
Amanda Ho

Ask @AmandaHo98

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What was unexpected?

falling for someone who i never would have thought that id fall for and the fact that we kind of rly disliked eachother before lmfao nothing rly makes sense anymore tho so let it be~
Liked by: Park Jung Woo

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"A heartbreaker falls for two different kinds of people, one with a kind heart and one with the same contributes as the 'heartbreaker; which makes them a heartbreaker' the ones who have fell for the heartbreaker might just become heartbroken but that's one step to becoming a heartbreaker."

- other anon COUGH

you're right too so 1 : 1

"A heartbreaker falls for a heartbreaker, the one who fell might just become a heartbroken, which could lead the other one to be one also, and so the heartbreakers truly see how the hearts they've broken now feel.. In pain. Or the two heartbreakers officially become the heartbreaker otp. The end. "

- anon

*softly caresses your face* you're so beautiful

channiebits’s Profile Photojudas
woh pls make sure your hands are rly clean or ill have to fckng bitchslap you, LMFAO. thank you omg :,-) so are you, i bet idk let me silently look at your whole feed idek if youre a girl or not yet sobs ok
Liked by: Park Jung Woo judas

Have you ever been so stressed you just want to go run into the street and start breakdancing idk my.life is screwed up rn and im guessing ur going thru hard times too. so heres a hug and hope better times come soon ~ stay strong <3

tbh, no.. but thank you very much. i do hope everything gets better soon, you'll be able to get through it! don't give up, ight. everything ends one day or another, happiness included lol. but it can always come back. as long as you keep thinking positive, even tho it might be hard- it's worth it, right? while in these situations, i think all you need to do is to smile, laugh and love anon. bc i guess it can make your mood better? tbh i suck at this so do bare with me, lol. also, if it actually makes you feel better.. do it, go run in the streets and start dancing, lmfao. uhuh, hope your life comes back together soon! haha, again- thank you very much for your little message, it's the first thing i saw this morning (basically) and it made me smile, i appreciate it. -hugs a niqqa back- , you better not be a hypocrtie and take your own advice, stay strong ok! if you ever need anyone to talk to, you can always msg me btw. hm, if you do it here- i wont answer them but find another way to contact you, ok? idk, just letting you know (oh and that goes for everyone). alright, have a nice day/night! xo

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Liked by: Park Jung Woo

AH OK IL SAPPELLE DANIEL AH DACC. Mais ya un ask? Heun. Jcomprends kedallll pcq cest qui nowe man

lubelle’s Profile PhotoBelle.Q
OUUUUUUUI IL S'APPELLE DANIEL LOL, oui yen a un et bah cest qqu dautre lmao, au pire je t'expliquerai tout un jour omgogmmg !!!!!!

HAHAHAHA yeah i knew you'd knew but heyyyy whatevahhhh. Haha. Mais Daniel? C'est qui ca. Hein. Idk. Who. That is. ._.

lubelle’s Profile PhotoBelle.Q

Serieux, je croyais tavais de quoi pr ton ami lol. I forgot his name though ._.

lubelle’s Profile PhotoBelle.Q
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I SOOOOOOO KNEW YOUD SAY THAT !! bah bof la, on pourrait dire que oui mais, ce n'etait pas grand chose alors yeahhh.. it's not like i ever thought about getting into a relationship with him tbh. tille, le random qui sortait toujours de no where, daniel? lol we're still rly rly close friends tho, juste pas un fckng couple lmao omg allo isabelle
Liked by: Park Jung Woo

What do you usually forget?

that sometimes, i just want to express literally every feeling i have for someone and then something else happens so i get distracted and then well nothing happens between me and the other anymore, poof. that time when i confessed, it was actually a first and i rly didnt know how to do it so omg i probably looked rly not serious about it even tho i was and still am?? the hell am i even talking about uh, ok so yeah i tend to forget to express the feelings that i have for/to the ones i love which is one of my flaws.

Dan..... its as if he never meant anything to you ... Selfish & heartless bitch.....

wow u actually had the guts to come here and say that. oh wait no, you're still on anon. wth u people, i get that u all expected for me and him to end up together but not everything turns out as planned, huh?? you only imposed the fucking otp ok, i didnt get to say a word about it. this is rly stupid, pointless and most likely none of ur business. me and dan are just rly close friends, no joke! we had nothing from the start! it was just all of you with ur fucking assumptions. i get it, we go oh ily, ily2 blabla but uh, can't we say those kinds of stuff even if we're just friends? i think so. so can u all just cut the crap already, it's getting old and truly annoying. irdc about what u have to say about this, but ik that if i didnt take care of this on my own, he would step in. i dont want that. just leave it alone gdi bc it affects both ours, me and dan's, personal relationships? ok and dont think im pissed, im not. im just letting it out, once and for all. thank you.

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Liked by: Park Jung Woo

What were you just thinking about?

i was thinking about how it seems that, sad people matter more than happy people, which i found and realized to be quite true, as in- people care more about the sad than about the happy. but you know what, people? that sad person there, he/she could have been a happy person that turned sad bc none gave him/her attention, before. point is, happy people need love, affection and attention too. yeah idk you might find me either stupid for thinking like this or reasonable.
Liked by: Park Jung Woo

For the next 25 questions you get, you HAVE to answer them all. Yes or no?

ight, shoot. ive gotten none yet so 25 answers about anything that u want, woOo.
Liked by: Park Jung Woo


Language: English