
Amanda Ho

Ask @AmandaHo98

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What's the latest thing that made you smile?

im rereading our olddd ass convos, lmao omg aiwirjdnekr we were bums ♡ o and answering this question lastly bc going to sleep, goodnight
Liked by: Park Jung Woo

Aww, il legit parle avec MJ?

oui, cutest thing ever hehe. il est trop adorable, bwahaha. surtout parce qu'il est pas mal FUCKING occupé, mais il prend quand même son temps pour nous parler mdr. ♡ il essaye vraiment de "fitter" en plus huehue. whatever, j'ai d'autre chose à dire mais bon lolol.

Amanda A girl who is worthy of love, as her name means. Intelligent, kind, and witty; she can light up a room simply with her smile. Her sense of humor is amazing, only fully appreciated by a few; if you can truly make her laugh then hold on to her, because she's special, and she knows you are too.

omg i've read that on urbandic so many times loool but aw man, dis is still cute ♡ ty hehe aND SUREEE, YOU'RE SPECIAL TOO ANON, you're special in your own way a. a hue
Liked by: Park Jung Woo


Language: English