
Amanda Ho

Ask @AmandaHo98

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Do you like daniel kim ?

as you may have seen- i already have feelings for someone. idk if you mean like as a friend or as in like, like. either way, no?? i dont know much about kimmy yet, we dont really talk alot and yeah lol. i dont have any strong feelings for him but, he's a sweet and cool guy. lmfao this is literally taking 25 mins for me to answer bc i keep laughing, oh god. point is, nowe !!??!?!!? love u turd lol. no hard feelings pretty boy !! hwhehahhahahahahahah so done, im still laughing :,-) i keep reading what i wrote omg ok done, next-

What is your favorite ice cream?

uh; either vanilla or mint chocolate. other than that, i will probs not accept. oOoh, maybe butter pecan, just maybe tho, ya.

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When do you feel bad?

i know this might sound weird but.. i feel bad when people around me are sad and im here, all happy and jumpy and stuff like, you can see me smile and laugh for no reason.. but.. the others are sad and depressed. it just, i cant stay happy, it bothers me. what bothers me isnt the fact that theyre sad, i just wonder why im so happy, why am i the only one that's happy, etc. i wish i was able to actually spread around my happiness but i seem to not be of any help so i just, dont show it off. yeah, this actually really sounds stupid, i know- the people around would feel happy to see that im happy but eh i just cant ok.

That was obviously asked to make you feel better Amanda, lolol. Hope you had a nice day, beautiful loser. I have screenshots of you btw, beware. LOL. How was your science exam?

tru. ya thank you, same goes for u, ugly loser. wow fckn no more cam, fck u ill delete everything when i see you lmao no joke ill take ur phone sobs. it actually went well, thank u again for ur help, it did help alot lol. omFg dude today ok i lost my ipod lmfao alors jai fucking freak quand je suis sortie de lecole et que jai realise que je ne lavais pas dans mes poches oh mon dieuuuuuu. lol je suis retourner dans lecole et jai genre essayer de le rechercher blabla, pis jai fini par demander au directeur et IL LAVAIT, OMG jetais comme THANK YOU RANDOM PERSON WHO BROUGHT IT TO HIM OGMGMGMGM I LOV YOuUuuUu serieusement lmfao ugh i stayed like 20mins more than usually tho. anyways stop fckn messaging me on here when u have fckn line, kakao, kik, etc jfc lol.
Liked by: Daniel Lee

What is your main rule?

' lets not judge a book by it's cover, get to know it first, explore it. but even then, your judgment still wouldn't be quite right because you actually will never really know the person since the person himself has yet, to know himself. then again! people constantly change, so there's really no point in getting to know every little detail about the person because it's just how life is. think more about how you're going to get along with the person, how you're going to enjoy your time with him ' idfk i just thought about it lmfao ik im lame sob s
Liked by: Park Jung Woo

Compliments you've been getting alot?

uh; i like your hair, it's so soft and shiny; i like your eyes; i like your brain (lmao); your personality is nice; you got slimmer, nice job!; wot ever, stuff like that
Liked by: Daniel Lee

everyone knows that you're in a relationship with you know who ... :////

WTF LOL YEAH NOOOOOO !! those are all assumptions wth fuckn omg no, just no. not sure who youre thinking about but either way, i have yet to be in a relationship with someone ok

its not emily's friends sending it, its her sending it LMAO.

yeah i figured that out lmfao whatever, she's being pathetic anyways and sry i guess for thinking that it was her friends, whatever yo. hope ur ight ye.

Wow u still like him even though u went all through this

yeah and wth do u mean, are you trying to say he was the cause of all of this? hell nah bxtch, these are my own problems so wtf. leave him out of this.
Liked by: Daniel Lee

Amanda.. Est-ce que ça va? I don't know but.. Tu ne sembles pas de bien filer. Tu n'as pas été capable de concentrer en classe, ces jours-ci. Allez chouette, cheer up. Do well on your P.E. test. Do your legs and back feel any better? I'm sincerely sorry that I haven't been able to be there for you.

im sorry for making you worry about me. im sorry that sometimes im so ungrateful towards you. im sorry. but thank you so much. i, i can't, i just can't concentrate, ive been trying so hard tho. sadly, no- my legs don't feel any better but, my back does so yay. wow no, youve been here for me enough dan, thank you so much. serieusement, tu fais trop. et j'apprecies vraiment. sobs foreals, merci beaucoup. ew tho, youre making me emotional and you know that ive only been like this twice now, ever since we met so wth stop lol.

emily (@babohun) and ely (@indecisxve) are going to get in an insta fight, whos side are you on?

are u actually stupid enough to ask me that, ely's ofc lmao. wow that is so stupid, i dont think ely actually wants be involved in some shitty, childish insta fight. just piss off and forget about it. you guys, emily's groupie, you're not making anything better and you're not making yourselves look any better either. you guys wouldnt be starting all of this bs if you weren't afraid of something. i dont even get why you would get me involved in this lol i dont have time to waste on stuff like that. ely's obvs better than you guys tbh, now run along kids. oh and emily, get your shit together and grow up, same to your friends. bye.

What are you sorry for?

for not being to express my feelings for u well, im sry. but, itll slowly, little by little, happen within the time we spend together. unless u donot want it then ok.
Liked by: Daniel Lee

What do you find annoying?

what i find rather annoying is when these crazed kpop/korean related stuff fangirls get all cray cray and try to become friends with all the pretty korean boys on the world and they go all oppa and theyre all like oh youre so kyeopta, like bitch say the whole thing in english or in korean lmao. they go flirt with every damn korean guy on social networks and stuff like that, they do as if one was more special to them than another, when they arent lmfao it's pretty obvious, the way they act. uh, the main thing that bothered me is when i would just try to socialize with some korean guy and he'd think that i was one of those fuckn fangirls lmfao it sickens me omg like wow fine whatever. and when they actually get to know me, they tell me they were wrong blabla and that they regret treating me like that, that theyre sorry. idk they just start to think " all these girls only like me bc im korean ". idefk what im saying anymore sobs someone hAalp

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Thinking about?

someone, about how i should go shower now, maybe go on a hiatus for awhile, finish my homework, finish the letters that have been in my drawer for a few weeks already, about what's happening in my life, around it, hm.. yeah that's it for now.
Liked by: Daniel Lee

How could one tolerate you and all of your boy friends

lmfao wth is this omg i pretty much stopped talking to all of them and i didnt even have that much.. i think ??!!?? point is, once i like someone, i tend to get distant with alot of people ok so niqqa dont get all up in my business lol
Liked by: Daniel Lee


Language: English