
Amanda Ho

Ask @AmandaHo98

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What kind of flaws?

thatd be giving out way too much lmfao ill name you a few tho, impatience; sometimes, lack of thought before doing or saying something; a tad uncaring; idk.. i try to think more on the positive side, he has alot of nice aspects or whatever too so ya :-)

What you would like to say to the special guy :

dear guy that isnt actually that special,
you have sooooooo many flaws like no joke but while talking to you, ive slowly learned how to be ok with them, bc im not perfect anyways ya. you can say the meanest shit lmfao and idk if you ever actually mean them, but tbh, i dont get hurt or anything by those comments so whatever. i dont know if you maybe like me back, lets see how these next few weeks go by.. maybe days if you fuck up lol. sry if i sometimes seem to hate you when i actually dont?? uh im being all emotional so anyways, if da niqqa sees this and actually has feelings for me, dont be stupid and speak up omggg ok.

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does love feel good or bad?

good, when you feel that the other person likes u back. bad, when u know that he or she doesnt like u back or if he/she shows no sign of feelings for u anyhow.

Favorite color? Favorite month? Favorite season? Favorite school subject? Favorite animal? Sweater or hoodie? Water or pepsi? Makeup or not? How tall are you? Do you want to be skinny? How do you show your love for someone? Favorite person? Someone you have been talking to alot lately? Thank you..

blue; december/february; winter/spring; math/french; tiger idk; sweater; water; never makeup; idk almost 5'4"?; nop, just fit; tbh idk i would sometimes joke like as if i didnt like them but then i would show that i do but the person's just confused afterwards lmao so most of the time, i tell them later on or they end up telling me that they like me idk; ..my parents? lol; echo/nowe/twat/u dumb/dork/loser/ghey; no problem.

I swear, I'm going to find out who you like!

what the fuck do u want oh my fucking god im actually spelling all of those out do u see how weirded out i am laughing my ass off ha haha ha

What size do you want your boyfriend to be?

i want him to be at least 6 feet tall idk lmfao did i answer this right??

What's your favorite smell?

uh; lavender but i dont like it when it's too strong; coconut; peach/strawberry (???); downy lmao; my little cousin bc he always smells rly good LOL..


Language: English