so much. I wish she didn't involve you, but I really appreciate your maturity. A lot. It's rare nowadays to find someone that handles things this well.

kimmy.. it's no biggy as long as you're ok, everything's fine. dont worry, i actually enjoyed writing that. iT WAS MY MOMENT TO SHINE. LOOOLjk. thank you very, vERy VERY much. i appreciate that yo. im amanda what do u expect ahehhaha im jk omg. ight hope you had a good day and didn't freeze to death bc it's cold a'f here lmao.

erm i am not daniel but i want to thank you and say that i respect you

thank you, that is very sweet of you to say! you're the kind of person that can make my day in the simplest way(s). lmfao rhyminnn.
Liked by: Asmah Daniel Lee

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why do you even talk to @dannyOTL ew

sarahxu’s Profile Photosarah
he's actually a nice person, sarah. look, you guys might just not be compatible but going around saying that about him is just plain rude. i could go around saying that kind of stuff about someone i dont like too- but i dont, because i respect them as a person anyways. i think daniel deserves to be respected just like everyone else. i respect your thoughts about him, but you seriously don't need to share them with me. i really don't see why you're doing all of this, you've never spoken to him as a normal person. you just spontaneously attacked him with insults and tried to start a fight for no reason whatsoever. i get it, you can't like everyone but again, respecting the person should be the least you could do especially if the other has done nothing wrong. you shouldn't judge him based on what you've heard or on what he's done in the past. i don't think you realize how much effort he puts into everything he does. i seriously also don't understand why you don't like him. all i have to say is that, from what ive seen and/or been through- i know that daniel only has good intentions rn. he's sweet. he's actually a really nice and warm guy, i got to admit that. everyone fucks up one day or another but dwelling in the past won't get you any further in life, especially if you're preoccupied with someone elses past! lol my bad if this is kind of really long, but yeah. hope you get me and hope you had a nice day even tho the weather might not really be the best atm lol.

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Thanks And Good luck! Fighting~

what i canot fight during an exam what u tryna do here, make me fail ?!! lMFAO thank you !!
Liked by: Asmah

hi everyone likes you

me : *walks by*
dad : hi princess
me : hello peasant dont
you dare talk to me
dad : you're mean gtfo
me : wtf i want to go pee
dad : piss your pants fair lady
me : wtf i hope you pee your
pants next time u wan pee
dad : *gets up, goes to bathroom*
me : .. wtf u suq *bangs on door*
lmfao o god i love you, dad u suq

No I made myself into a fool basicaLLY

oK IF YOU SAY SO LOLOL qtqt omg dude are you freezing rn bc i am jfc akfjsjek

hi they like you

omfg i have to admit this ily philippe you're so sweet sOBS what happened today was omfg LOL pls keep pervert away from me when we go shopping together again oairkdjwiei hi anon thanks for your random questions everywhere lmfao


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